~ A Tale Of Two Mers ~

11 months, 14 days ago
11 months, 14 days ago
2 727

Chapter 1
Published 11 months, 14 days ago

Mild Violence

Here’s the story!! I’m still working on it but I hope you enjoy what I’ve written so far :)

It is still a short story, just split into chapters for convenience of reading :p

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01. Unassuming

The waves above the sea crashed, foam spraying the rocks as rain poured down and thunder rolled. It was dangerous and stormy above the waterline, but underneath it was a totally different scene.

The water was colder than normal, Bahari thought to himself as he glided along the depths. It was darker than usual in shallower water, perfect for a hunt.

His practiced eyes scanned the sands beneath him, which were faintly illuminated by his bioluminescence, a soft green glow. The water was more turbulent during a storm, which made hunting a slight bit more of a difficulty than it usually was. However, there were always pros and cons to everything. 

Bahari saw the crab before it saw him. The ray dived suddenly, his wings stirring up sand as his hands clamped around the rough exoskeleton of the crustacean. The crab thrashed, pincers flailing, as Bahari took his catch somewhere safer for now. 

He was usually content to eat in the open, but the storm was making the water turbulence much worse and he would rather find some rocky outcropping or cave to hide in and eat his meal.

And lo and behold! There was a rather large cave nearby, which Bahari took note of and began to swim towards. He was fighting the movements of the water the entire way there, but relaxed when he finally reached it and ducked inside a ways.

This would soon prove to be a terrible mistake.