Colossal Wonders

11 months, 4 days ago
11 months, 4 days ago
1 403

Chapter 1
Published 11 months, 4 days ago

Seafood always wanted to be something. He really did. The big, strong, heroic Precursor that saved his race from the deadly Kharaa. They wanted to be everything Alterra theorized about Architects and then some. He wanted to find the answers to the plague ravaging 4546B and fix it.

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Into the Koosh Zone

Seafood always wanted to be something. He really did. The big, strong, heroic Precursor that saved his race from the deadly Kharaa. They wanted to be everything Alterra theorized about Architects and then some. He wanted to find the answers to the plague ravaging 4546B and fix it. But he wasn't the naturally fabricated genius they needed. He didn't have any of the qualities they looked for in a lead researcher. He liked chasing Spadefish and watching the ocean light up with Ampeel sparks. He lost valuable data because he was too busy paying attention to MO-ZZ instead of focusing on the task at hand. Precursors had to be intelligent and intimidating to ward off Alterra's prying eyes, but he felt about as intimidating as the Peeper outside his window. About as intelligent as a Survivor stranded on 4546B. He was fabricated for the Kharaa project, he was created to be top of the rankings. Instead, he was simply overshadowed by the likes of AL-AN and AL-Caesares. Some Precursor he was. "Seafood!" his captain howled telepathically, stomping their foot in frustration. Seafood scrambled to his feet, scaring off the Peeper he'd been dazed off looking at. 'AL-Porphyra, just what I need.' Seafood thought, not letting the other hear his thoughts. "I have asked you several times to get me that data, Seafood!" scolded the smaller Precursor. Seafood crossed his arms in front of him, letting several telekinetic mechanical arms develop from his back vest using nearby metal deposits. "Yeah, yeah.. I got it, don't get your vessel in a twist." Seafood sassed, as he reached out and grabbed a vial of some sort of enzyme, passing it to the smaller alien. Porphyra hissed, Seafood feeling a hooved appendage strike him in the side out of retaliation. "If you are so inclined to sarcasm, Seafood, why don't you make yourself useful and find me more of the Ghost Leviathan enzyme?" She snapped, Seafood simply snickering and holding his telekinetic set of arms up in sarcastic defense. "If I don't gotta work with a miserable old Precursor like you, I'll gladly take my chances with Sammy or Kyros." Seafood grumbled as he left the habitat, returning the arms to their previous piles. He'd only briefly heard Porphyra remark how udderly stupid it was to name Leviathans before Seafood closed the door with his tail and took off into the darkness of the Koosh Zone.