A Warriors Duality Infodump

10 months, 30 days ago
10 months, 19 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 10 months, 30 days ago

Just info on the world of AWD / the lepydopts

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In the world of Lepydoptera live 8 species of lepydopts. After a huge devastating war, the Nobler lepydopts said that the only way to stop this war was for all the species to join together as one. Most of the groups were hesitant or fully reluctant, however, the Order and Wiser Lepydopts agreed with the Noblers and joined their alliance. At first, the 3 species acted as equals, however slowly the Noblers started taking charge more and more. Before the Noblers took complete control over the alliance, the Solar, Slumber, Lunar, and Bloomer Lepydopts all agreed to join the alliance. They weren't involved with the war anymore because the dispute faded when the Order and Wiser joined the Noblers however the lepys were miserable. There was a harsh winter and the lepys were starving and desperate. There was infighting and the lepydopts who first wanted nothing to do with the alliance were now begging their leaders to join the alliance, hearing of how well they were doing. The leaders eventually complied. When the other 4 lepydopts joined, the Nobler leader convinced the Order and Wiser leaders to make the new groups discard the leaders of their positions. The Noblers claimed that the new species might be trying to infiltrate them. The now group of 7 lepydopt species were assembled in an alliance, living a relatively peaceful life. However, the Noblers weren't happy about the fact that the Order and Wiser still had their leaders. They were scared of rebellion from any of the joined species. So they planned a story to demonize the Brighter Lepydopts, who were the only ones to not have joined the alliance. Claiming the Brighters were rumored to be conspiring with Order and Wiser higher-ups, the Noblers demanded the leaders of the two stepped down to prevent another war. Now the alliance was officially dubbed Rhopalin, named after the capital of the alliance, which was named after the Nobler royal family. The Nobler are at the top (first-ranked), with the Order and Wiser serving the Nobler (Second-ranked). The Order are like the army and the Wiser act as scientists and mechanics, who make medicine and weapons. The Slumber, Solar, Lunar, and Bloomer mainly act as farmers, entertainers, cooks, builders etc. They provide for the Order and Wiser but mainly for the Nobler. (Third-ranked) As the years went on the third ranked and some second ranked started to doubt the leadership of the Noblers. Through this doubt, a prophecy circulated, that a Brighter Lepydopt would come into Rhopalin, abolish the Noblers rulers and free the lepydopts from them. 

The story itself;

It takes place from two perspectives. That of the future leader of the resistance against the Nobler, Dagger, and that of the Nobler heir, Atlas

The resistance

The resistance is currently being led by the old Slumber Lepydopt, Poodle. The resistance is called the Newble. They're comprised of lepydopts unhappy with the Noblers dictatorship. They started of as a calm group who spread flyers and rallied up Lepys to act. When Dagger joined the group he started suggesting more extreme measures. Dagger was the first second-ranked lepydopt to join the resistance and Poodle saw him as a way for the group to get closer to the Noblers. He climbed up the ranks and he came up with an idea. The current heir to the throne was notoriously loved by the lepydopts, even the lower ranked, however, she is believed to not really want the throne at all and be more interested in research. To add to that, Brighter lepydopts have been showing up closer and closer to Rhopalin borders, passed out and with amnesia. The Newble planned to take a passed out Brighter and bring them into the borders. This Brighter can be the figurehead for the upcoming revolution and make more Lepydopts join and have hope for a better future. Then the Newble would encourage her to get close to the curious princess, close enough to be able to get the resistance into the capital and assassinate the king. When the current ruler is gone and there is one heir left, the Brighter, now a friend of the princess will convince her to step down because she doesn't want to be queen either way. And boom they freed the lower ranks. 

The Noblers

King Aphrode is the ruler of the Noblers and Rhopalin in it's entirety. Recently Brighter lepydopts have been appearing closer and closer to the Rhopalin border, Atlas wants nothing more than to meet one but her dad believes this is foreshadowing for bad things to come. Atlas doesn't believe in the prophecy, she thinks it's just a rumor a few unhappy citizens made up to get more people on their side. She's been to the 'lower-ranked' villages a lot and they seemed perfectly content. Though Aphrode seems way too wary of the rumor. Suddenly, a Brighter is found inside the borders. Now Atlas had to check it out. With her father's reluctant agreeance, she, along with Imper and Rurina head to the town of Peony, where the Brighter was found. Like the ones outside the border, this Brighter had no memories of how she arrived here. She remembers her name is Lena, but that's it. Atlas quickly befriends the Brighter and wants her to stay for a bit so Atlas can study her. Aphrode, again, agrees reluctantly and allows Lena to stay in the castle while they get a settlement for her in Peony. 


Project_20230207073103.jpg?width=840&hei                              An average Nobler Lepydopt. (first rank) Distinguished by their long faces and upright antennae. They have sleek and wavy fur

They range from cyans to yellows to purples

Project_20230210091113.jpg?width=840&heiAn average Wiser Lepydopt. (Second rank) Distinguished by their curly antennae, unkept fur, and bare talons and tail tip.

Ranges from olive greens to purples and pinks


An average Order lepydopt. (Second rank) Distinguished by their fur collar that curles upward and patches of fur around their talons and tail.

Ranges from oranges to browns to some dark cyans and blues


An avarage Bloomer Lepydopt. (Third rank) Distinguished by their round faces, short fur and sacs under their ears. The sacs store food, allowing them to live without food for longer.

Can be any light colors. 


An avarage Slumber Lepydopt. (Third rank) Distinguished by their big curly patches of fur that allows them to survive in cold environments, drooping anteannae and diamond shaped wings.

Ranges from blues to light purples, yellows and pinks


An avarage Solar Lepydopt. (Third rank) Disinguished by their short stature, fluddy fur, round wings and spiky tails. 

Ranges from yellows to reds to browns to some pinks


An avarage Lunar Lepydopt. (Third rank) Distinguished by their straight fur collars and long tails on their wings.

Ranges from cyans to greens to purples to some yellows. 


An avarage Brighter Lepydopt. Distinguished by their glowing droopy antennae and tall stature.

Can be any color.

Glossary/ additional worldbuilding

- Rhopalin

The capital of the Nobler Lepydopt kingdom, now the capital and name of the Alliance.

- The Alliance

The agreement was initially made between the Nobler, Order, and Wiser. They agreed to share their land and allow the lepydopts to cross freely within their borders. Later the Slumber, Bloomer, Lunar, and Solar Joined too. The 4 new species joined knowing they wouldn't have a ruler any more, but they would still be allowed to travel freely. Later on, as the Noblers took more and more of the power, they were able to demolish the Nobler and Wiser monarchies, making the Rhopal family the sole leaders of the Alliance which they named Rhopalin right after. 

- The Rhopals

The royal family. The current ruler is King Aphrode. He has 2 daughters; Adonis and Atlas (the current heir). He was married to Queen Bacill, now deceased. 

- The Newble

AKA the resistance. Led currently by Poodle, will soon be led by Dagger

- Last names

When two lepydopts get married their partners' last name is added to their full name. I'll take Xias and Saturniid as an example. Xias' last name is Phora and Saturniid's last name is Arth. So when the two got married their full names were Xias Phora 'Arth' and Saturniid Arth 'Phora'. When having children, their last name is decided by the parents. When the parents have multiple children they can either choose to give both the same last name or one has the last name of one parent and the other the last name of the other parent. 

- Genetics

When two lepydopts have children (don't ask me how it works but 2 lepydopts can have children regardless of gender) their genetics are almost fully random. When lepydopts have children, their coat colors are always directly from one of the parents. Sometimes lepys get all of their colors from one parent and sometimes its a mix of both. An example of a mix would be Velvet and Hawk and their two children Phoebis and Papil. An example of inheriting colors from one parent would be Poodle and Tortrix. Patterns and where colors are on the body are almost entirely random. 

- Lepys

Term for a Lepydopt under the age of 12. Also used as a slang term for multiple lepydopts. 

- Fae

Category of Lepydopt species. Those that fall under this label are; the Nobler, Wiser, Bloomer, and Brighter. The Fae have shorter, sharper wings, 4 antennae, and fur everywhere on their body.

- Mothrem

Category of Lepydopt species. Those that fall under this label are; the Order, Slumber, Lunar, and Solar. The Mothrom have longer, rounder wings, antennae with fluff and fur around their necks and on few selects areas of their body.