Bliss's Adventures!

1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
1 936

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

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A bad hair day

Bliss would stumbled around the town, they were new in town and haven't gotten used to how everything works yet. Bliss was born partially blind, meaning it could only see blurry shapes and figures but couldn't tell what it is without getting stupidly close.

And Bliss being a shy new Eevee, it definitely having a lot of trouble navigating around to say the least, they were constantly bumping into other pokemon, sometimes even tripping and falling, which is very embarrassing. Soon the sun's rays would overheat the melanistic Eevee, its fluffy and thick pitch black fur definitely wasn't helping.

They sat down panting, they were supposed to be on a quest, but they're probably really late now and maybe some other mon already finished the quest before them. It sighed and flopped to the ground, it probably looks so pathetic right now, and they could feel the stares and looks from the passerbys.

"Oh you poor thing, are you okay?" A unfamiliar voice reached Bliss's ears, they twitched but made no other movements to get up. Suddenly a large shadow engulfed the Eevee, it sighed in relief as it wasn't in the direct sunlight anymore. Bliss felt a paw poke them, "Are you alright? Can you speak?" It was that voice again, Bliss looked up and squinted their eyes.

There was a furfrou looming over them, "O-oh I can speak." Bliss replied. The furfrou's ruby eyes were glazed with worry, "Come in to my shop young one. Lemme fix you up." And without further warning, the furfrou picked up the Eevee and went on its way. Bliss was confused on why this pokemon has decided to help them, don't get them wrong, they really appreciate it, but why?

The furfrou pushed open the doors to a salon, there's no other pokemon here, it settled Bliss on one of the chairs, "Stay here and be good, I'm going to get you something to drink." Said the furfrou, Bliss just nodded and sunk into the comfy chair, thoroughly enjoying the air conditioner. After a bit, Bliss was completely freshened up and go to go.

"My name is Crescent, what's yours young one?" Asked the furfrou, looking contented that the fluffy Eevee wasn't dying of heat anymore.

"Oh! I'm Bliss, I'm pretty new here if you couldn't tell." Bliss chuckled nervously.

Crescent hummed in thought, "You sure do have a lot of fur kid. You almost passed out from overheating."

Bliss flushed in embarrassment, "It's not that bad I swear..." They fiddled with their paws nervously.

The furfrou smiled, "Hey, tell you what young one, since it's lunch break and there won't be anyone interrupting us." Crescent stood up and moved to the chair Bliss was sitting on, "Why don't you let me mess with your hair a bit, at least get rid of this fluff that's covering your eyes! Can you even see behind that?"

Bliss suddenly became very self conscious about how it looks, "Well it doesn't really matter if the hair is covering my eyes or not..."

Crescent raised a brow, "How so?"

Bliss looked up at Crescent's blurry face, "I'm partially blind, I don't rely vision to navigate, once I get used to the things around here, I probably won't get lost." They explained.

Crescent let out a 'ohhh' of understanding, "Still, my point stands, I don't want to see you passed out from heat stroke young one, can you at least let me if you a trim?" It tilted its head to the side, waiting for the melanistic Eevee's answer. "Don't worry sweety, just for you, it's completely free!"

Bliss flicked their tail to the side, "I guess...I won't mind having less fur..." They agreed with slight hesitation.

Crescent clapped their paws together in delight, "That's what I like to hear sweatheart! Now just sit tight and relax, I'll take it from here." Without another word, it got to work.

Bliss sat there obediently, but was panicking on the inside, it has never let anyone touch its fur before, but they have to agree with the furfrou that maybe their fur was getting a little out of hand.

Crescent worked its way through the Eevee's fur, "Hmm I wanted to dye your fur but it's so dark, that's basically impossible unless we bleach it as well..."

Bliss spiked up in alarm, "D-dye my fur? Please don't do that!"

The furfrou pat Bliss's head and gave a hearty laugh, "I'm just joking deary, unless...?" Bliss just shook their head violently, "Please don't!"

Crescent smirked, "Calm down sweetie, I won't do anything do don't approve of." It brushed away last if the loose fur and stepped to admire, "Alrighty, what do you think of this?" It asked as it pulled out a mirror.

Bliss peared into the mirror, standing so close Crescent started doubting if they could even see anything up that close. It was just a simple trim on their bangs, Bliss's blue eyes stared back at them through the mirror.

Bliss turned to look at Crescent and gave it warm smile, "Thank you Crescent, I love it! I feel really refreshed as well, thank you so much! What do I need to do to repay you?"

Crescent blinked, "Sweetheart I told you it's completely free, no need to repay me." It nudged the Eevee towards the door, "I'm sure you got lots of things to do now young one, go on with your day."

Bliss looked back at Crescent, "O-oh right! My quest! Thanks for reminding me!" It stumbled off into the streets, rushing to who knows where. Crescent smiled, "Come visit anytime!"