Oceanpaw's warrior assasment

10 months, 24 days ago

Oceanpaw becomes Oceanmoon

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Oceanpaw stood outside the camp looking around, it was finally time for her warrior assessment. She had waiting moons for this. She knew her mentor would be watching right now. Her goal was to gather 10 berries to pass. But she was only allowed to take 1 berry per bush. She started her hunt near the river, her favorite place to hangout with her girlfriend. She swam to the otherside of the river and pulled off a ripe Oran berry. The first of many. She turned around and headed towards the border. Looking around she found a Starf berry! Perfect! She turned around and headed towards the Pointed Stone. There were a couple of bushes gathered around there, and technically the rules just stated it needed to be on its own bush. She arrived and gathered 4 more berries. That made six! Next she headed towards Ragged Roots. 3 more berries there! She just needed one more….wait what’s that noise? She looked over and saw a small Eevee+Yamask fusion. It was small and helpless…Oceanpaw looked around and scooped up the poor thing. “Where's your parents?” she questioned out loud. She looked around before setting the small kit on her back and finishing her assessment. She saved the easiest location for last. Right next to the camp entrance. She scooped up the last berry and entered camp again. Everyone was talking amongst themselves and didn’t pay her much mind until her mentor walked in. “You did well but, you seem to have brought more than just berries home” Suddenly heads turned. Snowstar appeared from her den. “I see you’ve made a friend, where did you find this kit?” Oceanpaw turned away nervously. “I found it over by Ragged Roots.” Snowstar looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding. “I cannot abandon a kit in need, We will allow it to train as a warrior here in PechaClan.” She turned to Oceanpaw’s mentor. “How did she do?” The warrior stood up straight. “She collected all 10 berries in an impressive amount of time. I see no reason to not give her a warrior name” Oceanpaw lit up. “Very well. Let all pokemon old enough to dig gather around the highstone for a clan meeting.” Anyone who hadn’t already been out and about the camp appeared and Snowstar continued “ I, Snowstar, leader of PechaClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn.” Oceanpaw watched in awe as snowstar stepped forward. Oceanpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” Oceanpaw almost forgot to speak from how excited she was. “I do” Snowstar raised her head backwards. “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Oceanpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Oceanmoon. StarClan honors your strength and kindness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of PechaClan.” Oceanmoon touched noses with Snowstar before remembering that the eevee+yamask was still on her back. She pulled the small kit off her back and turned to the nursery. Surely one of the queens would care for her. She walked into the nursery and looked around and noticed one of the queens. The two chatted and after Oceanmoon showed the queen the small helpless kit and offered to help take care of ALL the kits. She agreed and took the eevee+yamask in. “What are you going to name it?” Oceanmoon thought for a moment. “Maskkit.”