[WoR] World Fair 2023: Scavenger Hunt

10 months, 27 days ago

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Somewhere on the fairgrounds is a special golden coin/statue/bauble. Can your Reosean find it? Draw or write about your Reosean Searching the fair or finding the token!

Individual Submission by Mechanic-Drone


Bellona 15531 | [S-T3] Cereos 7928 | Makroah 16049

“Ugh it has to be SOMEWHERE!” A large puller groaned, clearly annoyed by the situation at hand. 

“I’m sure we’ll find it if we just keep looking!” A small and fluffy female replied, her optimism a drastic contrast to her companion’s.

“Or we need to think outside the box…” The last of the trio spoke up, furrowing his brows as though in deep concentration. 

At the beginning of the fair there was an announcement that somewhere in the fair, there was a golden statue that, if found, could be redeemed for “a wondrous prize”. Only problem was the group couldn’t seem to find it and were beginning to lose faith. It had been DAYS, the trio had searched high and low, and yet not even a hint of its location had been dropped. Makroah and Cereos had begun to lose hope, thinking maybe someone else had already claimed the prize or perhaps it had been hidden in a place it was never going to be found. Bellona tried to keep her hopes up but seeing as the days had continued to pass on and on without anything she too was losing hope. 

The main issue was the competition though, even if they somehow found their prize, it was clear not everyone at the fair was willing to play fair. Cheaters and thieves scoured the pathways of the festival, none looking for the statue themselves, but instead following those that were in hopes of poaching it from them. They needed to be careful and aware at all times, while also being concentrated enough to find what they sought.

Bellona grunted as she lowered herself under one of the fair’s podiums, letting out a disappointed sigh as she hauled herself back, giving a heartbroken shake of her head, “Nothing.” Though she still had hope, it was beginning to falter. 

The boys continued on, leaving no stone unturned. Literally, they were lifting every stone on the crowded pathway in search of the elusive treasure. And yet, as the hours went by searching absolutely everything, they had nothing to show for it. 

The trio came to the main fair fountain, sitting on the edge to rest their weary limbs. The crawling, lifting, and ducking to search everywhere was tiring and they needed some sort of break. Plus, the fountain had a calming aura around it, the sound of the water helping to ease the tension. 

It was then Bellona let her eyes shift to it and all of its magnificent glory. As the sun gently dipped to the horizon she saw a bright gleam. It only lasted a moment before the sun was gone but she knew what she saw. 

Carefully she jumped into the fountain and began splashing her way towards the center where the columns of water erupted, a quizzical look on her face. Cereos and Makroah looked at each other with surprised expressions. Though they had been extremely thorough, they didn’t expect Bellona to hop into the fountain. 

“Uh, what are you doing?” Makroah asked with a baffled tone. 

“I think I saw something…” Bellona spoke through grunts as she scaled the fountain, her short stature making it an ordeal to scale. 

Cereos splashed into the fountain behind her, gently placing his head under her to help heave her up to the top, “Well, what is it?” He asked quizzically. 

As soon as her eyes met the top of the bubbling water, she knew what she saw was real. The trophy. With a small grunt she lifted it from its spot, being wedged in tightly it required quite a bit of effort to dislodge. Soon it released from its hiding spot and she held it gently in her paws with wonderment in her eyes. 

“I got it!” The words left her mouth much more loud than she had anticipated, her excitement taking over. 

However, as she spoke it felt as though all eyes fell upon the trio. Ravenous eyes. The three looked at one another as a few shady figures emerged from the shadows of the crowd and stepped into the fountain themselves, prepped to take what was theirs. 

“Run!” Makroah yelped as he shoved two figures down, clearing a path for his friends. 

Quickly Bellona jumped down, landing squarely on Cereos’s back with a thump. Letting out a loud road Cereos began running through the fountain towards the scavenger hunt booth. Bellona helped as he jumped from the water onto solid ground, holding on tightly to both her friend and their prize. 

“Hurry Cereos, they're coming!” Bellona cried out, more figures now actively chasing after them, Makroah trying in vain to slow at least some of them down.

Cereos nodded, putting his head down and running with all of his strength. They were getting close now, just a few more stalls and they would be there. However as they rounded a corned Cereos ran straight into a crowd of vayrons, sending Bellona flying from his back, statue still in hand. 

As she soared through the air it was as though time slowed down. She soared gracefully over the crowd, angry expressions and yowls erupting from them as Cereos’s impact began to register amongst them. Still in the air Bellona turned towards the stall, yelling in slow motion of their find, before she smacked the side of the stall with a loud thud. Just as she hit the statue slipped from her grips and fell to the ground. When all hope seemed lost however, Makroah swooped in out of nowhere to reclaim the prize, slamming it down on the counter of the stall.

 “We found it!”

[935 Words]