Leoney's story

11 months, 5 days ago

Mild Violence
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Author's Notes

Please if it says "quark" anywhere, just pretend it says quirk. I'm dyslexic, it happens,,

Let’s start from the beginning.

Leoney Hammond wasn’t always Leoney Hammond. He used to be called Hana Ineyasha - Ineyasha being his father’s name and Hana being his dead name. You see, he was born a girl and was a girl for the first 9 years of his life. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s cover his upbringing.

Leoney’s quirk is called Six-Eyed Spider, and it is a mix of his mother’s quirk, Six-Eyed Spider, and his father’s quirk, Ghoul. Six-Eyed Spider is not a quirk that can exist in biological males, so it was guaranteed that Leoney would be born biologically a girl. But, much more than that, Leoney’s quirk is uniquely a mix of two cannibalistic quirks. Ghoul is a quirk that only allows the user to eat human meat and applies to them superhuman healing, defence or speed or strength, and allows the user to grow an “organ” from their back that gives them either offensive or defensive capabilities - but it has its drawbacks. You see, if a ghoul eats too much then they can become a binge eater. A binge eater is almost like a drug addict, except more potent. The ghoul cannot control themselves around those with non-cannibalistic quirks which can result in them killing the poor victims. Binge eating is also something that is often not recognised until it is too late. It is often usually very hard for binge-eating ghouls to get help, and families often keep a close eye on what others in their household eat to prevent a binge eater from cropping up. But sometimes they slip through the cracks.

Six-Eyed Spider is a quirk that follows My Hero Academia’s scientific rules about quirks, meaning that a quirk must be based on scientific reasoning if it can be. And this is exactly why Leoney had to be born female - all the males were killed off. Female spiders eat their mates after breeding, and this carried over to the quirk. Every male that had the quirk went “extinct” due to their weak survival rates. The females were the strong ones that helped their community thrive. Aside from this however, the quirk allows the user to grow six spider legs from their back that vary in appearance (Leoney’s are bones) that can be controlled individually and quickly, and they are also extremely sharp. They are extremely durable and cause the user extreme pain if broken. The quirk also allows the user to stick to surfaces with their hands and feet like Spider-Man. The user can also use highly potent venom from the ends of their needle-point spider legs and fangs, which can cause skin necrosis and is capable of destroying blood cells - this venom can kill its user very quickly if used in higher doses. The quirk also allows the user tougher skin and very coarse hair, which can sometimes have dust particles stick to it quite easily. Unfortunately for Leoney, this means waking up with a head full of fluff and/or fur in the mornings after spending the night with his boyfriends. Lastly, the quirk’s activation often caused the quirk user to grow two more pairs of eyes that sat below his normal eyes - which would turn a solid black.

Leoney’s life growing up was just one unfortunate circumstance after another, but it didn’t start out that way. Growing up from the ages of born to three, he had a good home life with loving-yet-troubled parents. He didn’t know of any problems, if any, that were going on. He was only three after all. However, one day, his father miraculously got up and left. He didn’t know why and thought he was to blame for his father leaving and his mother’s turn to substance abuse and without any reason as to why this had happened, it changed the boy severely and altered the course of his life forever.

Quirks have been stated to give the user a unique part of their personality, and this holds true for Leoney. His mix of quirks had him obsessed with killing things and causing trouble growing up, but it ended up being more troublesome than the average child and their quirk. It was such a problem that he had been diagnosed with conduct disorder growing up; causing active disruptions in class, physically assaulting other kids in his classes, actively lying, multiple accounts of arson, bullying other classmates, stealing from anyone and then lying about it afterwards, as well as hurting little animals - and doing this all without any regard for others’ feelings or his own safety. And as he got older, he actively used his quirk to threaten others. A school counsellor had managed to track it down to a messy home life growing up and the trauma of it caused him to be that way, but that didn’t track with his mother. There had been trauma in losing his father, yes. But there wasn’t enough disruption in his life to make him turn out this way. However, it was later discovered that her own diagnosis of BPD and depression, Katashi’s diagnosis of ADHD, living in poverty despite Katashi’s wealthy family, accidental neglect and poor parenting, and minor exposure to Chihiro’s substance abuse are what caused this development. She wasn’t a bad person, she just hadn’t recognised that all of this was causing problems for Leoney because she was so stuck up in her own problems.

By the time Leoney turned 13, he met another boy in his middle-school year called Ayato Agato. Leoney had come out as transgender at 9, and had been living as Leoney since that point. He had also changed his last name to Hammond when he came out, which was his mother’s name.

“Hi! I’m Ayato Agato! And you are?” Leoney sat alone in his classroom, so he wasn’t expecting someone to come up to him unexpectedly. He looked up at them and blinked a little.

“Leoney Hammond-” 

“That’s a weirdly Western name… But nice to meet you, Hammond!”

“My Great Grandad was British, so the last name stuck…”

“I see, that makes sense.” Ayato sat next to Leoney on the chair beside him, “so what’s your quirk like?”

And that was the first friend Leoney had ever made. They became very close over the years, even becoming boyfriends when Leoney had entered UA- right. UA. The School for Heroes. Leoney had never aspired to do anything great and was very content in the destruction he caused. However, when he was 12, Hawks had entered the scene as a hero. Leoney had no interest in any heroes until he saw Hawks and absolutely fell in love. He vowed to become a hero from the second he laid eyes on the Wing Hero. Leoney was extremely inspired by the Wing Hero, even creating his own hero costume to be inspired by him like how Deku’s hero costume was based on All Might’s originally. However he later changed his costume to be his own and more adapted to his own quirk and personality - especially after experiencing the embarrassment that was Hawks seeing his hero costume for the first time and immediately being able to tell it was based on his own.

The Sports Festival was an event that happened once every year and was a way for students to get scouted out by Pro Heroes for their work studies. Leoney excelled in nearly everything, as well as coming first in the fights. His main problem was that he became tired out easily and that he nearly got beaten by stronger opponents - thankfully his speed came in handy. 

A week later, the students of 1-A and 1-B received letters telling them which pro heroes they had been scouted out by. Leoney quickly scanned the piece of paper once Aizawa handed them out. He continued to look through them, brows furrowed as his eyes quickly scanned.

"HOLY SHIT!" Leoney nearly screamed across the classroom, causing his classmates to jump and look at him.

"Language, Hammond," Aizawa stated simply.

"What's up, Leo?" Mori smiled and walked over, but Leoney showed him his piece of paper.

"I got an offer from Hawks! I can't believe it!" Leoney jumped up happily, shaking his hands. His classmates started to walk over, pretty impressed.

"Wait! You got an offer from Hawks?"

"That's impressive! Well done!"

"He hasn't given an offer to any of us...?"

"You must have impressed him!"

"Eh, Endeavor wanted me as well but Hawks was the one I cared about the most. Plus I did come number 1 in the sports festival so I'm not surprised a lot of heroes gave me offers... I'm just glad I got the attention of Hawks." Leoney explained, a sheepish smile on his face despite stimming still - stepping from foot to foot and shaking his free hand that didn't hold his paper.

It would be another week or so before the students went out to their work studies and met the pro heroes.

“It’s nice to meet you, sir, thank you for having me!” Leoney bowed quickly.

“Hammond, correct?” Hawks smiled. Leoney looked up at him and nodded a little. “Great! No need for the formalities here, I just want to get to know you and your quirk.” Leoney stood up properly and nodded.

“Oh… alright…” 

“Follow me.” Hawks gestured for Leoney to follow him as the two started to walk towards the lift. Leoney stood in with Hawks and the two made it to his office. Hawks made his way over to his desk to pick up some papers.

“What’s your hero name?” Hawks asked and started to read over the sheet of paper.

“Arachne…” Leoney answered but couldn’t help but watch Hawks with curiosity, “What’s that…?” Leoney mumbled. Hawks peered up at Leoney and smirked.

“Nosy one, aren’t you?” Leoney went red in embarrassment and peered away. “That’s alright. It’s just your report is all. Stated you’re autistic but I already knew that, took it into account when meeting you. Says here you have a history of trouble growing up and a diagnosed conduct disorder…”

“Is that a problem…?” Leoney asked anxiously. Hawks looked up from the papers at Leoney and smiled at him, shaking his head.

“Nah. We can work around it. Shouldn’t be too much of a problem unless it becomes disruptive. I saw your feats at the ports festival though, and I gotta say I’m impressed. You can fly, right?” Hawks asked Leoney and made it over to his desk to pick up some papers.

“Uh- no… sir… I can’t.” Leoney admitted anxiously.

“What!? You can’t? But you were so fast! You’re also a spider, how can you not fly?” Hawks looked up at Leoney quickly, quite puzzled. 

“Well,” Leoney rubbed his wrists, “I can stick to surfaces with my hands and feet and climb them, and I can also use my legs to help me gain height. But no, I can’t fly.” 

“Hm…” Hawks rubbed his chin with the free hand that wasn’t holding the piece of paper he was reading over, “we’re going to have to change that.”

“What’s this, sir?” Leoney asked once he caught the two devices Hawks tossed to him, looking down at them but looking up at Hawks once he started to speak.

“A web shooter! I contacted the agency you got your costume made at and asked them to make you some sort of web shooters. This means you’ll be able to fly while you do your work, and also keep up with me!” Hawks explained, a bright smile on his face. Leoney’s eyes lit up and he quickly put them on. “I think with these, you’ll finally be the first person to be able to keep up with my speed.” Hawks leaned close and covered one side of his mouth, “don’t tell the others I said that though.” Leoney looked at Hawks and chuckled, nodding with a happy smile.

“Yeah, sure. Thank you so much, sir!” Leoney exclaimed and bowed again quickly, making sure to not bump into Hawks. Hawks simply chuckled and ruffled his hair.

“Come on, let's test them out.”

“Say, what are your weaknesses? Quirk wise, I mean.” Hawks asked Leoney. Leoney looked at Hawks and then thought, looking up at the sky.

“I guess that I can get tired out quite easily since I haven’t had enough durability training. On top of that, I’m very fast but I’m not very strong physically. My legs are tough and so is my skin, and I can easily destroy things with my legs. But I’m fragile. I’m sorta like you - I gotta deal with things quickly and subdue the enemy before they can crush me. Like you and fires - you gotta make sure to take care of the enemy before a fire breaks out!” Hawks blinked but smiled.

“I’m surprised you know that. I’ve never really shared my weaknesses with anyone.” Hawks smiled. Leoney went bright red and peered away.

“I… well, it only makes sense… you don’t become tired out from using your quirk too much the way I would. But that’s only because I haven’t had the training. So I thought about possible weaknesses you may have and I thought that fire makes the most sense. Your feathers are fast, but they’re not invincible - but you can’t destroy wings with water or super strength.”

“Ah! I see! So you figured out it can only be fire! Geez, makes it sound like you had it out for me! Haha!” Hawks laughed, but Leoney only became anxious and peered away. Hawks paused and smiled at Leoney, “don’t worry, I’m not concerned. I just thought it was funny is all. Can I ask, why did you go to me above anyone else?”

“Well…” Leoney thought for a moment, trying to figure out a way to explain without admitting he crushed hard on Hawks. “I never really wanted to become a hero or help people out for a long time… But then when I saw you become a hero when I was 12, that lit something up in me! I thought you were so amazing! And you looked so cool!”

“You never had a favourite hero growing up?” Hawks blinked. Leoney shook his head. “I see…” Hawks smiled, “Endeavor was mine. He saved me as a kid and I looked up to him ever since. I was pretty happy when I finally got to become a hero like him. And I really hope I don’t fumble the bag when I meet him, you know?” Leoney nodded quickly. “And I promise you, you didn’t fumble the bag meeting me.” Hawks reassured the boy then stood up, “come on! Let’s get going! We can’t just sit here all day, y’know?” Hawks smiled brightly at the boy. Leoney smiled brightly back and stood up, nodding.

During his time in class 1-A, Leoney came to meet a boy called Taka Mori, whose quirk was called Shrink which allows him to shrink to the size of a silk moth, and he also visually looks like a silk moth. He was a small boy, only being 4’6 but he didn’t care, and neither did Leoney. The two would end up dating a few months after meeting, and Leoney ended up being in a polyamorous relationship with both Ayato and Mori 4 months into Leoney’s first school year. It was a good time and a happy time for the boys.

Leoney would also come to meet Uta, Ayato’s older brother. He was a large man with the quirk ‘Megalodon’ which allowed him to turn into a megalodon shark, or turn parts of his body shark-like. This was different yet similar to his brother’s quirk, which allowed him to turn into a dire wolf but also have dire wolf-like features - his quirk was dubbed ‘dire wolf’. Both brothers had quirks of extinct prehistoric animals. Uta was an ex-student at UA, but he was labelled a ‘villain’ in his third year after seeking justice against the villains that killed his hero parents. An unjust use of his quirk is what gave him that label. He would be more accurately described as an anti-hero or vigilante as he brought justice in his own way, but hero society didn’t view these ‘heinous acts’ as heroic deeds worthy of praise in any way - even if he was killing villains or anyone he viewed as villainous. 

Ayato didn’t attend UA or any hero school. Due to his brother’s track record, no hero school would allow him to become a hero or step foot on their grounds. This wasn’t much of a problem for the young boy since he didn’t want to become a hero anyway after what happened to their parents, but being told outright he couldn’t attend them did hurt. This meant he was also not allowed to visit Leoney on school grounds and was told he must only be able to see him outside of the school.

So that was that. The first year of Leoney’s time at UA went pretty smoothly and without incidents for the most part. He got scolded by Hawks for being reckless and risking the other pros’ safety, but that was about it. On top of that, he also got his provisional and started to work for Hawks.

For the most part, Leoney’s second year had also started off pretty smoothly. He met Tokoyami on his work-study with Hawks and the two got along pretty well.

“Say, Arachne.” Tokoyami started as the two sat near each other at Hawks’s agency, “What made you choose Hawks as your work-study last year?” Leoney looked over at him.

“Would you believe me if I said it was because I had a huge crush on him?” Leoney smirked. Tokoyami went red in embarrassment and stumbled over his words, causing Leoney to laugh and shake his head. “I’m joking, calm down. But it’s not far from the truth, actually. I looked up to Hawks a lot since I was 12 and he’s the whole reason I wanted to become a hero in the first place.” Leoney had picked up Hawks’s mannerisms while spending a lot of time around him (it’s the tism), so he was unintentionally copying and reflecting how Hawks interacted with others.

“You’re a lot like him… You talk like him and everything-”

“I’m autistic so it happens!” Leoney defended very quickly, “I tend to mirror people without realising. It’s a form of masking…”

“Masking?” Tokoyami raised an eyebrow.

“Masking is a word disabled people, usually autistic or ADHD folk, use to describe a way of “fitting in”. We pretend we’re like you non-disabled people so um… we’re liked…” Leoney admitted as he averted his gaze, giving Tokoyami a sheepish grin, and then proceeded to drink his iced coffee.

“I see… I got curious and asked about you. Hawks mentioned to me that you were a troublemaker growing up and had a conduct disorder as well growing up… Is that another reason you mask?” Leoney looked over at Tokoyami above his cup and stared. Of course. Leoney’s main reason for masking wasn’t autism. It was something else. Something like a Cluster B personality disorder.

Leoney had been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder in the early months of his second year. He wasn’t supposed to be diagnosed until he was 18, but the doctor gave him the diagnosis early due to the severity of the case and how desperately Leoney needed therapy for it. It turned out that Leoney’s “good boy” persona was just an act; a lie he put on to get people to like him. He didn’t care at all for saving others or helping people. He didn’t give a shit about society. Hawks was the one who had contacted Leoney’s mother to get him tested for it after learning that Leoney had been lying to him and everyone else, didn’t show any sort of remorse when putting himself or his allies in danger, didn’t seem to care when a woman was mourning the death of her son from a villain attack, acted recklessly without any regard for orders, and had actively denied accusations of putting the lives of others in danger. When this information was brought to Aizawa and Chihiro, both of them confirmed his worries. Chihiro explained the situation at home and how he acted, and Aizawa confirmed it was the same in class. He was reckless, lied like it was second nature - like he was telling the truth, was “unintentionally” disruptive in class, and acted impulsively. All the evidence resulted in Chihiro taking Leoney to see a psychiatrist and he was diagnosed with ASPD and placed into therapy. But the therapy didn’t work. He just learned how to act better like a “normal person”.

Leoney placed his drink down on the table and simply smiled at Tokoyami, telling him calmly with that calm smile, “You’re a nosy one, huh?” Tokoyami stumbled slightly on his words again. Leoney simply tapped the side of his nose and told him, “You gotta learn to keep your business to yourself. There are some things you don’t want to know about, alright?” Leoney could read the confusion and shock in Tokoyami’s eyes after telling him that. 

Nothing much happened for Leoney for a few more months after that. School happened like normal, and so did his internship with Hawks. Nothing.

And then everyone. All at once.

It had been building up for a while - for years, Leoney would tell you. A feeling in his back. An uncomfortable gross feeling. An urge. A compulsion. He tried to ignore it and subdue it by activating his quirk or partaking in reckless behaviour, but nothing seemed to quell it. He did what he could to ignore it. But one night in December, it became way too much. 

Walking around Fukuoka, he found himself almost mindless as his feet dragged him along. He didn’t know where he was going or where he’d find himself, but he soon discovered it would be down an alleyway where two people talked and laughed, smoking. And the urge got worse. So much worse. He had to release his quirk… But the urge got even worse. He slowly made his way towards the two people. They spoke to him, but he didn’t hear them. All he could feel was instinct now as the two men were soon bloody and dismembered. And that was it. The urge was gone. Leoney stared at the bodies and didn’t feel anything except relief. He simply smiled, but it was a sickening smile, and chuckled as he gripped at his shirt. It was so… relieving… this urge that had been building up was finally gone! But no one could know, and he could act like nothing happened. He was perfect at acting and lying, it’s how he was made.

So Leoney returned to the agency the next day like nothing had even happened. The two men had been found by police and there was an investigation put into place, but no evidence was found. Leoney acted none-the-wiser. 

“Sir, I don’t mean to challenge your judgement but I really do not trust Arachne.” Tokoyami had managed to catch Hawks on one of the rare occasions he was back at the agency. Hawks peered over at the boy and blinked a little.


“Wha- what do you mean “why”?!” Tokoyami exclaimed, “Have you seen him recently?! His eyes… his expression… he’s hiding something.”

“Eh. I wouldn’t worry about it, Tsukuyomi.” Hawks shrugged.

“How can you…” Tokoyami grit his teeth.

“If he’s trouble, I’ll deal with him. Simple as,” Hawks told him bluntly but gave him a simple smile.

And then the Jaku Hospital raid came four months later. Leoney was a part of the evacuation effort for his speed and web shooter. At that point, more cracks started to appear within his glass casing. He was going to shatter any moment, lose it any second. He had killed more and more people and if he didn’t, his body drove him to without his control. He was struggling to keep it together, keep sane. The mask was slowly crumbling as if Shigaraki had touched it and it was slowly decaying. He couldn’t keep up the facade, or at least he didn’t know how long he had left. And Hawks wouldn’t be able to deal with him when it did finally happen because Hawks lost most of his quirk back in the raid due to the man revealed to be Endeavor’s “dead son”, Toya Todoroki.

Once the dust had settled, heroes were taken into hospitals for their injuries. And Leoney helped the other heroes evacuate more people and help them to safety and shelters. But danger and distrust arose in the people, and heroes were stepping down. Which meant there would be fewer people to stop him if he did finally break - and he did. He broke. He broke completely beyond repair; as if anyone would even want to repair him in the first place.

It had been during an effort to help people and Leoney stood there, watching the people suffer, when he realised he didn’t care anymore. Hero society was falling apart in a delightfully beautiful way. He grew his legs. And let the seams rip.

A mass murder was reported that day of over nearly 60 civilians and 14 heroes, but no one knew who the suspect was as no survivors had been left alive. 

“Come ooon…” Hawks hummed as he desperately attempted to call someone.

“What's wrong, Hawks?” Endeavor asked the man sitting beside him in the car as they listened to the radio report about the incident.

“Leoney won’t pick up the phone. He- he was there when the murder happened! But he should have been able to deal with it… so why isn’t he picking up?!” Hawks exclaimed, calling him over and over again. Endeavor listened to him with concern.

“Hawks, you don’t think he could have-”

“No! I know the kid well! He- he wouldn’t have..” Hawks desperately told him, but the shake in his voice and the furrow on his brows said otherwise, “he couldn’t have… Leoney!” Hawks gasped loudly and quickly put him on speaker, placing his phone almost in-between the two heroes.

“Oh, hey Hawks. How long have you been calling me?” Leoney asked casually, but something sounded wrong in his voice. He almost sounded intoxicated, but he never drank or did drugs - or anything of the sorts. Hawks looked up at Endeavor as he spoke, and Endeavor could see the dread on his face.

“Are you okay?! They reported a mass murder in the area you were in… I was so worried you’d end up-”

“Oh, they did? Ha… funny. Wonder how that happened. I’m alright though, perfectly fantastic actually. Never. Been. Better.”

“You sound… wrong- wha- what’s wrong?” Hawks asked shakily. Leoney didn’t answer. “Leo!”

“I wanna thank you… a lot… for getting me to this point. You’re the reason I wanted to become a hero in the first place… but I guess things just don't pan out that way for us guys who pick up the short end of the stick.  But I got these web-shooters, and I know how to make web formula. So yeah… I guess attempting to become a hero really did a lot of good. For me, at least. Can’t say the same about those people you guys tried so desperately to save.” Hawks gulped hard, almost unable to swallow.

“What are you trying to say, Leoney?” Hawks almost choked out angrily but tried to contain himself.

“I guess what I’m really saying is… Hello? Thank you? Goodbye? Who knows! I’m not gonna do that shitty manipulative thing that Dabi did and tell you that you helped create a villain,” Leoney laughed, but it was cold and sinister, “I mean… what kind of monster would do that, am I right? But really. This is goodbye, Hawks. Thank you, and goodbye.” And with that, Leoney hung up the phone; leaving Hawks sitting there, stunned. Endeavor was unsure what to say and watched as the man sat there, staring at the front of the car in disbelief. He opened his mouth to speak multiple times, but no words came out. He slowly turned his eyes to Endeavor, his eyes full of a mix of emotions: guilt, anger, sorrow, hopelessness, fury, shock and surprise. It was impossible to give the emotion he saw a single name. He guessed it was somewhat similar to the emotions he felt himself when he discovered his own son was the villain Dabi, however, Hawks always took on more of an older brother role to Leoney. So he could imagine how Hawks must have been feeling in this exact moment.

Leoney had managed to evade the watchful eye of All for One. He had been living with Ayato and Uta and updated Mori and his mother every now and again, but they weren’t able to see him due to risking their safety. Leoney’s life was pretty decent up until the day he lost Ayato.

It had been a particularly rainy day and Leoney and Ayato wanted to spend some time outside, but the two got caught up in a skirmish between heroes and petty villains. Leoney had managed to save himself and thought he had saved Ayato from the fray, but when he looked back, Ayato wasn’t with him. He had been attacked by a villain and was bleeding out. Leoney froze up like a deer in headlights. He wasn’t able to help his boyfriend from dying and had to watch him die. This set off something in Leoney and in his angry daze, he killed everyone he saw. He was too angry to think rationally or even care.

Leoney returned with Ayato’s dead body in his arms to Uta’s home. Uta was furious, but Leoney told him that there was no one left to kill since he had killed them himself. Leoney didn’t know peace after that day for a long time to come.

Leoney would continue to act as a villain from then on and quickly was noticed by the police and heroes as the once Spider-Legged Hero: Arachne. He was quickly labelled as a high-security threat, just as dangerous as All for One, Dabi, and Shigaraki despite his young age.

Since I have not read anything after about chapter 320 odd? I will skip to after the war is over and society is getting back to normal.

It had been a good year or so since the war ended. Leoney was still a threat, but now he was 19 and unemployed. He lived with his mum again and managed to keep evading the police at every turn. His name was well known across Japan, which made it annoying trying to do anything and leave the house, but he managed… somehow. But it was one of these days, when he was on the escape from the police with cuffs on his wrists, when he turned down a simple alley and his entire world changed. 

The man at the end of the alleyway seemed like a madman; he seemed to be eating a human corpse. Leoney had accidentally startled the eating man, nearly causing Leoney to be attacked. The man got a good look at his face in his surprise and only said Leoney’s deadname, which caused alarm bells to go off in his head.

“Who?” Leoney feigned ignorance. He was good at acting and lying, but something fell through when he was startled.

“Oh… sorry…” The man said and shuffled back over to the body he had been eating, “That was my daughter’s name.” His daughter?! Leoney stood there shocked, and let out a nervous choked laugh.

“Right… I- I see… Um… Hana’s a pretty common name so- um- Wh- what- what’s your name?”

“Katashi… Katashi Ineyasha.” The man told him. Leoney froze up. Ineyasha was his old last name.

“Oh- huh… Ineyasha… that’s the um- the name of the Ghoul Household, right?” Leoney started shaking and he couldn’t stop it, no matter how hard he tried.

“Yeah… I was outcast though… And now I’m here.”

“What about… your daughter…?”

“I left them. Didn’t want to hurt her or her mother because of my quirk.” Katashi told him. Leoney nodded and gulped.

“My name’s um… Actually, I’ve- I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you around though!” And with that, Leoney scrambled off in a panic to get away.

He returned home not long after, falling into his room through the window. His mum came in quickly after hearing crashing sounds. 

“Leo! It’s been hours! Where have you…”

“Mum, do you know how to lock pick handcuffs?” Leoney asked as he scrambled to sit up, holding out his wrists. She sighed and walked over, pulling him up.

“I have keys for handcuffs, come on.”

Leoney followed his mum to her room and she got out a pair of small keys and started to undo his cuffs. “What happened?”

“I was trying to get a hot chocolate…”

“Tell the truth.”

“I am! I was trying to get a hot chocolate and then Hawks came in behind me and got me arrested. But I escaped when no one was looking.” 

Chihiro sighed heavily and removed his handcuffs, “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.” She said and ruffled his hair.

“Hey, Mum?”


“I ran into someone strange today.” Chihiro raised an eyebrow.

“That’s an odd statement coming from you, hun.”

“He was eating a dead body if that makes you feel any better.” Chihiro paused and stared at him. “And he attacked me when I startled him! He looked insane!”

“Calling someone “insane” is quite the statement coming from you,” Chihiro repeated and ruffled his hair.

“He knew my deadname… He- he took one look at my face and knew my deadname… Mum, who is he?! He said his name was Katashi Ineyasha.”

Leoney wouldn’t get a direct answer, instead, his mum begged him to take her to see him. So he did, and he discovered that this man was his deadbeat dad who ran out on him 16 years ago. But unlike the malicious reasons Leoney thought it was, it turned out the man had become a binge eater and left to not risk his family’s safety. It hurt them a lot, especially being rejected help from Katashi’s wealthy family due to the circumstances of Leoney’s birth and his parents’ relationship. He also discovered his grandmother was abusive… which turned out to be false? No. His grandmother was abusive but when he finally came to his father’s childhood home, he learned that she had changed her ways and even made up for it by begging her son home. He met his father’s family. Met the transgender twins, Nanao and Mitsuki. He met Katashi’s now-bedridden uncle, Menma, whose quirk had been stolen by All for One. He met Katashi’s sister who had the hots for Leoney’s mum but never made it obvious (Leoney clocked her in less than five seconds). He met the family’s disdain for Leoney’s “Western name”. And lastly, he ended up having a whisper conversation at the front of the house with his mum about the fact he had sex and was very confused when he learned that he was the son of two cannibals considering his cannibalistic instincts hadn’t kicked in after having sex or… ever… which shocked Leoney’s family more considering he had the instincts for bloodshed.

Katashi would soon move in. It was hard for Leoney to adjust, especially because this was the man he hated for 16 years and he was expected to just live with this new reality? Arguments were common in the house after his father moved in, and he ended up staying with Mori or Uta’s family most of the time.

Leoney’s story has sorta been put on hold now. I’m unsure where to take it exactly, especially because 1) BNHA isn’t finished and 2) I have missed a huge chunk of the story after the UA traitor is revealed, especially because the manga is nearing its end. Leoney’s story is heavily intertwined with Hawks, Mori, and Uta’s family. Uta had an adopted daughter when Ayato is still alive, but he gets married to a villain called Black Mamba (her real name is Medusa) when Leoney is 20 and has a daughter called Hebi when Leoney is 22. Leoney eventually breaks up with Mori when they’re 21 in an event that has Mori turning on Leoney since Mori realises how messed up Leoney actually is and cannot be in a relationship with him when their ideals conflict so heavily.

As for his scars: He first received the one on his cheek as a kid during an accident that involved his father’s quirk. He had accidentally harmed the small boy in an accident when he was developing dangerously close to being a binge eater. Hurting little Leoney on instinct was the main reason his father went missing for 16 years. The one on his forehead was due to an accident in middle school where he fell and hit his head. Lastly, the one on his forehead had involved a villain skirmish in his first year.