Star universe Lore and information

10 months, 25 days ago
7 months, 20 days ago
8 4037

Chapter 1
Published 10 months, 25 days ago

Mainly for me to keep track of things

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So in this world (or rather multi-verse) there are five main types of sentient life. Humans, which are self explanatory. Monsters, which are beings made of pure magic and turn to dust upon death. Stars, which are humanoid beings that are powered by a magic stone in their chests, think like the philosopher stone. Demons, who have a class system and work like any colonies in a sense. And finally Gods, which are… well gods.

Geography and Environment- The main planet and realm is a variant of earth, and as such has a very similar map with some new islands in the pacific. However other planets like Ska’ar for example do house very different geography. Different realms also have different geography and environments, from a white void to a tar-speckled forest under a blood moon.

History- It is known that monsters were banished underground during the 14th-16th centuries when humans still used magic, Demons were thought to have gone extinct during the times of the crusades, and stars mainly went into hiding around the time of the Salem Witch hunts. Other than those major changes the majority is still alligned with Earth’s history. Again this changes on other planets

Magic System- Magic needs energy, may it be from special food in the case of monsters, or the soulstone in the case of stars. Magic can come in all shapes and forms but is primarily organized like the Nen in Hunter X Hunter. It is nonexistent in Demons, Rare in humans, Extreamly common in Monsters and Stars sense a soulstone is powered by the magic that's inside it and monsters are made of magic.

Technology Level- Again as it is mainly based on Earth, it is mainly at the same level…for the public use. Labs and military are at a much higher level than our own.

Societies and Cultures- this varies in each planet or realm. But on the main one, it mirrors earth except society is learning to co-exist with monsters and stars again, leading to areas becoming much more of a mixed bag of cultures. Humans like tradition, but are somewhat open to changes. Monsters have a very friendly and overall welcoming culture and society, which has helped them integrate well. The majority of Stars on the other hand are known to hold grudges and are more hesitant in rejoining society with humans.

Conflicts and Alliances- Stars and Humans are still at odds, with it not being unheard of a star killing mass amounts of humans due to the grudges mentioned earlier. And it isn’t uncommon for humans to treat Stars like vermin. There have been attempts at fixing this, with some Stars attempting their hand at human politics, and some humans attempting to acquire a place in Stars ranks. Monsters are pretty much good with both species, but won’t side with either when they go against each other.

Economy and Trade- On other planets (primarily Ska’ar) it is common for Stars to be used as slaves, either for dog fights or other entertainment. This has been shown in other planets too, hence Stars having such a large grudge on the main world. Otherwise the majority of African countries are still in poverty, and are underdeveloped. While it is known that European and a few Asian countries are much more highly developed, even more so than in our world. And like in the real world, the Americas are a melting pot, offering a variety of items.

Communication and Language- Like on our Earth, most Humans speak a variety of languages, however English is seen as the most common one. Stars, due to their capabilities of teleporting, almost unanimously use a form of language comprising of clicks, chirps and hisses. However Stars that have grown up in human societies catch on to the area’s tongue rather quickly. Monsters fall in the same category as humans and primarily use English.

Art and Entertainment- The movie industry boomed with the integration of Monster and Star kind, allowing special effects to be more than CGI. However on other planets like Ska’ar (as mentioned previously) pitting Stars against one another is the main form of sport, and gains a lot of tourism. Stars on their own often have different forms of entertainment depending on the subspecies, and Monsters are known to be a mixed basket as well.

Religion and Mythology- most Humans believed monsters and Stars to be myths, and most still believe Demons to be just that. After the introduction of the other species, it was revealed that the majority of legends were mixed with the reality of the past. Modern day religions are still at large with the additions of two more, Lepism and Cervism which individually prose the goddesses Radiance and Wither.