A Token

10 months, 20 days ago

A short journal entry of Konaki feeling in love.

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I’ve never enjoyed a hug so much in my entire life. Everything up until now, everything I’ve done with another person has been hot and steamy and exciting, but this- this is different. Its soft and warm and gentle... I respect her wishes for taking things slow, even for stuff like kissing. I’ve always been an impatient man but honestly? She’s worth waiting for.

White Hare is so fucking special. She deserves the world and more after the hell she’s went through, and honestly that’s why I’m still so surprised she’d settle for someone like me. I can’t imagine liking myself from the outside, but I guess if she of all people decided I’m pretty cool, I’ll have to take her word for it, since she’s also pretty cool too. The coolest, even.

And now here I am, out on the streets of a plane I’ve never explored before at the ass crack of dawn to find something I think she’d like while still having enough time to get back there so she doesn’t think I ran off into the night after our confession. I would never do that to her- I’m not my dad. I hate dawn. It’s right as the night starts to end but still too early in the day for anything fun to happen.

Anyways I thought maybe she’d like a gift or something. I have no fucking clue what she might like, but I’m shit at talking about how I feel and I need her to know that I really mean it, even if I suck at talking about it. I bluff about a lot of things, but this ain’t it.

Oh god, I don’t even know what she likes. I never see her wearing jewelry, but I don’t know if that’s because she doesn’t like it or just doesn’t have any... Does she like flowers? I don’t think flowers would be good since there’s so many outside the castle already... Maybe I could get her like a knife or a cool gemstone or something...

Ah, I’ll figure it out eventually.