[ser] writings

11 months, 16 days ago
1 month, 16 days ago
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Entry 1
Published 11 months, 16 days ago

writings for the pokemon / warrior cats crossover arpg, silent eclipse redux!

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Author's Notes

word count: 719

jollypaw uses she/he/joy pronouns, the loner uses they/them

[patrol 1] training with a loner

“Are you serious?!”

Jollypaw questioned the loner who towered above her, a bit of excitement evident in his voice. The loner, a neon-colored Serperior with caution tape markings, was looking down at the smaller Plusle, an unreadable expression on their face. The strange Pokemon had just asked Jollypaw if joy wanted to battle train with them. It had left the apprentice in complete shock.

“Yes, I’m serious,” the loner replied, their voice sounding sincere. “Just evolved recently and wanna test out my new body, y’know? I heard you clan Pokemon know a thing or two about battles.”

A chance to practice battling? Jollypaw’s mentor had only been teaching her the most basic of moves so far. Most of his time had been taken up by what joy deemed to me menial tasks such as moss gathering and rotten berry disposal. This would be a perfect chance for Jollypaw to finally get some hands-on action!

The apprentice almost readily agreed, before realization hit him last second. Wait… this was a complete stranger asking her this! And besides, what were they even doing on clan territory? They were a loner, after all! Jollypaw bristled in response, her cheeks flashing slightly as a small burst of electricity was released from them. The Serperior cocked an eyebrow at this response, looking a bit amused at the apprentice’s reaction. They just let out a dramatic sigh.

“Well, I guess if you don’t want to battle train with me,” the loner began, starting to turn away, “I’ll take my leave, then.”

Jollypaw’s ears lifted back up in shock. They were just going to leave? No, no! The apprentice couldn’t lose joys one and only chance at an actual battle session! The Plusle fell right into the loner’s game.

“Hey, wait!” she cried out, causing the loner to pause and turn back to him. “I’ll train with you!”

The Serperior flashed a satisfied grin at the smaller apprentice, seemingly glad to have gotten their way. The serpent got ready to battle, looking down at Jollypaw with slit pupils.

“Go ahead, then,” they spoke, their voice coming out with a slight hiss. “Let’s battle.”

Finally! Jollypaw dropped to all fours and started with a Quick Attack, charging at the larger Pokemon at full speed. She bumped his head into the loner’s chest, making sure to not hit the older Pokemon too hard, since they were only practicing. The loner then retaliated with a Slam, making Jollypaw fly off and land on the ground with a thud. He let out a little squeak as his back made contact with the ground.

The loner then used a Leaf Tornado, a small gust of foliage keeping the apprentice knocked over. Eventually, Jollypaw managed to roll back onto joys feet and ran up onto the loner, unleashing a mild Spark. The Serperior let out a little hiss, their body flinching from the sudden electricity.

The battle raged on for a few more moments, the two of them exchanging moves back and forth. At the end of it, Jollypaw was left breathless, panting as his body ached a bit from being knocked over quite a few times. The Serperior also had a couple of small scrapes, though they weren’t deep and no blood was visible. The two stared at each other in silence for a bit before the loner spoke once more.

“Heh, not bad, kid,” they said, a grin returning to their face. The praise made Jollypaw’s face light up, an excited spark escaping from joys cheek pouches.

“I might have to practice training with you again,” the Serperior spoke before beginning to slither away.

Jollypaw pushed herself back onto his back legs and shouted something out, putting his front paws near joys mouth as he did. 

“I’ll train extra hard so I can beat you next time!” The Plusle’s voice was full of determination.

“Heh, I bet you will, squirt,” the loner chuckled as they kept slithering away. The Serperior disappeared into the foliage and left Jollypaw alone, no evidence of what happened except for a couple of leaves blown about and a few mild scratches left on the apprentice’s body. Jollypaw smiled, having really enjoyed herself. He would train harder and hold true to that promise, just in case that loner did ever show up again. Joy had to.