Nyssa: Gearing Up #6

1 year, 2 months ago

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Nyssa rubbed at her shoulders as stretched her arms out, attempting to work out the knots that had begun to accumulate throughout her upper back and neck. Washing the armour had taken up most of the afternoon, and now the evening shadows stretched long across the grass. A soft breeze had picked up, chasing away the worst of the summer heat as she sprawled across the grass. She and Silas sat on the outskirts of the camp, still within eyesight of Elijah and his Manahunters, but far enough away they had a bit of room to spread out some gear onto the long grass.

Silas wandered nearby, darting around now that the worst of the heat had abated. Nyssa one eye on him as he sniffed about, certain that he would attempt to swipe some of the Manahunter’s belongings if they turned their back. For now, at least, Silas seemed more interested in chasing some dragonflies that darted through the nearby woods, fur still damp from their trip to the creek.

Nyssa dragged a large burlap bag towards her, removing the Mage’s armour inside with care. She laid out a Fire Staff on the grass next to it, careful not to step on anything as she pushed herself to her feet. She began by pulling out the massive chest and shoulder pieces, checking its fit as she pulled it over her chest. She tucked the long, bellowing cape down below it, taking a few extra moments to prevent it from bunching underneath the metal armour. Finally, she fastened the articulated metal bracers around her forearms, shaking out her arms to ensure they were correctly secured. Although it was still far too gaudy for her taste, Nyssa could understand some of the appeal as she walked with the full kit on. With the metal catching the dying light and the shoulder pieces arcing almost to her head, it did make for an intimidating figure.

Nyssa picked up the Fire Staff, twirling it in her hands as she adjusted to the feel of the weapon. Much like the Aqua Staff, Nyssa had heard rumours that a full charged crystal installed into the tip of the staff could produce fireballs. This particular crystal seemed to be dull in colour, though Nyssa could not help but wonder if one with magical powers could revitalize the power of the staff. That particular skillset was outside of her expertise, though she made a mental note to ask around the camp when she had the chance.

“Silas!” Nyssa called out.

Her companion almost immediately perked up from where he was investigating an insect, pointed ears darting around to catch her voice.

“Could you grab me a polishing cloth, please?” Nyssa added once she had the vullaby’s attention, slowly beginning to remove the armour.

Silas chirped cheerily in response, bounding over to where a bucket full of various polishes and rags lay. He dug out a few items and happily hopped over to her, dropping them into her lap with another high-pitched chirp. “That is perfect, thank you Silas,” Nyssa thanked her companion.

Nyssa ran a polishing rag over the brass and gold material, shining the armour until it caught the dying light of the day. Although it felt small, Nyssa knew that polishing the armour and weapons would aid in preventing any rust or corrosion from impacting the gear in the future. With the thick humidity that hung in the air more days than not, it was worth the few hours of effort to keep it in pristine condition – not to mention allow them to check for any cracks or weaknesses in the gear. The last thing they needed was faulty weapons or amour if they did need to battle the Erisichthon.

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