five more minutes (oneshot)

10 months, 16 days ago
501 1 2

this doesnt serve any purpose just a little thing i wrote in like 20 minutes. the indent formatting did not carry over and i am sad

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it’d taken a moment to even realize i’d woken up. i felt hazy, like the dream i was having was still here with me, but when i managed to open my eyes, i was once again staring at the yellowish popcorn ceiling. after taking a moment to adjust, i noticed the light peering through the window beside me, and i groaned, already knowing i’d woken up well into noon at the earliest. clean clothes that i was too tired to put away last night were piled at my feet, and i laid under two blankets, one being weighted.

i was sweaty from all of the things piled on top of me, and i would’ve tried to get up, had i not realized izu was snuggled up right beside me. i peered back to look at him through tired eyes, and though i was dazed and uncomfortable, i relaxed knowing he was there. pixie must’ve let him in my room after i fell asleep, since i wouldn’t have heard him meowing at the door.

as i started petting him gently to let him know i was awake, i felt my phone buzz and turned back over. the clock on my home screen read 12:38 PM, accompanied by a couple of texts from pixie.


pix just now
im gonna get lunch w myr myr donttttt burn the house down thx

pix 1h ago
u up?


i replied with a simple “sure” and shut the phone back off, face-planting into the pillow. i woke izu up for sure this time, since i heard him trill with concern. i reached over to pet him, but he stood up and came over to check on me instead, sniffing at my face until i lifted my head.

what?” i groaned to him sleepily, trying to keep my eyes open.

he responded with a very curt “mrow.”

“fair point,” i said through a yawn, then sighing and sitting up for once. i looked around my room… dimly lit and a mess. clothes were everywhere, mostly jackets i hadn’t put away, my dresser drawers were open at various degrees, and a couple of my posters were falling off the walls.

i felt gross, my room felt gross, and pixie wasn’t here to help me with anything. i didn’t know what to do first, so i gave up and crashed back onto my pillow, causing izu to scold me again.

i gazed at the picture on my nightstand. in it, pixie, probably 8 years old, was holding a very itty-bitty me, facing the camera. i’d hardly grown out my ears, and i clearly wasn’t happy about being held, staring at the camera with as much contempt as an infant could manage.

i stared long enough for it to be burned into my mind, closing my eyes again. izu sniffed at my ear, probably trying to get my attention.

“five more minutes,” i groaned to him, before falling back asleep.