Sometimes All You Need Is A Wing

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In the dimly lit room of Ebony's bedroom, there sat the raven on his messily made mattress, knees pulled up to his chest while his eyes remained fixated on the window showcasing the grandeur sighting of the starry night before his own very eyes.

He weakly breathed out an airy sigh, a particular sound of a wooden door creaking capturing his attention.

"Ces?" Ebony whispered, loud enough for another person to hear if there was any even there.

A movement confirmed his suspicions.

"Just me, kid." A voice, all too familiar spoke. And Ebony couldn't supress the small little smile that played on his lips.

Closing the door once again, Cesar flicked his eyes to the raven and quietly went over to the spot next to him; being careful as to not alarm Ebony, especially in the darkness.

He sat down, crossing his leg over the other immediately before examining the other male's figure from the top to the bottom.

It didn't take a genius to know that Ebony had got itself tangled in another brawl today.

A sigh.

"Another one?" He muttered, effortlessly dragging Ebony's arm up for a closer inspection. "This is the third time this week, Adam. Soon enough, you might as well end yourself up in the hospital with your dumbassery." Cesar lightly scolded, the upset look in the younger man's eyes not going unnoticed.

Unable to provide comfort via words, the older of the two simply gestured for Ebony to scoot a little closer, his single wing that wasn't injured stretching out and giving him a hint of what he was going to do.

Yet despite so, Ebony just sat there like a deer in headlights, eyeing Cesar in skepticism.

Cesar rolled his eyes. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I wouldn't stoop that low, hurting a child." He gave a smug grin, earning a groan from the other.

"Asshole..." The raven muttered before lazily leaning against the phainopepla. Feeling the wing slowly wrap itself around him, radiating some warmth that he never thought he'd need.

Ebony, against his own thoughts, curled up, just resting his head on the older man's shoulder—the action startling said bird a little. The disadvantages of being a tad bit antisocial I guess...

Even with such reaction, Cesar didn't make a move to shove the younger away, letting it sit there and rest. It needed it anyway.

While the now drowsy raven who was barely conscious to process his surroundings was occupied with something, the sound of shuffling could faintly be heard in the painfully silent room, then a click.

Everything was a blur, but Ebony was able to tell that new fresh bandages were being wrapped around his bare arms that were littered with bruises and scars. The texture of it cold to the skin as it sent shivers down his spine.

"Relax," Cesar said, amused.

The younger hissed. "Fuck off." He whispered, but there was no bite in it as per usual.

Some seconds passed by before those seconds turned into minutes. It was just peaceful silence, and the sound of crickets.

After what seemed like an eternity, Cesar finished, putting the bandages and aidkit away back into where he got it from before humming.

Ebony could smell a question about to erupt from the phainopepla's throat.

"So, what happened?" Bingo. He was right.

It was a simple question, yet one that Ebony didn't feel like responding to. Averting his gaze, he felt the unwelcomed shame creep up on his back. He wanted to vomit all of the sudden.

The raven tensed.

"I..." He cringed at his voice. "I don't wanna talk about it. Not now." He murmured. It wasn't foreign to Cesar for the young man not to open up immediately about things, and he wasn't one to pry. If he wasn't ready to share, then that was fine.

Nodding, the older just wrapped his singular wing tighter against his younger counterpart, wanting to make it clear that at this moment, nothing and no one can harm them both. A gesture that was shielding Ebony away from the cruelty of this planet they lived in.

There were no more words tossed around anymore, a collective agreement to just let it go for the meantime.

It was getting late too, and Cesar was sure Ebony wouldn't wanna spend the midnight ranting to a guy who doesn't even know how to help with feelings.

Letting out a puff of air, Cesar settled in just slowly letting his head rest on top of the raven's, feeling quite sleepy himself too.

It wasn't long until his eyelids fluttered close, allowing his consciousness to slip away now, to give way for the time of sleep.

Though, not without catching onto the small mutter Ebony let out.
