Thistle'Brush finally cracks

10 months, 19 days ago

Set when they just become warriors, after Flame'Fur's appeal for an apprentice was rejected again. Gah I feel so bad for Thistle :(, she deserves so much more than what the clan could possibly offer

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"WE AREN'T LIKE THEM FLAME'FUR" Thistle'Brush roared, her voice silencing the surrounding noise from the old pond. It seemed to echo in the small depression of earth, bouncing back at Flame'Fur from every direction, as if the very earth was yelling at the young she. Thistle'Brush stood, towering over the orange feline, her lips pulled back in a snarl. For once in her life, Flame'Fur saw true fury on her friends face, the very emotion seeming to make her eyes glow and her fur light on fire. She rarely saw any emotion on her friends face, so to see such a strong fury brought a shiver down her spine.

Flame'Fur leaped back as Thistle stalked forward toward her, her eyes filled with venom and pain. "Our parents RUINED what little chance we had of being like them!" She hissed, shaking her head. Flame'Fur opened her eyes in shock at the very mention of Thistle'Brush's parents. She had never heard any mention of them from the brown feline that stood infront of her. Never once had Thistle'Brush told Flame'Fur about the snarling mess that raised her into this world, the way that they treated her and the rest of the clan. The way that they nearly brought an end to River'Clan.

"No matter what we do," She looked into Flame'Furs eyes, the fire dieing down slightly, "what you do, they will never see us as equals" She shook her head, but the brief spike of emotions seemed to be spilling out too quick for her, her eyes slowly losing their shine.

"Don't you understand? They will never see us as ourselves. We will only ever be our parents in their eyes," her voice grew quiet, her face returning to its usual bored state, or was it despair, "no matter what we do". She sat down, all the previous fire and fury leaving her body. Not a tear fell from her tired and glassy eyes as she looked down at the mud that caked her paws. Flame'Fur watched as she picked one up, turning it in the air as she sat, her eyes slowly gazing over.

Flame'Fur took in a shaky breath, the shock of what had just occurred finally hitting her. She stood shakily on her paws, her eyes blurring over as they filled with tears. This was not fair. This will never be fair. Not unless she did something to fix it. The cats in the Old Tales would never had let something like this stop them from becoming legends. She watched Thistle'Brush as the brown feline layed in the mud, her face emotionless and her paws kneading the ground below her. "I'll fix this," She whispered toward her friend, "for us". With one final look toward her friend, Flame'Fur turned and ran off, her mind determined on fixing the clan for her friend, and all those who come after them. She would become a legend. One that Star'Clan would be proud of. One that Thistle'Brush would be proud of.