Main Information

1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
4 2645

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

The main information for all of the characters, in one uniform looking guide, though it looks prettier in my word file lol. Feel free to nose through and ask questions about 'em. ^^

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The Key 'Groups'

Currently there are three key groups to my Ducktales 207 fan characters, these are as follows:
Clicking on each title will take you to the start of that group of ocs.

Corvus’ family
Corvus & his family line, Connors, Isla & Hannah. They’re the core ocs of this fan AU and tend to be at the centre of everything I’ve edited and added to in this universe.

Next Gen
Other Next Gen characters from cannon characters, though this does overlap into the other two groups but these are simply the ones that currently do not fit into the other key roles.

Fan agents and others involved directly with the group. Because not that much is known in the canon, I have a lot of takes and concepts for it and how it runs – also influenced by the Darkwing Duck Shush.