Patrol: Thunderwave Cave

11 months, 10 days ago

As your Pokemon poke around inside Thunderwave Cave, a Luxio/Basic charges at them, hissing and bristling in anger. The Luxio spits out that you are going to be challenged to a duel, as the Luxio must fight a strong Pokemon as a rite of passage in their loner group. How do you react?

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Kitepaw sniffed at the entrance to the cave. He smelled lots of different pokemon. Who knew all these mons were living so close to clan territory. He took a deep breath and entered the cave. He looked around before huffing. “I can’t believe my mentor sent me in here alone because he’s “scared of the dark” or whatever.” he could’ve been in the apprentice den wif his boyfriend. Suddenly he got shoved aside. “Ow! What the hell?” He turned to see the Luxio that attacked him. “Surely I can beat a weak pokemon like you.’ That made Kitepaw mad. “You think you can take me on?” He growled. The Luxio laughed. “I’m bigger than you and stronger.” Kitepaw launched a sludge at the Luxio for that. The Luxio stumbled backwards and shook its fur. “I need to beat you so I can prove myself worthy of my rite of passage.” Kitepaw shook his head, not knowing whatever Luxio was talking about, but he was pissed off. He lunged forward and used bite on Luxio. The Luxio retaliated wif a Spark. But Kitepaw barely felt it. The Luxio was panting, clearly had taken a lot of damage from Kitepaw’s attacks. Suddenly his ears twitched and he turned around and ran back deep into the cave. Kitepaw sat there for a moment confused before turning around to leave the cave