Wof rp

10 months, 11 days ago
10 months, 11 days ago
1 4509

Chapter 1
Published 10 months, 11 days ago

Explicit Violence

Rp archive with Multi!!!

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Author's Notes

Start 05/16/2023

Recent 07/20/2023

Chapter 1

Julius- The early sunrise cast long shadows across the sandy hills of the desert. Julius—a SandWing dragonet—was stretching, his jaws parting in a yawn before snapping shut again. His sleep had been quite satisfactory, with his dreams full of eating side by side with his little friends as he tried to keep all of his English lessons in the back of his mind while listening to them. English as a language felt very… fast. Compared to the dragon language that they’d attempted to teach him, at least. Obviously they weren’t dragons, so that was kind of difficult, but they managed to teach him the bare minimum.
Shaking off the loose sand in his scales (he’d buried himself under a dune and called it a night), Julius checked all of his pouches to make sure he didn’t get robbed during his slumber before flying in a straight line towards the distant shape of a mountain. The mountain in question was known as Jade mountain, and it was soon going to be where he’d learn all about dragons and dragon culture and other… dragon stuff. He tried to suppress a frown just thinking about it. He knew it would be good for him—knowing how to properly communicate with creatures of the same species and all. But honestly, if he wasn’t as bored as he was out here and in need of some serious social skills? He’d be back with his friends, protecting them from the basic misfortunes of nature that they couldn’t control with how small they were.
His focus shifted slightly upwards, taking in the scale of Jade mountain with a sharp breath. He still couldn’t forget the fact that he wouldn’t be here had a certain article not coincidentally ended up near him after being blown through the wind. The message had reached him via book- well, no- *scroll* about this first ever all-dragon school, where dragons of any species were welcome and could all be together in harmony. Sounded neat, so Julius wanted in.

Upon actually getting close enough to see the entrance, he was kind of complexed on where to land. Was that the only entrance? The… tight cave opening where so many other dragons he’d only ever seen in books were pouring in, so close in proximity their wings almost touched…? Yeah, he was going to take the smart route—aka wait on the very outer part of the landing area for the crowd to die down, where he teetered precariously over the edge to keep as much distance between him and the other dragons as possible. Until necessary. Of course. Because he was going to go in eventually. Why wouldn’t he?
…there were so many reasons he wouldn’t. But that was okay! Because as many reasons as he may have, he’d confirmed to himself yesterday that he was going to attend his first ever school and he was going to use the knowledge given to him the best he could.

Tonic- Never before has Tonic seen this many dragons in the open, or in such good lighting. And to say they were nervous was an understatement.

But Mada knows best and they would never take them somewhere dangerous. Right?

Yet down on the ledge with all the others, trying desperately not to get trampled, this felt like a more dangerous place. They kinda wished to be back in the solitude of the caves.

Julius- It took longer than Julius thought it would for everybody to thin out. He was passing time by drawing pictures in the dirt of his little friends, carefully sketching out their faces as to be able to distinguish them from one another. Then a drop of water landed directly on his friend’s face. He just stared down at it, before another drop landed. Then another. It was raining—great. His little scaleless friends had never liked rain. He used to sit in the downpour with his wings outstretched to shield them.
Now he had no excuse to stay out here. Shaking himself out a little bit, he entered the school, staying close to the wall and slightly ducked as to hopefully blend in with the limited darkness.

Tonic- and just like that their lost, right after they made it into the cave systems they hide in a smaller one off tunnel.

To their relief it sounded like the tunnel lead right back to the main hall. And it was there at the entrance back to the main ground when they saw a group of some of the most stunning dragons Tonics ever seen.

Never before have they seen such shine in the white scales. Sure they saw some in passing in the crowd but up close they were beautiful.

“What are you looking at runt?” Shit they’ve been seen.

Julius- It wasn’t long before he’d found trouble. He was seriously considering backing up right now and leaving as he spotted a small group of—IceWings, he was pretty sure?—picking on a small, dark scaled dragon. The two tribes looked like polar opposites.

“ Are you going to speak up, or have the NightWings ripped your tongue out too? “

So they were a NightWing—noted. The way the IceWing said it sounded as if she was implying something (he could only pick up the basis of what she said), but he wondered what… and then suddenly there was movement. Call it hero complex, but he was dashing out of his hiding spot faster than a hare, claw stretched outwards to block the attack coming the NightWing’s way. Viciously sharp claws made contact with the palm of his own, and a bit of blood spattered onto the wall.
There was silence. Julius didn’t make a sound, though his claw stung like cold salt on an open wound. To be honest, he was more occupied with wracking his brain for anything useful to say in dragon. He finally blurted out, a bit strangely because he was trying to avoid his high pitched accent,

“ Go away. “

Tonic- Now they were completely familiar with the situation at claw. The insults followed by the acts of violence, they knew it’s best to wait it out instead of fighting back, should be common knowledge.

So tell them why there was an wiry dragon doing just that. The sandy dragon already tasted the consciousness, yet still stood there between them and the glimmering dragons.

“You sand snorter can’t tell me what to do!” Yelled the one with a tainted claw.

Tonic needed to get this dragon out of here before they got themselves killed. So letting out a low hiss to get their attention they made a gesture to the group of other dragons in the main hall.

Julius- He picked up on the smaller dragon’s signal, shooting a warning glare towards the IceWings before making his way into the main hallway. Julius wasn’t sure if he was supposed to keep following the NightWing, but he did regardless. He latched on to the familiar feeling of needing to protect someone and tailed them through the crowd. It was suffocating at first, but thank goodness the two squeezed out into a not yet occupied classroom on the other side. Once they were set, Julius stood by one of the walls in a way that seemed like he felt awkward merely being in another dragon’s proximity.

“ Are you okay? “ he tried, voice cracking slightly.

Tonic- Tonic let’s out a shaky sigh of relief when they made good distance.

“Of course, and I had it under control, why did you put yourself in danger like that?” Tonic tried to talk steady but close to the end their voice wavered and lead into coughs. “Sorry” they wheeze mainly to themselves.

Tonic looks guilty at the others claw, still oozing with no sign of stopping. It’s their fault for angering the beautiful dragons, even if they don’t know why. But in turn it’s their fault this one got hurt.

Julius- “ *You* were the one in danger. “ he spoke slowly, staring the NightWing up and down as they began to shudder with coughs.

He felt a pang of sadness hit him as he now closely viewed them. The dragon was incredibly skinny, and had a frame that just screamed bad health. It was like their lungs were trying to escape their throat as each cough came with an agonizing noise behind it. His pity was replaced by an idea as he reached into his neck pouch with his non-crimson covered claw and pulled out a small vial. He came closer and held it in front of them.

“ Drink this. It’s honey, it will help. “

Tonic- They look at the slightly sticky vial with distrust, literarily what is this? But upon removing the cork and being assaulted with the sweetest smell they’ve ever experienced, hunger took over reason. Besides they definitely had more suspicious things before.

They downed what slid out, and all things considered this was the best outcome. It was like a blessing on their scratchy throat.

They hand back over the now half empty vial, and fuck they forgot the other was still bleeding! Forgetting even to thank them they frantically started look around the classroom for anything to slow the bleeding.

Julius- Though his expression was plain, he was very happy that the honey helped. He put the half empty vial back in its respective spot, now watching as the NightWing began looking around. As they did so, Julius figured he should probably get to know them… might as well have at least one dragon he could be acquainted with.

“ What is your name? “ he asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

Tonic- “Ah-“ oh talking was a lot easier “they called me Tonic before.” Among other things but that was the closest one they considered a name.

They found a perfect unimportant looking fabric table cover that they tore to long strands.

“And uh. What about you?” The coughs were much easier to handle.

They gestured for their wounded claw, and Tonic tightly wraps it. Hopefully they could find some sort of water source to wash it out in.

Julius- “ Tonic. “ Julius repeated as if to engrave the name into his memory. “

As the NightWi- *Tonic,* wrapped his claw wound, he couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of warmth at the hospitality. It reminded him of the times he’d come back to his friend’s camp wounded and they’d immediately get on top of treating him.

“ I’m Julius, ” he responded to the second question, bowing his head slightly with a thank you for wrapping his claw. Suddenly the hall shook with the sound of a gong—he only knew what that was because his friends had one back at home in the center of their village. He could only guess the gong was for a dragon meeting/round up.

Tonic- Now this sounds would’ve scared them half to death, if they didn’t already know what it was for. Mada told them that there was going to be a time when they get separated with other dragons before the start of there studies.

So there tonic and Julius stood in the sea of dragons yet again. What they could only categorize as a seawing came into view, called herself Tsunami who’s apparently the headmaster.

The whole assembly was drawn out but Tonic soaked up all the information they could. In the end they were placed with their new. Friend? And they couldn’t thank the moons for that.

Julius- Sticking to Tonic like glue, the two headed to their first class. They told him it was history, and if he was being honest, he was kind of excited to meet the rest of his winglet. He hoped they were all as nice as his new NightWing pal. He tried to repeat the names in his head of the other dragons listed in the Quartz Winglet—*Undertow, Robin, Bole, Fractal, Kokako*… he wondered which tribe they were all from.
Upon entry, both Tonic and Julius froze at the same time. Sitting in the front seat was an awfully familiar IceWing with a scowl on her face as sharp as her claws. Naturally he might’ve been worried or even afraid if it was just him, but the only thing that plagued his mind was *I can’t let her hurt Tonic.* The two ended up choosing the seats in the very back right corner, aka the seats farthest away from the aggressive IceWing—they hoped that she wouldn’t turn around any time soon.

Tonic- Taking in the other dragons in the room there was one of each known tribe. Made it easy to decipher what one’s what from things they’ve overheard about them.
They tried not to look at the rainwing.

Someone must’ve asked them something because the whole class was looking at them.

“Tell us about yourself, Tonic.” The teacher, Webs, dawdled.

They desperately look over to Julius for help, but they looked just as lost in the moment. Fuck they didn’t even hear what the others said, what was the script?

“I’m Tonic and well uh-“ never before have they’ve been as great full for their coughs. They just wave their claws hoping they’ll skip them.

Julius- Julius reached out slightly and gave Tonic a slow and sincere pat on the back before retracting. His pitch black eyes and forked tongue that flicked out in slight bewilderment gave the impression of a snake that just watched its prey escape right under its nose. Swallowing slightly, he found one of his claws coming up to rub the shell and feather necklace he adorned as he spoke,

" I'm Julius. I like bugs... I'm a SandWing. "

He glanced at Tonic as if to ask silently if that was good. They just blinked. He swore he heard the IceWing chuckle under her breath. Did he say something wrong? All of what he said was true.
The rest of the dragons said their introductions, and when it got to the IceWing in question, she scoffed so loudly that the history teacher Webs flinched.

" My name is Fractal... I'm *bored.* "

*So her name is Fractal,* Julius noted mentally.

Tonic- Ok now they were just confused, was this just normal dragon behavior? Sure there used to it but Mada and Julius led them to believe different.

The last one to talk was the rainwing, Kokako, they sounded nice. Yet Tonic still refused to look at them, terrified of recognizing them.

With the student’s introductions done, Webs went about finishing up the disclosure and rules of the class. Gave them all maps of the mountain and sent them to mingle.

Julius- Julius and Tonic collectively decided to stay where they were, as it seems none of the other dragons were wandering over to them. Everyone was kind of in their own groups of two—except for Fractal of course. She bared her teeth at anyone that dared get near her. The SandWing wanted to 1. get to know Tonic better and 2. expand his vocabulary, so he asked Tonic while tapping his claws together,

" Where did uh... you come from? "

He meant to ask where they lived, but that was the closest he was going to get with how little of the dragon language he knew.

Tonic- “Uuh I think I was from the 16th cell, two tunnels down? You know, I’ve never thought about that.” Julius gave them a look, same look Tonic seen on them a few times now.

“Ah what about you? Never heard that accent before.”

To be honest they didn’t even know what accents were but there was something about his squeaks that sounded off. Like it was unnatural, actually the way they held themselves wasn’t like any other behavior they’ve observed.

Julius- “The desert,” he said quickly, unaware of what Tonic said as their answer to his question because there were words in there he’d never heard before, “SandWings are from the desert.”

He’d glossed over the statement about his accent quite quickly, and sounded more like he was trying to reassure himself rather than the NightWing in front of him. Julius had no idea how they would they react if he told them he was actually from the forest, or that he’d lived alongside creatures that definitely weren’t dragons for most of his life. It didn’t help that he didn’t even fully look like a SandWing. While his barbed tail was a clear indicator, he’d come to notice other things that didn’t exactly fit in with the description of the SandWing tribe. Like how the ends of his wings were naturally a gradient of different shades of brown—a color that SandWings could only obtain if they rolled around in dirt. How he always seemed to be able to hold his breath for unnaturally long times, how mud and dirt seemed to feel like a cure for almost any wounds… he didn’t have time to dwell on it. Maybe it was because he’d grown up differently?

Tonic- “That’s cool, i’ve always wanted to see the desert.” That want a technical lie even if they made it sound in-genuine. After years of seeing the same ‘scenery’ the idea of a vast land and a clear view of the sky sounds amazing.

Tonic couldn’t help but keep an eye on Fractal during their conversation. She’s been making her way ever closer, there gonna be in trouble.

“Could you take me one day?”

“Well,-“ Julius seems to pick up in Fractal’s movements as well, and tension rose.

Julius- “Hey, NightWing.” Fractal hissed, eyeing Tonic up and down, “what’s up with your… weird scales? Why are they green? Are you a hybrid or something freaky like that? I didn’t think your little tribe was so open to *contamination.*”

Julius frowned, instinctively stepping between the two of them. The IceWing’s eyes narrowed, claws visibly digging into the stone floor below them. She paused for a moment, scanning him in the same way she did with Tonic, before chuckling sourly.

“You’re not any better, SandWing. Why is your speech so broken, huh? Is speaking your own language *difficult* for you?” Her tone was so patronizing that Julius should’ve bitten her, but he didn’t want to cause trouble on his first day—though Fractal had already done that quite well.

Tonic- The scene was familiar, sure they were is the exact same scenario only a few hours ago.

“What do you even want from us?” It wasn’t accusatory, more of a genuine question with a tense delivery.

It was taken as an accusation as Fractal wound up ready to strike yet again. Frosty air leaving her gnarled maw, this was going to end poorly.

“You know not everyone likes the cold Fractal.” Webs called from the front of the room. Tonic startled, they’ve completely forgot of the classroom setting.

Julius- Fractal gave the two one last mean look before snorting and turning away, retreating towards the door. Webs reached out a claw, jaws parted as if he was about to tell her she couldn’t leave yet, but she was already gone. Julius doubted she would’ve listened anyways.
Turning back to his friend, he realized his wings had partially wrapped themselves around Tonic, as if trying to shield them.

“Sorry.” Julius said hurriedly after realizing he was probably invading their personal space, pulling his wings back till they were folded tightly at his sides.

He forgot that not everyone smaller than him needed his protection. ‘Guess he got used to it over the years.

Tonic- They were trembling only slightly, a little terrifying but having Julius by their side was oddly comforting.

Webs shot them an apologetic look before heading back to the front to announce they will head to their winglet room.

“Wonder if we can ask to be in a different winglet.” Tonic said mainly to themselves, they definitely didn’t want to be stuck with the icewing if each of their interactions are going to be tense.

Julius- "Yeah."

Though his voice didn't share Tonic's enthusiasm, he wholeheartedly agreed. Then again, something told him that even if they changed winglets, they wouldn't get rid of Fractal anytime soon...
They all moved together into their winglet room, leaving Julius surprised at how cozy it was in here. It was a decently sized room, with huge leaf hammocks for each dragon. He watched as Kokako flopped into the one closest to the far wall, scales happily cycling through multiple colors. *RainWings must have these where they live,* he concluded.
Him and Tonic were kind of left with the last hammocks because they didn’t choose quickly enough. Their hammocks weren’t right next to each other, unfortunately, because Bole decided to take the middle hammock for basically no reason. But regardless—all that mattered is that they were thankfully on the opposite side of the room from Fractal, who was in between Kokako and Undertow laying with her back to the rest of the room.
Webs told them all to get used to their room before hurriedly exiting the room as if he was too shy to be near them.

Tonic- Running around the mountain was more exercise then they’ve gotten in a long time. Not saying its bad, but they were worn out.

They settled in to the off putting hammock, but was to tired to care. Barely even noticed as Julius snuck out the window to the outside. Barely.

Stumbling over their tired claws they follow them out. Hoping they won’t get sent back in with an angry snap. Thankfully Julius wasn’t the type to snap.

“God the moons are beautiful.” It was only what they’re third time seeing them? Something about them called, their glows caring, Tonic wished they could always see them.

Julius- Julius hummed in agreement from above Tonic, eyes half closed. He’d found a comfortable spot right above the cave entrance to the school, considering he wasn’t sure he felt quite alright sleeping in such a small space with Fractal (or any of the dragons besides Tonic for that matter) there. Not to mention the entire place just… wasn’t at all familiar. He was used to cuddling up to his small friends by the campfire—not curling up alone in a leaf hammock in some cold cave room.
He opened one eye, looking down at Tonic who seemed slightly surprised he was up here. They were pretty small despite being a dragon, so maybe…

“Do you… want to sleep here also?”

He moved over a bit and gestured a wing over the now empty spot, wondering to himself if that was something dragons usually did, or if he seemed very out of place right now.

Tonic- It was weird, not like they would know if that’s something someone would normally do. But the idea of being so close to another was, off putting.

They just wished there was a book to tell you what’s normal.

So even if this wasn’t normal, they for some reason craved the closeness.

Tentatively they went to Julius, entered his personal space, and laid down. All while shoving down their panicked thoughts of reading the offer wrong.

Waiting in anticipation for the other claw to drop. No doubt Tonic read it wrong and they were going to pay for it.

Julius- He was an observant dragon—he’d noticed Tonic’s skittish behavior and evaluated some of their very… *intricate* scars couldn’t have been accidental. He could also see the way their frail body stiffened, and so he turned his body a little bit so he was facing more away from them and rested his head on his claws. Julius then, finally relaxing his body, let his wing fall on Tonic gently as if it was a blanket.
He’s not sure where it came from, but their small shape really was the closest thing to home and his friends since he came here, and so he instinctively let out a small chirp in the back of his throat. He’d developed this reaction from childhood, because his little friends seemed to understand that the best as a show of affection.

Tonic- Tonic woke up warm, not the uncomfortable warmth their used too. From the lava they were held stationary by, not the warmth they made your scales feel dry, and irritated.

It was nice, inviting, an invitation they accepted by leaning in closer.

Then it shifted, startled out of their lulled sense of security. They see Julius, and they knew they messed up.

Pulling away as subtle as they can, but not subtle enough apparently.

Julius- Blinking sleepily, he stretched all his limbs out, jaws opening in a gaping yawn. Julius chirped a good morning to his little friends next to him, who he felt wiggle out from underneath his wing. However, after he properly opened his eyes, he found himself staring at another dragon. Oh. Right. He instinctively began to chirp to them in his first language, but he caught himself as he sadly remembered that he wasn’t back home.

Clearing his throat, he corrected himself, “Sorry, uhh…… Tonic. Good morning.”

Tonic- they weren’t freaking out, No definitely not. The strange high pitch sound the other dragon made was definitely not off putting. But then again it was nothing they’ve heard before, so maybe it wasn’t bad?

And Tonic definitely wasn’t tense for the rest of the day. Trying to stay a safe distance from Julius as to not set him off. But also close enough to seek protection.

Tonic wish they could focus on what the teacher was talking about. Bits they heard were extremely interesting. But they had to keep a constant eye on their companion.

Julius- Julius had done something wrong. Most definitely. He had to of—especially if Tonic was obviously keeping their distance from him (he could tell however that they never strayed too far).
It was the end of the day before he knew it, and he saw Tonic enter the sleeping cave and then promptly poke their head out—probably trying to look for him past the sea of dragons going to their own sleeping caves. Julius was tempted to go up to them and ask what was wrong, but he thought that maybe he should give them some space. Besides—what if he said the wrong thing and made it worse? He instead ducked, turning around and beginning to walk towards the library. He wanted to study more about dragon history anyways.