Inara info sheet(several years old, might rewrite)

11 months, 2 days ago

Mild Violence

This is reeaally old lol

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Elf, female, Cleric(domain here), 19 yrs old in elf years(birth unknown), 162 cm, 50 kg

Her people

Deep Elves

A line of elves forced underground to live in caves for generations, they eventually lost their sight and developed their own language. They do be kinda deformed doe

They pray to an old deity known as The Lightcaller


Face: Very pale skin and eyes, white/very light long grey hair that is usually put up in a(messy) bun. Sharp small goblin like teeth. Prominent cheekbones. Long pointed ears with cuts and tears. A big scar on/over her right eye which is partially closed.

Body: very skinny, slightly hunched over. A lot of scars on her knees and feet, one on the back of her right hand. A lot of other scars and such as well.


Was found/rescued at 18/17(?) by an alchemist named Archon who raised her and taught her speech and all the other stuff. He later disappeared without a trace(which is why she goes out and joins the campaign; her goal/quest is to find him no matter how long it takes)


Very kind, naive, not the best social skills, childlike wonder for everything due to her limited experiences w the world, usually holds hands w people when going somewhere so she won't get lost(idk how to phrase this)


A circlet made of gold with small blue stones and one bigger purple stone given to her by Archon before his disappearance

A long worn cloak, cloak clasp and arm guards with the rune/sign/etc for The Lightcaller

Chainmail, a satchel(?)

Big well worn leather boots, baggy pants

The Lightcaller

An ancient God/deity that had been long forgotten until the Deep Elves discovered them. Has no actual gender but is usually referred to as a he.

Considered guardian/protector of the Deep elves as he’s led them away from dangers such as cave ins and towards sources of food and water. Also has brought them warmth in colder times.

He is a kind deity who does not demand sacrifices and stuff from his patrons, only that they still believe in and pray to him(abandonment issues much?). There is no specific place to pray to, but it's usually done in front of/by a fireplace or similar sources of heat

The Lightcaller appears as a big glowing body of blinding light(like the sun) and radiates a comforting/soothing warmth. Can change size. 

The closest thing to a “human”/physical form is the same light but in the shape of a person(kind of like that one meme of the glowing guy at a table)

Due to Inara’s blindness, she can’t see him, only feel his warmth. She continued to pray to him and even made a shrine after staying with Archon. 

Inara glows with almost the same intensity as her deity whenever she uses powerful spells.

She associates the sun and other sources of warmth with him, sometimes quietly thanking/mentioning him.


She eats bugs(she ate bugs when she lived underground and doesn't mind the taste)She can “see” by sensing tremors and vibrations in the ground, and by smell and hearingShe has little to no experience and knowledge about the outside world as Archon disappeared before he could introduce her to it