"Moon's Fury" worldbuilding

10 months, 22 days ago
10 months, 22 days ago
1 676

Chapter 1
Published 10 months, 22 days ago

a silly billy warrior cats universe that i fr fr need to organize in somewhere other than my head lmao.

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Territory description: The main landmarks on their territory are a large, dormant volcano, sometimes seen smoking; a desert of ashes, with ruins of a human village; a small jungle, with a clear pool of water in the dead center of the forest. 

Physical traits: Blazeclan cats are typically quite muscular, with larger paws to easily traverse the rockier areas, and taller ears to catch any sound of prey- which in periods can be quite sparse. Their coats tend to be a little shorter than most, used to the warm climate around their territory and cover from rain the forest provides. Additionally, the most common fur colors range from reds to browns, and patterned cats are quite common- blending in with the plants, mud, and ash scattered about their territory.

Strengths: Their muscular build and large paws allow them to channel a lot of power. Their powerful legs allow them to sprint far lengths, though it can quickly become difficult with sloped surfaces. As mentioned, their large paws help them traverse rockier areas, as well as aiding them on less stable surfaces, such as cracking mud or unstable rocky hills. Their ears catch the tiniest of sounds, proving quite helpful with the little prey available on their territories. 

Weaknesses: These cats have quite poor balance, used to smooth out surfaces, and though their wide paws work wonders for quickly getting about rocky or less stable areas, they prove quite clumsy if they were to attempt climbing along branches. Although their coats are adapted perfectly to their typical environment during newleaf, greenleaf and leaffall, leafbare or sudden colder weather, extended rain, and similar changes in temperature can prove quite dangerous. These cats may easily become sick, and they need to be overly cautious during weather that may be colder than they can handle. 

Values: Strength, skills, protection

Attitude: Confident, cocky, secure

Prey: Salamanders, toads, frogs, young deer, vampire finches, mice, rabbits, squirrels, geckos, hedgehog

Predators: Elk, lesser flamingoes, bobcats, bears, snakes, iguanas, falcons

Plants, herbs, and medicinal chaos:

- Edible berries/food
- Treats diarrhea
- Helps digestive issues
- Treats headaches
- Soothes burns

Meadow Saffron- Milky sap is highly poisonous
- Consuming any part of the plant is lethal
- Touching sap may cause intense rashing

- Used to bind items to wounds
- Used to suspend limbs

Water Hemlock- Causes writhing
- Painful
- Causes foaming at the mouth
Strawberry Guava
- Leaves used for digestive issues
- Leaves used to carry herbs
- Leaves used to treat pain
- Leaves used to cover wounds
- Fruit used to treat colds

Yellow Oleander- Milky sap is highly poisonous
- Consuming any part of the plant is lethal
- Touching sap may cause intense rashing
Pilo- Used as a laxative
Datura- Entire plant is poisonous
- Most the plant can only kill a kit, the flower can kill a warrior
Cat's Claw
- Calms anxiety
- Helps with asthma

Poison Ivy- Causes red itchy rashes on paw pads if stepped on
Water Lily
- Gargling crushed leaves aids helps the throat
- Leaves used as a painkiller

Giant Hogweed- Sap becomes poisonous in light
- Sap causes pain similar to burns
Kapok Tree
- Roots used for strength boosters
Stinging Nettle- Contact with seeds causes singing rashes
Orchids- Strengthens the immune system
- Improves eyesight

Deathberries- Causes near-instant death upon consumption
- Used to peacefully let elders or sickly cats rest
Moss- Used to soak liquids
- With pressure, used to stop bleeding

Yarrow- Consumption induces vomiting
Cobwebs- Used to stop bleeding
- Used to bind broken bones
- Used to bind items to wounds

Burdock- Pulp of root used to soothe infected wounds
- Pulp of root used to heal burns

Honey- Used to soothe infections
- Used to soothe sore throats
- Used to make herbs taste better
- Used for energy boosts
- Used to draw out poisons

Lamb's Ear- Used for strength boosters

Ragwort- Used for strength  boosters

Marigold- Pulp used to treat infection
- Pulp used to stop bleeding for minor wounds

Mouse Bile- Kills ticks

- Leaf pulp eases stomach pains
- Leaf pulp eases bee stings
- Leaf pulp helps sores
- Leaf pulp helps burns
- Leaf pulp helps swollen wounds
- Leaf pulp soothes cracked paw pads
- Leaves can be chewed to stop bleeding gums

Lavender- Used to cure fevers
- Soothes wounds
- Aids sleep for some cats
- Hides sickly or death scents
