Three's Company

10 months, 1 day ago

Thancred realises that Haurchefant is in love with his Warrior of Light, and decides to let him know that it's okay. And at this point Miyhu's just here for the ride-

[Post Heavensward /AU this is not canon to Miyhu at all he doesn't get this happiness pensive emoji]

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The meeting had been useless from the moment it started, Thancred knew, seeing that Lord Haurchefant walking in with the assistance of a cane yet still insisting that he could fight as he used to.

Thancred had spent the entire argument, as that was what it truly was, with his hand resting on Miyhu's thigh. It might have been a waste of time, but at the very least he could have some fun with it.

He pretended not to know why Miyhu had to be there too, to let the small Miqo'te think he was hiding his guilt well enough until the day he could get it through their dumb little head that it wasn't their fault.

Haurchefant had been grievously injured protecting them, but it had been Miyhu that didn't give up, throwing every potion and curative they owned at the Elezen, and even if it had taken him a long while to recover enough to even leave his bed, it was Miyhu who had secured his life and gave him the chance to stand before them and claim he wasn't wincing every time he lifted his arms.

And of course, if Miyhu was going to be there, Thancred had to go as well, the older man knowing there would be points or words that Miyhu would later ask him to explain, and he might as well be there for the full context.

As the other occupants filed from the room, handing Haurchefant their unwanted condolences after throwing his disability in his face, Thancred thought that maybe there was something to be gained from this meeting after all. Miyhu was rubbing Haurchefant's arm soothingly, and instead of the strained politeness that the others were granted, Haurchefant actually smiled at them, a small smile, but a smile nonetheless.

Thancred let them talk softly as he observed them, recalling every moment he'd seen them together. Haurchefant brightening up from even the most dour of moods the moment he saw Miyhu, the hugs and touches that lingered longer than politeness dictated, and the looks that turned sour for a moment once he saw Thancred with them.

Lord Haurchefant had it bad for his Warrior of Light, and the poor sod didn't even realise that he did actually have a chance.

Well, that's what happens when you fall for someone as oblivious as Miyhu, he supposed.

As their conversation ended, Thancred settled for putting the poor guy out of his misery. After a moment more, that is, he can only go so long without causing some small mischief after all.

Miyhu had barely closed their mouth when Thancred grasped their chin and pulled their head round, pressing his lips against theirs, grinning at the surprised noise he let out against his mouth. As he deepened the kiss, feeling Miyhu brace themself against his chest, Thancred glanced to Haurchefant. The (stupidly, in Thancred's opinion) taller male had averted his gaze with an odd expression on his face while the tips of his long ears burned bright red.

After a moment longer, he released his small lover, chuckling at the whine they gave him at the seperation. As an apology, he gave him a quick, and far more chaste kiss before he settled back in his seat, a smug grin aimed at Haurchefant.

Haurchefant cleared his throat, still not looking at the two of them, and spoke up, "well, if we're quite done here, I shall be t-"

"I wonder," Thancred said, cutting him off loudly, "if you know the nature of our relationship," and he gestured between himself and Miyhu, who looked at him with confusion.

"Why're you mentioning it?" They asked, head tilted, as Haurchefant started stuttering.

"Well, you- you're lovers-"

Thancred laughed as Haurchefant flustered, "correct, but I was wondering if you knew that our relationship is more on the… open side."

Haurchefant looked at him with wide eyes as Miyhu looked between the two of them, his single braincell working overtime to figure out the correlation.

"You… you two…" Haurchefant's whole face reddened and Thancred laughed again, "am I truly that transparent?" Haurchefant asked as he covered his face with his hands, attempting to regain what was left of his dignity.

"To everyone but the most oblivious hero in the realm," Thancred teased as he stood and grabbed Miyhu under their arms, lifting him easily and plonking him on Haurchefant's lap.

Miyhu glanced over his shoulder at Thancred, who smiled encouragingly, before turning back to face Haurchefant, still with some confusion, but an inkling had formed, "you like me?" 

The much taller male continued to cover his face, even as Miyhu tried to gently move them, and very quietly said, "since we first met."


"Don't 'aw', you never caught on!" Thancred laughed, giving them a playful slap on the arm.

He turned to poke his tongue out at him, before turning back and wiggling happily on Haurchefant's lap, "I like you too! If you're okay with sharing, then you can have me too!"

Haurchefant glanced between the Warrior of Light and his partner, then smiled gently at them, moving one of his hands to cup Miyhu's cheek. They nuzzled his head into the hand, a quiet purr starting up.

"I would be delighted to be given the chance to love you openly," he spoke softly, not giving away the fact that he wasn't entirely pleased with the 'sharing' aspect, but he was in too deep now to deny himself the happiness of being with them.

Thancred snorted and patted Haurchefant's shoulder, then pressed a kiss to Miyhu's unoccupied cheek, "I'll leave you two to uh, work out the details," he winked with a smirk, "if you need me, you know where our room is."

He moved towards the door, stopping just before he left to give the two another wide grin, "or if you want to let me join in the fun."

Haurchefant blushed bright red again, and Miyhu laughed loudly, "Thancred!" 

Thancred laughed himself and ducked out of the room before anyone could throw anything at him, it was about time for him to find some trouble to get into while they figure themselves out anyway.