Patrol: Wishpaw and Moonpaw request flowers

11 months, 6 days ago

As your Pokemon waltz through the Forest of Fairies, a Snubbull+Hatenna/Fusion+Seraph+Variant and a Milcery/Galactic cross their path. The two explain that they are looking for flowers to make some crowns with to make the former look more pretty, and they want your help to collect them! What do your Pokemon do?

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Ittypaw got out of her nest wif a big stretch. Today was the first day where she’d be trusted to patrol alone, her mentor would be watching from the shadows of course but she was excited nonetheless. She got up and rushed towards the camp entrance. Looking around she spotted her mentor, the two shared a nod before Ittypaw rushed out of camp. Heading towards the area of forest just outside the territory. Running straight into the Snubbull. She recognized the Snubbull as one of her clan mates, thought they hadn’t talked much. What were they doing out here? Ittypaw noticed a  Milcery, from one of the other clans. She squinted then shook away her doubts. Surely the two are just meeting up because they're friends. Thought if they were more than that she wouldn;t tell anyone, it was none of her business. Her clanmate’s eyes widened as he recognized Ittypaw. “Oh um…hi Ittypaw” Ittypaw nodded to the Snubbull. “How are you Wishpaw?” Wishpaw kicked his feet and looked over at the Milcery. “We were just looking for flowers to exchange for our dens.” Ittypaw smiled and nodded. So the two were either just REALLY good friends, or definitely dating in someway. Then she stopped. Her mentor was probably watching. She looked around the area, hoping the warrior had not heard the exchange. Ittypaw rushed off deep into the forest to look for flowers. She looked around for as long as she could stand and stumbled across some gorgeous roses. Perfect for nests if the thorns are removed. Ittypaw picked as many as she could then headed back to the two. Wishpaw looked at Ittypaw wif an excited expression. “These will do great!! Thank you Ittypaw.” He turned to Milcery. “Oh! This is Moonpaw. He’s my…friend” He looked a little shy after saying that. Moonpaw turned and waved. “Hello! You must be Ittypaw. I’ve seen you at gatherings before.” Ittypaw nodded. “I think i’ve seen you too, it’s nice to meet you.” Suddenly the bushes rustled and Ittypaw looked towards the noise. “I think you two need to go home now.” Ittypaw looked back at them and whispered “My mentor is nearby” The two’s eyes widen and they looked at each other before nodding to each other before Moonpaw disappeared in to the bushes leading back towards the other clans. Wishpaw followed Ittypaw back out towards their own clan.