The Lengths Gone

11 months, 13 days ago

Mild Violence

Some Treasure Hoarders have taken a job to retrieve Ousei for one of Harbingers. Completely unknowing of who their father is.

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They didn’t understand it. There was no way they could understand it. Their entire hideout was engulfed in a supernatural hurricane. Swirling winds that cut like blades, lightning that always seemed to strike true. And in the eye of it storm, the one who summoned it, was a monster.

He still looked the exact same as he did when he had one of the most feared names in the world. A beautiful face, an inhuman body, a glare that could turn people to dust, and a power that could wipe out armies. He was once one of the people who sowed chaos in the world for the sake of his own ambitions. Then one day, he just seemingly disappeared, even his name being forgotten.

They didn’t stand a chance. They believed him to be some vengeful god. What he wanted revenge for, they didn’t know. Until he stopped before the leader, his gaze cold.

“The child. Where are they?” he asked.

The leader froze, realizing what the monster wanted. The child they took was just supposed to be bounty. Give them to their employer an receive a large reward. But at this point, what was the reward worth if he and his men were dead?

“T-They’re safe, I promise you! J-Just in that room down there!” the leader stammered out while pointing.

The monster walked past him, not saying anything else. He reached the door, and blew it off its hinges with a massive gust of wind. He then strode in. The leader tried to get closer to hear what was being said. And when he did, he could hardly believe it.

“Are you alright?”

“T-They we’re going to give me to him! They were going to give me back to the-”

His voice grew soft, shushing the child, calming them.

“I know. I know what they planned to do. But I’d never let them. You’re safe, Ousei. He’ll never hurt you again.”

How the monster knew the child’s name when even he, or his employer didn’t was beyond the leader. Until he peaked around the corner, now fully understanding what he had done. In the arms of the monster, clinging to him like their life depended on it was the child he took. And they had the same indigo eyes as the monster that nearly killed them. The monster then planted a very small kiss on the child’s head. He spoke again.

“Wait here for just a little longer, Sei. There’s one last thing I need to do.” 

He placed the child back on the floor. The furious eyes of the monster then turned back to him, seeming to sense his presence. He then walked out towards the leader again, the room the child was in now encased in a vortex.

“They don’t need to hear this. Or see this,” the monster said, clearly referring to the child. His child.

The monster’s gaze then became something else. It twisted into something sadistic. Magic alighted in his hands again.

“That being said, you need to pay for what you intended to do to them. And I need to send a message to my old…coworker.”

Rumors have spread of a freak storm that completely destroyed a place and nowhere else. That no one there survived. Yet walking away from it afterwards, was a human looking creature, clad in blue, with indigo eyes, singing a lullaby to his child.

Author's Notes

This was originally written for a writing prompt on Tumblr, and I decided to port it over to here.