
10 months, 20 days ago

When Fleur is late to another meeting between "lovers", Cassio offers something they can't help but cautiously consider.

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“You were late. Again.”  

Fleur lowered their head as they stopped in their tracks, hooves anxiously shifting on the floor as they stared at the dragon in front of them. His back was turned and hunched over his desk, one of his claws idly tapping on the wooden surface, the other holding his beloved quill. How can an inanimate object make me feel jealous? How can the simple act of him loving another object make me feel so desperate?  

They shook their head, wishing they could grab onto their brain and tear it out. Focus. Focus.  

“I- Sorry. I’m sorry. I tried to leave earlier, but I was caught sneaking out and I was... punished,” they stammered, each word beginning to rush out of their mouth. They could hear him sniff quietly in disapproval, his carefully selected sentences and syllables starkly contrasting theirs.  A puff of fire burned from his vents and tail, a small plume of smoke escaping his mouth as he turned his head. Those eyes, striking and knowing, watched their movements. Fleur tried to stop themself from coughing as the closed space filled with a tight smoke.  

“Well darling, I wish you planned for that. I set aside my valuable time for you, hm? It’s quite… single minded to expect me to abide by your mistakes,” Cassio’s voice both caused them to feel so many things at once, equally allured yet afraid. He got up, claws clicking on the floor as he wrapped a wing around Fleur. They took a deep breath, ignoring the feeling of his hot vents against their side.

“Yes, of course, I never want it to happen again,” they assured, feeling their fear rush away as Cassio lovingly wrapped his tail around theirs. The tail flame was uncomfortably warm against theirs. Am I imagining things again, or is it heating up?  

Cassio’s claws began to gently pick through Fleur’s flora, humming in approval as he brushed against the red roses they had grown. “I have every faith, rose… though. Have you ever considered being able to cease this ...double life?”  

Fleur paused, tipping their head slightly. “What do you mean?? Like… us? Being together?-“ They began to panic, their wings drawing closer to them.  

“No no, dear. Remember what we said about your overthinking?” He chuckled, the claws in their leaves becoming more biting. “I mean live here. Be with me more, gain some independence from those controlling parents of yours.”

They swallowed, glancing around his writing room. He had a nice set of rooms up at the top of the theatre, filled with his regalia, pride, and joys. No windows. No natural light. No life, other than the kind he breathed onto his paper and out of his lungs. Would they become a prop to him? Would they be nothing but his statue to admire? Could they live up here, so far from the sky and earth they explored? A laugh interrupted their thoughts, although it was tinged with some kind of… disappointment? Annoyance? I don’t even know what I’m hearing anymore. He’s always been amused by my unresaonble anxieties. 

“What did I just say? About the overthinking?” He wrinkled his nose a little, his wing leaving their back as he stepped away. “It’s just an offer dear, you can take time you need to make a decision.”

Just an offer. He was nice to offer that, Fleur desperately thought. Cassio loves me. Cassio adores me. I’m his precious rose, I’m what keeps him going in this world. 

“I’m sorry, I just got… excited! I have to think, but I am really really considering,” Fleur blurted out loud. Cassio gave them a smile, stepping back to his writing, gesturing for them to peer over his shoulder at his latest work.

He wouldn’t let you see this if he didn’t love you, they told themself. You are okay. Maybe this would be good… I can tell my parents, and no matter what they say, I have somewhere to go. 

They ignored the trickle of blood that slowly ran down their side, the thorny vines wrapping deeper into them.

Author's Notes

lol twink dragon goes wild with weird dialouge fr