Ciel BackStory

11 months, 2 days ago

Ciel BS, and a little bit of Ivans too.

IK it aint realistic but IDK I WANT A HAPPY AWESOME ENDING!!

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Ciel's story began in the magical realm of Elondale, where he was born to a loving elven mother and a human father. His early childhood was filled with joy and wonder, surrounded by the beauty of nature in their serene forest home. His parents cherished him, and his mixed heritage seemed insignificant in the warmth of their love.

As Ciel approached his teenage years, however, he could no longer conceal his Human-like features and mannerisms. Rumors began to spread, and eventually, the truth of his half-elf identity was discovered. Elondale's strict and discriminatory elf rules demanded severe consequences for such a transgression, and his parents, for harboring a half-elf child and his mother for marrying a human, were tragically sentenced to execution.

Before being captured, his parents sent him off, far away from Elondale. From that moment on, he became a nomad, moving from place to place, seeking refuge where he could, always on the run to avoid detection from other elves and the discrimination of anyone who shunned him.

Despite the hardships of his nomadic life, Ciel developed a fascination with humans. Their world, so different from Elondale's, intrigued him, and he observed them from afar during his travels. The more he learned, the more he admired their resilience and capacity for kindness, even in the face of ignorance and prejudice.

One day, as he sought shelter in an excluded part of the human kingdom, Ciel encountered Ivan, a human Royal Knight. Initially, Ivan shared the same discriminatory views against elves and half-elves, taught by the societal norms of the human kingdom and the bitterness of past conflicts between humans and elves.

Yet, Ivan's curiosity got the better of him, and he began visiting Ciel's secluded hidden home, eager to learn more about the mysterious half-elf he had discovered. As they spent time together, Ivan's preconceptions slowly faded away, replaced by a genuine understanding and respect for Ciel's kind and compassionate nature.

Over time, the two developed a deep and profound connection, transcending the barriers that society had erected between them. They fell in love, their hearts knowing no bounds, and together, they faced the world, determined to prove that love could overcome even the most entrenched prejudices.

Their relationship faced numerous challenges, including attacks from Ivan's royal guard family who could not see beyond their narrow perspectives. But their love only grew stronger as they weathered these trials together.

As the human-elf war loomed over the horizon, both Ciel and Ivan knew they had to take a stand to end the cycle of hatred and discrimination. Together, they worked tirelessly to dismantle the discriminatory laws that had fueled animosity between their people for generations, including Ivan going to the Human-elf war to hopefully end all this.

In the climactic moment, with the battlefield raging around them, Ciel's love for Ivan pushed him to the front lines. He fearlessly ran to save his beloved, not concerned about the differences that had once kept them apart. In a moment of courage, Ciel stepped forward and delivered a heartfelt speech that resonated with both human and elf counterparts. He appealed to their shared humanity and the need to move beyond the burden of old, unaccepting rules.

As Ciel spoke, the soldiers on both sides paused, captivated by his words. They began to see the futility of their conflict, driven by centuries-old prejudices and ignorance. Ciel became a living embodiment of love that transcended barriers, proving that unity was possible if they could only find common ground.

Touched by Ciel's sincerity and the sight of him risking everything for the person he loved, Ivan's father, the army general leading the human forces, had a change of heart. Seeing the genuine affection between his son and the brave half-elf, he realized the destructive consequences of his previous beliefs. His love for Ivan superseded his biases, and he ordered his troops to retreat.

Similarly, the elf army general, who had been present at Ciel's parents' execution, found himself rethinking his long-held prejudices. Witnessing the courage and love displayed by Ciel touched something deep within him. He saw that the old ways of intolerance were tearing their world apart.

In the aftermath of the battlefield encounter, a peace treaty was signed, marking the end of the human-elf war. Ivan's father, now an advocate for acceptance, played a crucial role in bridging the divide between the two realms. The treaty was a step towards building a future where acceptance and understanding could flourish.

While some people still clung to their unaccepting views, the world was changing, slowly but surely. Ciel's act of love and the events on the battlefield became a powerful symbol of hope and possibility. With time, it was hoped that society would grow more tolerant and inclusive, breaking free from the chains of prejudice that had bound them for so long.

As Ciel and Ivan returned to their secluded home, they knew that their love had played a part in shifting the tides of history. Together, they looked forward to a world where acceptance would triumph, where people would see past ignorance and prejudice, and where love would conquer all. Their love story became a beacon of change, a testament to the transformative power of love and the hope for a better, more accepting world for generations to come.