The After Party

Viper tries to relax after a stressful day in her modeling career. The evening ends with more stress and also confusion. Enjoy women moment, also there’s cussing, but that’s in everything I write.

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It had been a long day, she had been a part of the biggest modeling show in Inkopolis. Not many models are hired to walk for the Ink Drip fall fashion show, but Viper was personally invited to model their prized pieces. It was a huge honor, and a stressful one at that…

When she was asked to join for the after party, she almost declined, but Hawke insisted she go. Something about expanding her social life or something, but she ended up having a great time. Near the end of the night, Hawke had to leave Viper to discuss business deals with potential clients. It made sense, she was Takoroka’s head designer… but she was still a bit bummed, she wanted to spend more time with her. 

She took a sip of her Shrimply Temple as she walked out towards one of the balcony terraces. It was beautiful, the railings were overgrown with vines and the arches were adorned with flowers. The balcony faced the cliff’s edge and looked out towards the open sea. She finished her drink, placed it on a small table off to the side, then leaned against the railing to look at the sea. She liked to socialize, sure, but this was very much needed. She sighed and took in the ocean air.

“Well well well… if it isn’t the show stopper herself?”

Viper knew that chilled smooth voice anywhere, she turned to catch a glimpse of her tall ex. She wore a soft lavender gown with white lace swirled around it, there was lace also between her sleeves. It connected to a violet choker with silver jewelry attached. She hated to admit it, but it complimented her very well.

“Hey Crimson. Surprised that I’m just now seeing you, not used to you avoiding me.”

Viper watched her walk up towards the balcony with her, she leaned against the railing on her side and faced her.

“I wasn’t avoiding you, dear, trust me. I just wanted to give you some space.”

She couldn’t help but snort at that, and it looked like Crimson didn’t take it personally.

“I have a hard time believing that, but I can’t argue with it, I mean I am just now seeing you. So there has to be some truth underneath.”

“I may be a lot of things, but I’m no liar.”

Viper hummed as she turned back towards the sea, she could see from her peripheral that Crimson still faced her.

“So, why are you here now?”

“I just wanted to catch up, wanted to see how you were doing. That’s all.”

Viper gave her a glance before she sighed.

“I’m okay, just tired. A lot of work, ya know?”

“I get you, dear. It’s never easy to please people, especially pretentious idiots.”

Viper covered her mouth with a snort, she couldn’t help but crack a smile.

Holy shit- okay that came out of your mouth, not mine. But cod, you’re right though. These people really are idiots. There are plenty of gorgeous people out there and they just wanna look at the same 6 chics over and over again.”

“Viper, you’re one of those ‘6 chics’.

She pouted at Crimson, who just chuckled.

“Well yeah, but like, we should rotate or something. Give other cephalopods a chance, there are so many talented people… they deserve a seat in the spotlight.”

Crimson hummed as she tapped her claws against the railing.

“I agree, and besides, it gets exhausting. Everyone deserves rest.”

“Cod, can I be real with you? This kinda reminds me of the domes sometimes. High expectations, hours of crazy ass work to please a small group of people, wearing some weird ass clothes.”

The blue ring smirked, then crossed her arms along the rails.

“I can see it. It’s definitely… taxing, and demanding… but at least we get paid, and we live independently without fear of death.”

“That’s very true… cod, it’s almost insane how we used to live down there for so long and think it was okay…”

“Agreed. I hope the octolings that are still down there find their way to the surface… They deserve a good life too, away from the chaos. No one should have to live like that.”

Viper couldn’t help but look at her in shock. Crimson? Caring about people? Insanity. She cracked a sly grin as she elbowed Crimson.

“Damn Crimson, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re an entirely different woman.”

Viper didn’t realize that they had moved closer together, but she didn’t really care, they were just having a good time. Crimson put her hand in front of her mouth as she chuckled, she didn’t try to cover her mouth, just a habit by the looks of it. But cod, she hadn’t heard Crimson laugh whole-heartedly so much in a long time. It was… cute… the yellow of her hair was almost gone, and the spots were nowhere to be found. It was like she stared out towards the sun as it just set, but the vibrant colors of the sky remained. It was gorgeous, and Viper couldn’t look away. 

“I would hope I’ve changed, I did… a lot of things I wasn’t proud of down there. I feel like some part of me still hasn’t changed, but… Sometimes things are the way they are.”

She lowered her hand and placed it fairly close to Viper’s on the balcony railing. 

“You’ve changed a lot as well. You seem a lot more open and in tune with your emotions. Time has served you well, Viper.”

Viper looked off towards the horizon with a faint blush, thankful that it was hard to see, with how dark her complexion is. 

“Thank you Crimson, I wish I could say time helped with my looks too.”

She let out a short and raspy laugh as she touched her face. Suddenly she felt a hand on hers, she felt Crimson delicately turn her head back to face her. Viper was met with a tender smile that almost made her hearts stop.

“Darling, I think you look as radiant as ever, if not more so. When I said ‘time served you well’, I meant… all… of you.”

With every word of her last sentence, Crimson inched closer, but Viper didn’t step away. So much was happening all at once and she didn’t entirely know what to do. But then Crimson let go of her face and rested her arm on the balcony railing, and leaned against it. 

“There’s a reason you’re a top model, you’re absolutely breathtaking.”

Crimson winked at her, and Viper blushed even harder.

Oh my cod, what the fuck is happening?

“I… I don’t know what to say…”

“You don’t have to say anything, I just hit you with a lot of compliments at once. And I know you’re not used to nice things coming from me. It must be a lot to take in.”

She let out a brisk laugh, but she wasn’t wrong, and Viper felt like Crimson knew this.

“Hey, Crimson?”

“Yes, darling?”

Viper took a deep breath, she was about to make a serious gamble.

“Do you… do you still have… feelings for me?”

Crimson raised her brows at that, she didn’t look surprised, but maybe curious. Her tentacles curled and swayed a little more anxious than Viper was used to. 

“Well, I didn't expect to hear that tonight. But I feel like lying to you wouldn’t do either of us any good.”

She turned to face the ocean, her hair flowed with the wind as the color became even more vibrant.

“I… I do… I still think about you, about us. I yearn for another chance to hold you again, to feel your delicate touch…”

Crimson briefly looked towards her, but couldn’t hold eye contact as she stared back out towards the sea.

“… to kiss you… but, I know it’s not meant to be. You made a decision that was right for you, and there’s nothing I can do about that but support you.”

Viper couldn’t look away. Crimson really had changed… 

“Why do you ask?”

Now Crimson turned her head to look at her, a curious glint in her dark maroon and pale yellow eyes. Viper knew though, she knew Crimson knew why. She just wants her to say it. And for once, she was gonna indulge it.

“Because I… I feel the same way, I just… I don't know how to feel about it. I guess it’s nice to know I’m not the only one.”

Viper watched as Crimson’s three-slit pupils dilate, then return to normal. Her hair also twisted and curled sporadically, but it was brief, and Crimson bit her bottom lip.

“Oh… oh… that… that I really didn’t expect to hear tonight… my… I… I’m speechless.”

Crimson turned back to fully face her, and then she gently grasped Viper’s chin and stroked her thumb across her cheek. Viper was frozen, her face felt red hot, but also ice cold. 

Oh my cod she’s touching my face again, oh fuck-

“I’m flattered darling, truly, I thought you’d move on. I mean, you did in a way. But I guess…”

Viper felt Crimson’s tentacles wrap around her and lift her up to her impressive height. She was brought in close and she could smell the perfume off of Crimson. 

“… you couldn’t get enough of me.”

She closed the gap and kissed Viper softly on the lips. Viper felt as if she was being turned to stone, she felt powerless almost. But… she kind of… liked it?

No! NO! This is BAD, Amelia! This is very very BAD! You LITERALLY proposed to Koven a month ago! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW-


Viper’s ink ran cold as she heard the voice of her fiancée. She could feel Crimson smirk into the kiss before she broke away, her hand still cradled Viper’s cheek as she faced Hawke.

“Why, hello darling.”

Viper put her hands on Crimson’s chest and tried to push her away, but the strength in her tentacles was too much for her to break free from.

“Don’t mind us dear, we were just finishing up a friendly conversation. Isn’t that right, Viper?”

“Crimson, what the FUCK was that?”

Viper finally turned her head to get a good look at Hawke. They wore a one sleeve black dress with a slit from the bottom of the dress all the way up to her lower thigh, as well as a shawl over her shoulders. She could see from here that tears threatened to escape her bright blue eyes, until they were quickly filled with rage.

“Crimson… Get your slimy hair off my fucking fiancée, or I’m gonna fucking kill-!”

Language darling, we are in public.”

Crimson finally put Viper back down on the ground with a chuckle. Viper backed away slowly and walked towards Hawke. They didn’t move away from her, but they didn’t look at her, their fiery gaze was glued to Crimson.

“Hawke, I’m so sorry, I-!”

I know. Just close the balcony doors.”

Hawke walked towards Crimson with her fists clenched. Viper could see the soft spots under their tentacles glow bright and pulsate. She swallowed thickly, then turned to do what her fiancée asked of her. As she closed the doors, the loud crowds inside the estate were silenced almost completely, only the harsh clicks of Hawke’s heels remained.



She had never seen Hawke so upset and so intimidating in a long time, not since the domes. Her voice was cold and dripped with venom so deadly, it could rival Crimson’s blue ring toxins.

“You listen to me, and you listen well. I know my fiancée still has feelings for you, and she’s got a lot on her plate. The last thing we need is you butting back into our lives, and causing problems like you always do! So do us a favor and fuck off!” 

Crimson’s colorful and vibrant hair became more yellow from top to bottom, it pushed her magenta tones down to almost the tips of her tentacles. Then her rings started to form as she scoffed.

“‘Like I always do’? Darling, the last time I checked, you were the one that caused problems for everyone else.”

She stepped forward with a hiss, she towered over Hawke and squared up her shoulders.

You were the one who tried to separate Viper and I in the first place. That’s right, I know about your little games and lies that you told to the king during the rescue mission.”

Viper couldn’t see Hawke’s face, but her knuckles were white, and her hair thrashed aggressively.

“I may not be the greatest octoling on the planet, but you, darling?… Oh ho ho, you?… You are far from perfect.” 

She saw where this was going and she needed to stop this NOW. Viper ran up to the two of them as Hawke raised her hand and flexed her claws.


Viper reached her fiancée and quickly grabbed her wrist. Hawke whipped around, and Viper’s hearts sank, they were crying. 

Let go of me, Amelia!”

No! This isn’t going to do anything, and you know that! There’s a time and place for this shit, and it’s not here, and not now.”

Hawke took in deep and heavy breaths, then Viper lowered both of their arms, and took hold of their hand. Their ears drooped as they made eye contact.

“I hate it when you’re right.”

“Mhm, come on, let’s go.”

Hawke looked at Crimson and growled, it was almost fierce.

I’m not done with you, you’re lucky Viper’s here. Otherwise I would’ve ripped you apart.”

Crimson just laughed.

Of course, darling. But you and I both know you wouldn’t be able to finish me, because at the end of the day… she cares about me. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself knowing you forcefully severed a bond that your fiancée held. You know Viper would never look at you the same way again. You know I’m right.”

It was Viper’s turn to growl, and that made Crimson’s hair curl. The blue ring octoling, for once, looked slightly threatened. If only by a little bit.

That’s enough. You crossed a line, and you know it. We’ll… we’ll talk about this later… Come on Hawke, let’s go.”

“Yeah… let’s go…”

Viper guided Hawke towards the balcony doors, but she was able to catch the soft chuckle from Crimson.

“I can’t wait to have another… friendly chat with you… Amelia.”

Viper tried her best to ignore her, right now they both just needed to get out of this party. The two of them navigated the estate in private, still holding each other’s hand. Viper did her best to politely decline people who tried to start conversations with them, while Hawke almost barreled through people. 

After several more minutes they were out of the estate, and Viper immediately asked the valet for her black chevy impala. She swallowed thickly as the jellyfish saluted, then bounced away. She could feel Hawke’s cold stare in the back of her head. She turned slowly to face her, and she still had tears trickle down her face.

“You… You didn’t…”

“No, I didn’t initiate, but… I could’ve done better. I let her get close to me, I let her touch me initially. Although I had no idea she was gonna squeeze and kiss me though. That was insane.”

Viper took a deep breath, before she took a few steps closer to Hawke. 

“Even with that though, it wasn’t okay. I’m sorry, Koven. I’m not asking for forgiveness, I’m just expressing that I fucked up, and acknowledge it.”

Hawke looked down briefly, her hair coiled and thrashed as it glowed brightly underneath. When she looked up at Viper, her eyes were a swirl of blue and hot pink. 

“I… understand… I don’t hold too much against you, but… You tell me when you’re with Crimson, okay? You text me, because I don’t want to trap you. I just need you to communicate with me, so I know what to expect next time.”

Viper blinked rapidly as her one hair started to curl.

“‘Know what to expect’? Do you think I’m gonna go out and kiss her again?!”

Her fiancée threw their hands up with a shrug.

I don’t know! That’s why I’m tellin’ you to text me next time! Just in case… Because if you text me, I’ll know Crimson isn’t trying to do this undercover. I’ll know you’ll tell me the truth.”

They looked into each other’s eyes for a while, until Viper heard the beep of her car. She blinked harshly, then nodded.


She opened her eyes to see Hawke give her a half smile, to which she returned in full. Viper tipped the valet handsomely, then the two of them got in the car and drove back home. Viper kept her eyes on the road, but her thoughts wandered.

‘Little games’? ‘Lies to the King’? What the fuck was Crimson talking about?… And how come Hawke didn’t deny that? What in the fresh fuck is going on?…