Jackie Lemaire’s Log #23 - Frustrations

10 months, 29 days ago

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[Voice log starts]

[The sound of a mug being placed down and a sigh is heard] 

JACKIE: My name is Jackie Lemaire and-

[A sigh is heard]

JACKIE: fuck this, I don't know why I'm introducing myself in another log. I've been doing the same fucking thing for days!

[The recording device gets adjusted] 

JACKIE: This is log #23 of god knows how many more I’ll make. I've been on Planet-4546B for, what almost 2 months now? God damn I just- 

[A pause is taken]

JACKIE: I just, Man am I tired of eating fish.

[Jackie quietly laughs]

JACKIE: But besides that. I've been spending a majority of my time exploring and researching the various lifeforms here. In my studies I’ve noticed a strange shift in the local ecosystem, which appears to be the effects of what Ryley has done.

[Jackie mutters something under her breath, the sound of a chair moving is heard]

JACKIE: I don't know what he did but whatever he did it seems to be removing some I don't know virus from the fish, I cant find them to research it. I’ve noticed these green pustules that were previously always on the lifeforms here, are just gone every day it gets rarer and rarer to see the infected creatures! 

[A sigh]

JACKIE: At least I'm not at risk for infection of it anymore but, you cant just mess with an ecosystem like that! 

[Jackie grumbles]

JACKIE: Not that I mind too much, I'm glad the ecosystem is seeming to improve from the lack of the virus I just! He’s always messing with what he shouldn't, and never deals with it afterwards.

[The sound of the mug lifting is heard, along with some muted mumbling]

JACKIE: I just- 

[The Mug gets placed down aggressively]

JACKIE: AUGH THIS DUDE, you know! I’m so frustrated, I'm venting at an inanimate object now I'm so done!

[Jackie mumbles about spilling her coffee]

JACKIE: Ignoring my ahem, frustrations. The multiple leviathan class lifeforms that I have been watching, they appear to be…

JACKIE: Friendly? Playful even. I believe they are in the juvenile stages of development, hence the playful attitude. I will continue observing them, and hoping they keep seeing me as a friend and not a meal.

[Jackie laughs]

JACKIE: They are omnivores from my observations but they have plenty of plant matter and do not need to eat much. As long as I'm careful I wont be used as food! hopefully.

[The sounds of the recording device being picked up is heard] 

JACKIE: I’ll be saving the rest of my observations for my notes and the next log. Onto… Taking a nap I think.

[Voice log ends]