The Real Me

1 year, 2 months ago

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Do you really love me?

You tell me you do.

But with your actions and words,

I do not trust it is true.

I came out as Ace. You seemed ok with it.

But when I came out as trans, something seemed to change.

You finally heard when I said I don't want children,

Instead of brushing it off, you treated me as if I was deranged.

You told me that you had nightmares when I was a kid.

You feared of losing me, told me like it's true.

Do you think those nightmares came true?

Do you think I'm someone new?

It's a shame that you don't like trans people,

You treat them so differently.

Yet I am an exception,

Despite me not being that manly.

I don't really care if this poem is structured poorly,

You don't see the real me.

You made up an image of me that isn't real.

I care about this poem as much as you care for the real me.