
5 years, 1 month ago
5 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 1 month ago

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Chapter 1


Vireo & Morior

In the very beginning, there was two divine beings with romantic feelings for one other. Vireo, an ambitious, blithe being who had abilities to create life and thrived on the growth. Morior, a slothful, desirous being who caused life to decay upon touch, and spread malevolent aura with negative emotions. Together, they were happy albeit not being able to make physical contact. As time went on, Vireo found himself aiming to create new life in a desolate universe with his significant other's guidance. Vireo flourished the universe with lush greens, clear waters, and clear skies before bringing a sentient race into it. Morior fondly dubbed them Viscets, she adored the race and her lifelong partner. Together, they were still happy, content with observing the race thrive among one other.

One day, Vireo resolved to introduce stronger Viscets, dubbed Folkspiels into Mortale with magic abilities. It immediately was considered as the first subrace of Viscets that would bring life to dozens more in the future. Folkspiels' intention was to protect the weak, alert of incoming danger, and be Vireo's succors. This led the entirety of the race to look up to him as the sole creator, and worshiped him. This led Morior to feel betrayed as he did not dispel the assumptions of there being the sole creator. She attempted to confront Vireo, and was faced with a nonchalant response. In turn, his betrayal caused her to stew in rage, and sorrow; creating an awful concoction. The brew manifested into curse which would force the environment to undertake a horrifying appearance. Beautiful greens became deep purple as it decayed, clear waters, now slimy and muddy in color, the skies darkened. It spread very slowly but surely, affecting the race to lose their homes, families, food, and many more to the curse.

Finally, Vireo took notice and attempted to approach Morior with no success, she was deep inside the cursed lands of which he could not step on without dying. He decided to call upon Folkspiels to clear a path with their magic and reach Morior. The quest cost the lives of the five, leaving behind a lone Folkspiel whom returned with the sought one behind them.