youre a mess roy

5 years, 2 months ago

pick your head up king your manbun is coming out

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   You aren't sure when things had begun to fall apart. That's not to say that you didn't realize what was happening - you just can't pinpoint exactly when it had started. Maybe it was the first night you forgot to call. Maybe it was the first night you had stayed away until 3 in the morning working on a project you never finished. Maybe it was the first night you hadn't come home at all. Mila hadn't been happy any of those times. And to say any of those hadn't had subsequent repeat offenses would be a lie in its boldest form.

   The two of you had been so well off in the beginning. To be fair to both parties though, you had to admit that you had been a different person then. You'd had money, an education, a goddamn conscious when it came to the people you cared about. When Liu had become more a priority than Mila was when the grave had already been dug too far to climb from. Instead of putting the shovel down, asking for help to mend what you had overturned, you kept digging. Because that's what you always do, right? You can never just give up. Irony was never a stranger to you and so it wasn't a surprise that you had put the final nail in the coffin as well.

   These are the things on your mind at night. If it's not the guilt, it's the frustration. It could never be easy for you, could it? Unlike your younger years where you had a healthy home, steady income, friends, family, hopes for a future, all you had now were your mistakes and worries. Easy would be pinning how you felt now on Baxton for dragging you into this Antelope mess. Easy would be blaming the arise of mutagen for dredging up memories of fire in your veins, sickness in your throat. But things weren't easy.

   You are Royce Ranson. You're doomed to fail.