Darklands Prompts

10 months, 8 days ago
10 months, 2 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 10 months, 8 days ago

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Prompt 1

The day was hot and dry as Raye sat on her couch casually watching TV and browsing social media. She had a few trips planned for this blazing summer but right now was her down time to just chill and enjoy the air conditioning. As she scrolled her socials liking and commenting on friends' posts, she began to notice a few of them posting about or mentioning a letter they got and the upcoming trip. She wondered what that was about when she heard a knock at her door.

She grabbed the remote to turn off the tv and got up from her chair, headed for the door. Once there she leaned in to look through the peep hole and, apon not seeing anyone, opened the door.

Raye looked around her porch in the warm summer air and there was no sign of anyone, there was however a letter sitting at her feet. Of course! She had almost forgot! Wisp must have found another nest and was sending out for help once more. It had been a few years since she last participated in the search so it had entirely slipped her mind. She brought it back inside and sat down at the table to examine it. 

“Hello adventurers!

Wisp has called me up because he’s sensed another Aurus nest. This time it’s deep in a swampy area called the Darklands. Don’t let the name scare you! I’ve been assured that the nearby village is actually quite lovely. It’s going to be hot and muggy this time of year, though, so be sure to dress accordingly.

This is my first trek without Wisp guiding me, but I’ve learned a lot from him! I hope together we can find the nest with no issues.

See you there,
your friend, Orion

Raye was slightly confused at first, then remembered hearing about Orion, Wisp's new prodigee that recently took over his work. She'd never met him personally but has heard good things about him, so decided to go out and help search for the new Auru nest that was found. She packed a bag full of essentials like food, water, and clothes; she also brought her muddy hiking boots and some bug spray. She had been on some excursions prior to this and was well equipped with knowledge of what to bring and expect, however she had not been on any swamp hikes and hoped what she had was enough for it. These trips were always filled with all sorts of new challenges to solve and overcome, so she wondered what this one had in store for her.

As she packed she remembered the few previous outings she'd gone on and the things she'd seen. The world going gray and her trip to the other dimension. The magical train that brought them to the Crossroads. The tall gates of Sky City looming above. She loved every second of it.

She smiled as she carefully locked up the house, and set off down the road towards the train station, eager to join her fellow adventurers ahead.