June Prompt 1 - The Queen's Tournament

11 months, 26 days ago

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Katrina knew she shouldn't be here, but her heart raced all the more because of it. Her parents were none the wiser their daughter had entered herself into this fierce tournament, though she was giddy to show them, prove to them that she was worthy of their respect by winning. Hopefully with flying colours, but looking at the other contenders she knew she had her work cut out for her. She wrapped her hands carefully in gauze to protect them whilst sizing up the other contenders she could see from her corner of the dressing room. Lots of martial artists, some boxers and a few wrestlers. She could only hope that she wouldn't get anyone TOO beefy as a first opponent… she still had to warm up after all.


Lucky for her, the first opponent was laughably easy. Kat was a tricky fighter that tended to toe the lined between fighting fair and using dirty tactics, but a fair fight was all she needed to turn the tides in her favour here. She knocked out the other bean with ease, and reveled in her win as she sauntered back into the dressing room to wait until the next bracket. 

From there she kept winning, some fights easier then others but all within her capabilities. 


It was time for the final fight, and as she waited for her name to be announced, she scanned the stands. Unexpected to her, her eyes laid on a few people in the crowd. 

Kyrie! Her best friend and biggest cheerleader, whilst she probably didn't approve, she was getting ready to give a big cheer when she came out into the arena. On the other side, her eyes fell upon the familiar rust coat of her father, Ashe. She could only see him and not her other dad- which in some way was a relief as she'd be even more nervous if they were both there… but the fact that even one had come was bad enough. She was going to have her ears talked off later. 

Despite the fact she knew she had a lecture coming at her later, she perked up at the sound of her name and boldly strutted into the ring. There were whoops and cheers, and she did a dainty bow for her newfound fans. Her heart fluttered, wondering if there was even people betting on her in the stands. 

Her opponent was a well built bean who obviously was some sort of sports player: maybe rugby, perhaps just a boxer. She smirked slightly, knowing that whilst she was shadowed by his height, that if she could dodge enough of his blows she could probably trip him up and end it all quite quickly. Though she did want to give them a show for the last fight…Plus her father was watching. 

So as the fight started, she made sure to let a few of his punches connect. Soon it was over, and she stood proud and tall as the crowd whooped and cheered her on. She'd even be granted an audience with the queen! And from the stands, she saw her father's faint smile. 

She had done it, she had shown she was worthy.