Avalon: Flower Pot Painting #15

1 year, 3 months ago

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Softly humming to herself, Avalon selected a deep navy blue, a soft grey, white, and yellow set of paints to bring over to her vase. Alfie had already managed to curl up in a sunbeam filtering down from the trees, giving her a quick wag of his tail as she walked back to her vase.

Avalon began with applying the navy blue to the vase, until the entirety of the vase was covered and had dried. Carefully, she began to add in a full moon to the vase, using a blend of grey and whites to create the impression of craters across the surface. Finally, she began to dot tiny white marks around the remaining space, to emulate sparkling stars.

Avalon felt a nudge at her elbow, and she glanced to her side to find Alfie with a smaller brush held in his mouth. Accepting it with a hum, she began by dabbing the tip into the yellow paint and finished the vase with little flecks of yellow paint to add to the stars.

With a splash of water, she added some white lilies to the vase and stood back to admire her work.

“Not bad at all, if I do say so myself,” Avalon said happily as she gave Alfie another pat. [213 words]