Lone wolf existance

10 months, 11 days ago
10 months, 10 days ago
2 677

Chapter 1
Published 10 months, 11 days ago

Basically playing out "what if" scenarios to make me feel better about my theriotype wahh

There is no plot, just existance <3

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The sun blazed over my fur, seemingly warming straight down to my skin. It was far too warm, but rolling over only caused the bright light to shine directly at my face, causing a few tired blinks and lazy attempts at getting into the shade again, before rising up and stretching out my front legs, then back legs one by one. A quick shake woke me a bit more up, but I padded over to the shade nonetheless. The shadows begun working its wonders, my fur beginning to cool nearly immediately. 

I stood there for a while, looking around and listening carefully for any noises. Nothing stood out as particularly off, but some scuttling around caught my attention. Stalking forth, head low to the ground and tail wagging at the thought of a chase, I paused just a few leaps behind a hare. It was already on alert, ears rotating wildly. Sprinting at it with bared teeth left it no chance either way, and I dragged its body around for a little before landing at a comfortable, large rock, partially in the shade. It was a great place to eat.

Licking my mouth, I kept listening for sounds as I ate. It wasn't much, but it was enough. If there were more than just me to feed, it would be another issue entirely, but thankfully, it was just me. My tail pressed a bit towards my hind legs, itching to tuck underneath me. I did long for a pack, decpite how I fooled myself into believing I didn't.

The sun wilted over time, and there I laid; motionless underneath the stars. I took a breath after yawning, in case there were any onlookers cautious of me. Caught in my desire for a pack of my own, I let out a long, desperate howl, ears perked for any howling back. Any choir of wolves telling me to come. Or a single howl from a wolf as alone as me. But nothing was heard tonight either. A few whimpers after another, weaker howl, and I gave up. Nothing tonight. I laid my head down, away from the hare's carcass. Tomorrow, today would repeat. But for tonight, I will sleep.