Motivation died :(

11 months, 19 days ago

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A horrid 'pop' came from a creaky old carriage. Groaning with every movement it made. All the supplies that were being hauled tilted off the side. Bags opened up allowing the fruit to roll away. Silverware clattered around (at least the few brought with). The horse dragging the stuff around halted. Neighing in distraught. 

Inomara swung her head around, her hands gripping the side of her skirt to prevent any of the clutter from dirtying the lovely color of red. The dress may be old, but it has carried more burdens than the horse ever would. Memories stretched out into a long, dangerous, yet peaceful meadow. 

She used her brown, leather boot to push away any object that came too close. Personal space being set up even for non animate things. "I told you that the carriage wouldn't hold up." Gloating in her triumph of being right. In this situation it wasn't much of a good thing. But she was right. Not annoyed by this minor set-up as she turned back to the khajiit next to her. 

He is a girthy tree that's for sure. Inomara craned her neck up to meet his gaze. Towering over her gives her a cool shade to stay in, blocking the sun. He's got such a handsome face, the most gorgeous one around. All the khajiits fell to his feet wanting him to give them a glance. Yet, she managed to captivate his heart somehow. 

Nair told her that she was just biased and it was just friment of her own reality. One she conjured up so she could flex on others of how spontaneous her husband was. 

Nair came over to the horse to comfort her. Rubbing her snout gently and muttering encouraging words. Inomara doubts the horse could even understand what the words mean. The horse nuzzled into his hands trying to squeeze out more affection. Laughing in response he whispered to the horse that Inomara was easily able to hear. "Good job." 

He eventually stopped petting the animal and focused on his wife. "I know." No hostility hinted in his voice. Just a calm reply affirming that she was indeed right of her s
