Culture Lore: Monsters Disguises

5 years, 2 months ago

---Entropy World Lore---

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>>Usually, monsters try to hide the fact that they exist from the mortal world as in the past, humans knowing of their existence never exactly...ended up well (//cough cough// pitchforks and torches kind of bad //cough cough//)

Three Main Types
>>While there are quite a few different ways to disguise oneself from mortal view, there are three common types of disguises that monsters use most often

Natural Disguises
>>This is usually popular amongst creatures that are quite humanoid already, such as satyrs/fauns and nymphs
>>This type is also commonly used for young monsters who have yet to learn how to use glamour or shape-shifting
>>Human items such as hats, gloves, costumes, makeup, etc… are used to hide unhuman features

>>Certain creatures have the ability to use magic to hide their forms/strange features from mortal eyes by altering what mortals around them see when they look at the creature
>>This is popular among demons and warlocks

>>A similar method of disguise to glamour, yet much more physical and takes a lot more energy
>>This is especially popular among creatures with more monstrous body types (such as kitsunes, dragons, etc…)
>>Shape-shifting is an almost complete change in the body to appear more human or more like some other creature
>>It is extremely rare to master shape-shifting enough to hide the entirety of their monstrous forms, so this is often paired with glamour or natural disguises