A survey between co-workers

10 months, 23 days ago

ahahaha ..

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It wasn't often that Cesar and Dex interacted, especially since Cesar had a tendency to avoid the scientist. However, Dex was particularly insistent on having a chat with him. That's how Cesar ended up in Dex's less than friendly and welcoming lab. 

Dex smiled at him, adjusting his glasses as he sat across from Cesar over a lab table Dex had just cleaned off. "So, my friend, we don't really talk much, do we?" 

Cesar stared at him, a general expression of unease and annoyance on his face. "Not really. It's not like we work together often." 

He was right about this, they didn't work in the same place often, but they did see each other pretty much every time they were in the building together because of close proximity.

 "Haha, you've got that right. Anyhow, I've got a sort of question for you. A survey question, if you will, that I'm asking all those I work with." Dex replied, getting to the point quickly. 

Cesar didn't know if it was gonna be something strange, but knowing Dex, it probably was. If it was too troublesome he'd just leave; like he's been wanting to do for a while now. It was awfully cold, especially considering his typical attire. "What is it?" 

"How would you define 'love'?" Dex asked, putting emphasis on the word.

Cesar raised an eyebrow at the question, growing a little wary now that such a specific yet personal question was the first out of this ''survey''. Why did he agree to this in the first place?? It wasn't like he interacted with Dex that often, if not once in a blue moon, so for something so weirdly specific to be thrown at him willy-nilly was odd. Maybe it's just a regular ol' generic question. Maybe.. 

"Well," Cesar started, "I think it varies from person to person, but I believe love is a bond formed by two people who think highly of one another, more than friendship at least."  

Dex nodded, jotting down what Cesar was saying on a clip board. "Very interesting. So you think love is a connection that's equally distributed to one another?" "Sure, yeah," Cesar said. "Basically just, two people like each other a lot." 

"Interesting. Now, let me ask you this," Dex put the clip board down and grinned a little too menacingly. "Have you ever felt 'love' before in your lifetime?"

Cesar's eyes narrowed. He wasn't a fan of the scientist; he'd never had been. And to be asking such an invasive question such as this.. It wasn't exactly professional. "Is this question really necessary? Really, I mean, you could easily research this for yourself, Mr. Nauts." 

Dex let out a little chuckle, shaking his head. "I find surveys to be a good source of data. It's helpful to have input from my peers." 

Cesar didn't know why he was being asked this question. Of course, he'd experienced it. He's been through it all really, from the fruitful beginnings to the messiest of splits. But was he going to tell this strange individual who was often seen tormenting the others in the office anything? No, not if he could help it. 

"I don't see why I'm necessary data to you. I've got many other things to focus on. If you wouldn't mind, I believe I'll be leaving now." Cesar had pulled his little cape around him more to rid himself of the more uncomfortable chills. 

Dex had sighed, placing his pen down on the desk as he watched Cesar walk to the door. "I understand. I just thought that little workplace relationship Michael and yourself tend to display would be helpful for what I'm looking for. It's been unsuccessful otherwise, with people such as Lysander and Narcisa not offering any valuable input.." He was silent for a moment, and Cesar had paused at the door, hand on the handle. Dex's motivation was unreadable, and he was trying to decipher it.  

"You may go now, Cesar."

Cesar shook his head, deciding to not think too much about whatever it was this man was trying to do. It wasn't his concern, not for now, at least. He would advise Michael to avoid Dex for a while, though. 

In the lab, Dex looked over to the wall, and sighed. it was true, he did enjoy badgering his co-workers for the fun of it, but this question also stemmed from his own curiosity.  What was this elusive feeling? Was this strange sort of obsession that he was feeling what had been described to him? It was bothering him a little more than he'd like it to be. 

He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. Well, it didn't matter. He'd find an answer, somehow. He always did.