Discarded Letter for The Damned

10 months, 17 days ago

Lost and wandering, one finds a room that reveals a weathered note with only a few intact pages. upon reading, the forgotten history of the past resurfaces, and the room's secrets linger like a wisp.

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Verily, I had anticipated embarking on this path, yet never did I expect to traverse it to such an extent. It is now clear that a toll accompanies every choice we make, and frail are humans in the face of emotions. Once swayed, they lose themselves in a fleeting moment, succumbing to an overwhelming desire to safeguard that which they hold dear.

Oh, brother, I oft ponder if I am but a fool, accepting the consequences of my actions. Knowing you as I do, perchance you shall jest and deem me a pitiable fool, led astray by compassion. However, I find myself untroubled by remorse on this occasion. I could not bear to witness the suffering of those I cherish, inflicted by the same misfortunes.

Countless scenes of bloodshed have unfolded before my very eyes, leaving no impact upon my spirit, nor does the prospect of reconciliation between warring factions cause me to flinch. Perchance I have grown accustomed to traversing the same grim situations, for war, in its essence, has lost its capacity to evoke dread. Alas, this forsaken realm is governed by childish adults engaged in a game of make-believe.

Many a timeline hath passed, and I fear that I have lost all sense of the passage of time. The genesis of my journey eludes my memory, and the person I was meant to become, along with my original purpose, have become but faded riddles. I dread the day when reality may elude me, and faces of familiar souls might be mistaken for those of a bygone era.

Yet, I must acquaint myself with the art of fortitude.

The shadowy specter of the grim reaper's scythe lingers at my neck, poised to sever it at the slightest slip, rendering all my endeavors naught. What remains to be feared? Do I fear that my aspirations shall be obliterated by a mere triviality arising from my carelessness? That those I cherish shall be condemned to suffer anew?

Amidst my quest to reshape the narrative, yearning for elusive perfection, I have traversed a path riddled with countless errors, each my own. It is a journey marked by the shadows of past transgressions, sins that cast a pall of despair upon those who stood in proximity to me. The essence of these missteps remains cloaked in enigmatic shrouds, their true nature veiled from prying eyes.

And so, I find myself in search of an ambiguous redemption, a remedy for the wounds I may have inadvertently inflicted upon others. The intricacies of this undertaking elude simple understanding, its purpose veiled in the mists of uncertainty.

Alas, I have failed to avert the cruel fate that awaits you.

I implore your forgiveness, brother, for my inadequacy. Time and again, across diverse timelines, I endeavored in manifold ways, but the binding contract held me in its vice-like grip, impeding my efforts. Regretfully, I had to relinquish my quest. Your parting words echo ceaselessly in my mind, a solemn charge to continue protecting the realm we hold dear.

And so time presses forward. Yet, time seems to crawl at an unbearable pace. These events that have transpired feel like checkpoints, ensuring that I shall not falter this time.

Though the past now dwells solely in the chambers of memory, the future lies before me, beckoning with each step I take. Doubts linger as to whether my choices have been righteously made.