Avalon & Adelaide: Attacking in Numbers #1

1 year, 2 months ago

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“Are you sure you’re okay with doing this?” Avalon asked once again as she adjusted the bag over her shoulder, looking over at her twin sister.

Adelaide shot her a somewhat annoyed look, though it was softened by the clear sense of fear in her expression.

“I’ve already told you, I’ll be fine,” Adelaide shot back stubbornly, clipping on a pack of healing salve to her belt. “You said it yourself earlier, everyone has to do their part.”

Avalon had to grudgingly agree with the logic – that is what she had said, after all. She just had never expected her twin sister to agree to joining the front lines to confront the Erisichthon. Avalon had once heard her sister complaining about the hardness of the ground they slept on while camping with their parents, or the dust on her leg after tripping during a hike. Yet, here she was, willingly putting herself in danger and confronting a mythical beast if it meant aiding the others in the camp. Avalon gave a small shake of her head and a smile at her sister’s distinct change of attitude – she supposed anyone could surprise you.

Avalon rummaged through a bag one last time, mentally checking off each item. Several bottles of water, food rations, and medical supplies were piled inside each of their bags. With both them being relatively inexperienced with wielding weapons, they had agreed it would be better to run supplies to the Manahunters that were currently fighting the beast than to attempt to join them on the front lines. After all, if they were injured due to their own inexperience, it would be taking valuable supplies and resources from the savvier combatants. This way, they could still help in the fight, without getting in the way.

It had taken some persuasion for Avalon to convince Alfie to stay within the safety of the camp, though. She still had not witnessed the great serpent for herself yet, and it seemed risky enough for her and Adelaide to sneak off into the woods – the last thing she needed was to be constantly worrying about the safety of her beloved companion too. He had eventually acquiesced to staying in camp with a whine, looking just as concerned as she was about their circumstances.

Satisfied that they had everything they needed, Avalon secured the bag around her shoulders and strode over to the armoury. She selected a Midnight Bow for herself, before wordlessly handing Adelaide a Cerulean Dagger. The weapons were a last resort, but with the Erisichthon rampaging around the forest, it seemed foolhardy to leave the camp without them. If all went well, they would never come into direct contact with the serpent – but it seemed to be a good idea to prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Exchanging a short nod with her sister, they set off into the woods in silence. It did not require much tracking experience to follow the route to where the Erisichthon raged, with fallen trees and gouges taken from the earth. They carefully navigated through the forest, only occasionally spotting exhausted soldiers limping back to camp. They offered their supplies – but were ultimately waved off, the others insisting it was best to get the aid to those still in the thick of the fight.

Occasionally, the roar of the serpent echoed through the trees and Avalon and Adelaide exchanged nervous glances. The noise grew ever more deafening as they approached the location of the beast, and both froze when they spotted the great black head of the Erisichthon rear up from the tops of the trees for the first time. Avalon managed to quickly dive into the nearby bushes, frantically waving for her sister to join her.

“Come on, Adelaide,” Avalon hissed through her teeth, eyes darting between her sister and the Erisichthon.

Adelaide seemed frozen in horror, her breathing shallow and rapid as she stood staring at the beast. Mercifully, the Erisichthon seemed to not see her and its head ducked down to attack another of the Manahunters that circled its feet. Scrambling from the foliage, Avalon managed to get a hold of Adelaide’s arm and forcefully dragged her deeper into the forest. After a few steps, Adelaide seemed to snap out of her trance and was soon racing after her as they completed a large circle around the beast, eventually spotting where a temporary rest spot that had been set up for injured.

“Come on, let’s drop these supplies off and get out of here,” Avalon urged her sister as they ducked forward.

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