
10 months, 3 days ago
10 months, 3 days ago
1 1413

Entry 1
Published 10 months, 3 days ago

Any Quests Gabriel and his team have undertaken.

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Author's Notes

Art of Wandering

A particularly artsy Smeargle announced he was going to paint the walls of Rainbow Cave... and hasn't come back since. While it's a pretty location of smoother-rock walls and practically prismatic gemstones, the high-level rock-types make it a bit of a harrowing experience. Draw/write your Pokemon rescuing this Smeargle from the dungeon!

Word Count: 1344

Art of Wandering

Gabriel sighs leaning back against the tree as he tries his best to raise an eyebrow at Aster - he’s still not used to being this whole pokemon thing.
“So, let me get this straight. We’re going into a cave with high-level rock-types, to save another dumb artist from their own ideas?” His tail bushes slightly just thinking about it.
Why do they have to be the ones to go, well he knows they don’t have to there’s others who could go, no why do they have the feeling that they need to be the ones to go. It doesn’t help that Aster seems to think that the two of them are way stronger than they actually are, just because he was a human doesn’t mean he has super powers and it’s yet to convince her of that.
“I mean, we don’t have to go…” She replies sheepishly, her flower drooping and Gabriel knows exactly what she’s pulling. So, it stands up straighter and walks away from Aster, in the direction it knows the Rainbow Cave to be.
“We do, you’ve told me now and my morals won’t let me risk no one else wanting to go help them.” He states, continuing to walk.
Aster remains stood for a second, before it then occurs to her that Gabriel is in fact going without her, so runs to catch back up with his partner.

It doesn’t take long for them to arrive at the cave, they both pause to have a quick snack, and Gabriel glances back over at Aster, who’s looking a little anxious. He doesn’t point it out, he knows that she’s rather nervous in her own abilities – though he’s not too sure why, she’s gotten him out of more then a couple scrapes at this point.
“Hey,” It bumps him with it’s tail, “The sooner we head in, the sooner we can get back out with him – you can lecture him about the safety of painting the walls in here while being low levelled on the walk back.”
This seems to get Aster to brighten up, he does like to lecture people – and if arch is honest, it likes to not be the one on the receiving end of these lectures. She takes a couple of heavy breaths, clearly trying to settle herself and once Gabriel realises there’s no way she’s going to enter first he heads on in, bumping her with his tail to both comfort her but also encourage her to please follow it. He hopes the Smeargle hasn’t gone in too far, not necessarily because he’s worried about their being a fight but more, gosh he’d really like to not walk that far.

They walk slowly and quietly, dipping into as many crevices as they can to avoid the rock pokemon they see, if they can get in and out with no problems then that’s the ideal. Gabriel manages to pull Aster back just in time to avoid a rather irritated looking Gigalith,
“I think we’re heading the right way,” Gabriel crouches down and hisses into Aster’s ear while keeping her pulled out of sight, “That Gigalith was covered in paint and coming from the direction we’re headed – so that seems to be where our Smeargle seems to be.” Aster nods softly, now staring at the nearly passed Gigalith, it can feel her shaking.
Once Gabriel has decided it’s far enough away it comes back out of the crevice, gently shoving Aster in front of it, as she didn’t seem to want to move anywhere. He loves her, platonically, but wishes she’d just admit when she doesn’t want to go anywhere dangerous with him.
He's worried it will still be a distance to wherever this Smeargle has set himself up, but once they turn the next corner, it can already hear noises and they aren’t the most positive sounding thing. Aster looks over at it anxiously, and he just nods in confirmation – yeah that’s where their ‘target’ is and it doesn’t seem that things are going too well.
“If you head in first, I’ll keep an eye on behind us.” Aster suggests, and Gabriel has to bite back the glare he wants to send her, of course he doesn’t actually want to head into the more open area that seems like it’s going to be dangerous; but he doesn’t, she will at least have angels back.
“Sounds like a plan, hopefully I can get in and get out with our Smeargle friend with no issues. Maybe even with the promise to these cave dwellers that we’re removing the painter and they’ll just shove him at us.” Gabriel laughs out softly.
“Be safe.”
“Forever and always.” It promises, gently brushing his tail over Aster’s chest before then crawling into the open cave.

It's bigger then he expected and even prettier then the rest of the cave, he thought the crystals as he passed were stunning but the ones in this room are even nicer. It keeps low and looks up, almost instantly spotting the Smeargle.
He’s holding on tightly to a small rocky outcropping near the top of the cave, and there’s a lot of angry rock types shouting at him, paint spilt everywhere. Gabriel does have to admit the stuff that he’s actually painted looks really good, but can also understand the rage of the rock types.
“…he’d asked it would be different.”
It catches one of them saying, it’s a Midday Lycanroc speaking and Gabriel decides to approach them keeping low.
“So sorry to interrupt,” it decides overly polite is the best way to do this, “But would you like some help removing your interloper.”
Arch tries not to flinch as it suddenly turns to stare at him, he’s doing nothing wrong being here so shouldn’t get in trouble for being here. The Lycanroc just lets out an exhausted sigh.
“That would be great, he won’t listen to any of us – that we don’t want our cave ‘redecorated’ – so of course some of the others have taken the less peaceful task. You’re one of those ‘Teams’ aren’t you?” It asks. Gabriel nods,
“I am – and trust me, we want to get him out of here too. If you’d be kind enough to get me to him, I can get him out of here, he has people worried right now.” He adds and the Lycanroc nods and starts heading forward.
It trots quickly behind them, trying to not stare at anyone as they pass and also not seem too anxious, it’s alright that he’s here. He nearly crashes into the Lycanroc as it pauses to speak to a Naclstack in their path, he can’t quite hear what they’re saying and doesn’t really want to eaves drop on them. The two both then step to the sides and Gabriel realises now’s their best shot.
“Hey!” It calls up and the Smeargle looks down at him, relief quickly spreading across it’s face.
“You’re here to save me!” He exclaims and Gabriel nods.
“Yeah, I’m here to take you back home, you’ve got people worried about you. Maybe… you know, ask the people of an area before you start trying to redecorate for you.” He states and the Smeargle nods.
“Of course, I’m so sorry!” He’s close to tears and if what he did wasn’t so stupid, he’d feel bad for him.
Seemingly satiated by the apology, the other rock pokemon back off, one Onix stretches up, offering the Smeargle a way back down which he nervously takes, once his paws are back on the ground he legs it to Gabriel’s side, clutching his tail nervously. Clearly ready to go right away, Gabriel pauses to smile and nod a thanks to the Lycanroc before retracing it’s steps back to Adis, who sighs in relief seeing the two of them back unharmed.
Gabriel zones out Adis’ lecture on the walk back, only joining in to remind Adis that the poor Smeargle has been frightened, so has defiantly been taught his lesson about disturbing other pokemon without asking first, especially with the rock types.