Cursed Reunion

10 months, 3 days ago

Jasper and Ant reunite.

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Author's Notes

Jasper - 1,265
Ant - 1,173

It had been a little while since the dark-furred tom had explored further than his little comfortable living space. After he had set up his nest, he’d only scented as far as he felt confident— And that hadn’t been very far at all. Since then, he’d somewhat kept to himself unless he went to visit the beautiful molly Purrsephone nearby. Though today, his day was a little different and his paws were finally stepping on soil that hadn’t been stepped on ever… Or at least for a while.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d ventured into this area, but he had been meaning to for a little while… Mostly because he had noticed a little someone had returned to the Valley, and he’d yet to say hello. Jasper’s fur had been fluffed up a little (not to impress this particular cat, no way), and his shoulders were squared so his frame looked a smidge bigger than it actually was. The tom he was currently visiting was a tricky individual, and Jasper never really knew what he was about to walk into with him… But even so, he thought of the cat as his friend. One he’d actually missed, just a little.

As the familiar scent reached his nose, he opened his mouth a little to try and better figure out its location. A smile only spread along his maw as the scent washed over him, and he flicked his tail in greeting. “Welcome back, Ant.”

Ant took his time to pick burrs and bugs from his fur, griping about the Newleaf plants and how he hated them so. The bugs saw his natty pelt as a lovely place to make a home, much to Ant's utter disgust. Their teeth dug into his skin and his claws into their fragile exoskeletons as he swiftly pierced and crushed their disgusting little bodies. He struggled to curl his broken and gangly tail closer to his paws, the cricks that riddled its length making the muscles uncooperative and painful to move. He knew how nasty the tufted tip must've gotten from dragging in the mud. With a frustrated huff, he abandoned the endeavor, moving to his feet with a stretch of his long thin legs. 

Mid-stretch, Ant's ear's shot up at the sound of footsteps. They were loud enough to mark a cat making no attempt to sneak- but before he could feel his pelt begin to bristle, a familiar voice carried through the air and had Ant's tension falling away faster than he expected. 

"Jasper," He stated, his dry and crackly voice coming out roughly from his throat. He turned to face the ashen tom with his one good eye, "It's good to be back, among familiar faces."

The sight of the returned tom was the one thing his attention focused on— Some small part of his brain wanted to think about how dirty Ant was, with his fur riddled with insects, but he told himself that he’d be far happier if he just pretended that wasn’t happening. Instead, his gaze met the ginger cat’s and one side of his mouth lifted up into a smile, amusement glittering in his eyes. The valley had been in some dire need of chaos lately, and while Purrella was usually enough… Well, Jasper had always thought they worked best all together.

You could argue that they were somewhat forming their own cult, but Jasper would never agree with those sentiments.

“Nice to see you’ve returned,” The dark-furred tom purred, tone light yet inquisitive. He wasn’t sure if asking outright what the other had been doing would irritate him, but he proceeded with the question anyway. “Did you see any sensational new lands?” Maybe it was because he’d always been too nervous to ever leave the valley himself, but he always lived vicariously through the journeys of others. He wanted to know what was out there to be discovered… Without actually doing any of the discovering himself, of course. Why should he risk his hide?

He waited for Ant to reply, watching his body language. Was it just his imagination, or had he become more… Confident? Maybe Jasper was overthinking it, but the tom seemed a little different. Not as… weak-willed. The dark-furred tom subtly smirked, impressed.

"Sensational lands?"He inquired,  flicking his tail to the side in a subconscious twitch, the joint moving rather stiffly. "The world beyond the valley is... Quiet I would say."

Ant's face bore a flash of weakness for a brief moment, a sharp intake of breath as he remembered the pain of his journey. Not the physical- but the mental anguish he'd endured during those seasons away. As swiftly as the expression came though- it went. Despite how much Ant actually liked Jasper, it would be foolish to show him any sign of weakness- softness. He'd been burned once too many times. 

"It's dull out there, and while I can't say I hated the experience, I am rather glad to be back where I belong. He straightened his posture and schooled his expression, getting rid of the tension and eying Jasper's physique- "Enough about me though, Jasper, How has it been here? You look rather healthy, I take it these moons have been good to you?"

The tom couldn’t help but be a little disappointed about the idea that life outside the Valley was quiet. While it did make him feel a little better about never having the guts to venture outside the lands he knew so well, Jasper had at least hoped he’d hear some stories from Ant to entertain him. Whatever the tom had gotten up to out there obviously hadn’t been much to remember. Oh well. Maybe Jasper was better off just staying here— Perhaps that was why cats like Purrella decided to stay here. Other places probably weren’t as exciting.

He was much too busy stuck in his own thoughts to notice any shifting expression on Ant’s face, despite how observant he liked to think he was. The dark-furred tom flicked an ear, wrinkling his nose a little as he pushed his thoughts aside. Instead, his focus returned once more to the lanky tom in front of him, gaze falling onto his scarred face.

A sly grin crawled up his maw, amusement flickering, “I suppose the outside world does become rather dull in comparison to whatever tasks Purrella sends us on.” Obedient. Coward. Slave. He swallowed, his saliva tasting bitter. Now wasn’t the time to ruminate on all his failings, all his missed opportunities.

He began cleaning his claws, expression seemingly bored. Jasper hated answering questions… But Ant had shown himself to be trustworthy, so he supposed it’d be better to answer than not. He couldn’t easily side-step so easily with the tom, especially with his growing reputation in the eyes of a particular munchkin molly. “They’ve been fine enough. There hasn’t been too much action as of late, so I’ve been keeping myself busy with training,”—he softly spat the word—“and other, prettier things.” Purrsephone, though he wouldn’t say such things aloud. He still needed secrets.

Shock crossed Ant's face for a moment at Jasper's insinuation- was he getting sweet on someone? "Prettier things, you say?" A small smirk curled at his lips, not sly or anything of the sort- a small mirthful grin and nothing more or less. It was a shame that he seemed to miss so much. "Now I won't pry, but you should introduce us sometime."

He was happy for Jasper, honestly, but he couldn't help but feel that smallest lurch of possessiveness in his stomach. That someone had cozied up to his friend in his absence. It was an unrealistic feeling, he and Jasper hadn't been all that close, but the feeling curled around his gut nonetheless. Jasper and him were alike in so many ways and while he liked Purella- their relationship wasn't what he would consider friends- and he wouldn't doubt she felt the same. Jasper was something different-  and he wanted to meet this friend of his to see if they were of any merit. He knew Jasper was smart enough not to fall for a clan cat- but a small traitorous feeling in his stomach warned him of such. that he could possibly leave ant for the clans. 

He squashed that feeling immediately. Pointless. 

"That's for later though- I can tell you've gotten stronger, Jasper." He commented, looking up and down Jasper's body, more toned than before, filled out in all the right ways. Honestly, he looked more of a Lynxclan warrior than he had all those moons ago when the statement was true- but he would rather choke himself than ever state such things aloud. rather drown than admit how he felt about it. 

"You spit the word, but you must enjoy training to some extent." He cocked his head playfully to the side, stepping casually forward and letting his tail raise up behind him in a jagged hook, "I admit I wasn't much of a fan until I truly felt the improvement." Ant had an easygoing expression on his face, curious and wide-eyed, he wanted to see how much Jasper had improved- the strength behind those large paws of his.

At the other tom’s response, Jasper was completely ready for prying questions— To his pleasant surprise, however, Ant didn’t give him a hard time about anything. With a slight wink, he purred in reply, “Well, you can’t go and give me evil ideas about ruining her day,” His tone was light, though he did genuinely pause to think seriously about it. Jasper couldn’t see a reason not to introduce them. . . From what he knew about Purrsephone, he could guess that Ant wouldn’t be one of her favourite cats. “Sure, why not?” He finally concluded, swishing his tail as he readjusted his position.

The dark-furred cat didn’t take any notice of a change in Ant’s emotions (the other was good at hiding what he truly felt inside if it wasn’t anger), so his attention was instantly caught by the compliment thrown at him. With a grin, he jumped to his paws and puffed out his chest proudly, flexing his foreleg to show off his newly defined muscles. “You think? I mean, I have been working out,” He paused, trying for one mouse step to be humble before he continued, “A lot.” 

Jasper wasn’t entirely sure why he felt such an urge to impress Ant— He hadn’t really felt the need to before when they’d first met each other. . . But things were different now. Ant had grown in many ways and Jasper didn’t want to be left behind. It was hard to compete when Purrella was obviously a much more skilled fighter and had a stronger presence about her. Even still, it was nice to know that his efforts had been noticed by someone— Even if said efforts were quite minimal. 

A sudden surge of motivation filled him to continue training, if mostly because he wanted Ant to compliment his muscles more. 

He looked back over to his friend, raising an eyebrow, “Actually, now that you mention it. . . I have enjoyed the benefits of improving my physical skills.” Jasper had never felt more confident in his life— He still wasn’t the best fighter, but he at least had a chance of defending himself now. If he continued training, he could be the one to strike fear into the cultists’ hearts.

Now that interested him.

“Hmm. . .” He hummed, eyes landing back on Ant. “What do you say about having some training sessions together? Might be even more enjoyable with a friend.” Jasper was pretty sure that was the first ever time he’d voiced his feelings about Ant. It was embarrassing to admit that he felt a friendly familiarity with the tom, but it was about time someone said it out loud. Besides, if Ant reacted terribly then Jasper didn’t want him as a friend anyway!

Jasper gave Ant the smallest wink, a gentle purr to his voice that made something traitorous light up in the pits of his stomach, a fuzzy feeling that he was wholly unfamiliar with. He was so focused on that frilly light feeling that he almost missed what Jasper said next- agreeing to introduce Ant to his lady friend. He would never admit it aloud, but there was some apprehension towards meeting Jasper's pretty friend, a thousand ways it could go wrong. The way she responded to him could determine how well he could keep his and Jasper's relationship afloat. 

He once again shook the worrying thoughts away- if she liked Jasper, she had to at least tolerate him, the two were similar in a thousand ways and it must count for something. 

Once more, Ant focused his attention on Jasper, the way he gleamed at his compliment, how obviously it seemed to affect the midnight-coated tom. And ant? He couldn't drag his eyes away, he knew Jasper was showing off- but it was impressive without a doubt. 

Ant had been training himself quite a lot recently- he was fierce and agile, but he had nowhere the amount of muscle as Jasper. At a glance, he was sure anyone would assume Jasper the stronger, and perhaps they would be right. It was something that the two of them could definitely use to their advantage, unassuming Ant and powerful Jasper- now that could make a warrior quiver.  He wondered how well he would fight alongside Jasper- it wasn't something either had done before- not since a time long forgotten.

Seemingly reading Ant's mind, Jasper proposed a spar- no not a spar.. A training session with a friend. Ant felt that feeling return again with a vengeance, dandelion seed fluffiness making his chest feel weightless and soft. He took in a sharp breath to compose himself, to not let those emotions become obvious. 

Ant didn't want to get hurt again, he didn't want another repeat of his past friendships- It was foolish of him to open up again- he didn't open up to Purella. They weren't friends... but.. Jasper... Jasper is different. That casual way they spoke, as if a dozen moons hadn't passed and changed them both. 

"I would love that," Ant said before he could even stop the words from coming out, his voice uncharacteristically soft and gentle, a tone that embarrassed him immediately though his face didn't betray it. "Though I'm stronger than I look, Jasp." He swiftly moved on, a confidant grin on his face as he crouched and flexed what lean muscles he had- "I won't go easy, even for a friend."