proorisménos [EOH]

1 year, 1 month ago

Melody and Seirios meeting. SELF RP

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Author's Notes

eaghhhhhhhhhhhh i tried its sorta like sonic and tails dynamic

Quick tiny steps, one after another until they suddenly crashed. Sitting now on the ground laid a tiny boy no younger than 5 years of age, crying hiding the upper part of his head... Something he was ashamed of maybe? No one could be sure at the time being, as he was alone. There he sat, wondering to himself why he couldn't be as strong as his siblings, why he couldn't communicate as well 

sob... sob ughuuu..,

soft yet audible cries, audible enough to catch some views if people were wandering nearby, but he didn't really care at the moment, his feelings overwhelmed him. in a way, his heart was bigger than his body.

Tapping his fingers on his own hand as he walks, absorbed on his own world almost nothing came to mind to him at the moment. Melodía was not someone known for being a social person, much less for paying attention to his surroundings.Everything. Everything looked almost null to him, people, places... The only thing keeping him entertained was the sound of his own music. He grasped his headphones, listening to the soft sounds coming from them, until...He tripped. But it wasn't a simple rock, or anything like that, it was a decently sized thing... Person? Big bumpy thing.

The sudden feeling of someone tripping on him almost sent him into a shock, making him send little waves of ice through his hands, freezing a bit what these were covering. He looked with fear to the person now standing in front of him... Did they follow him? He made sure to run with all his might, but his little legs weren't doing him a favor, after all he was only 5.He backed up a bit, looking still... He couldve ran, but he had to admit despite being fearful of whoever tripped on him being one of the people following him... He was a bit worried if they were okay after the fall.

He slowly gets up from the fall, opening his eyes to look at the now identified person he bumped into. Blank stares. it seemed just like another little kid, a crying one. not his problem, someone else in the world for him.He got up, but the kid seemed to be behind him, as if he wanted to say something, so he just waited a bit... Silently.


- I-i... 

He seems to be tripping a bit on his words. Apologizing is normal for most people, but Seirios struggles with communicating a lot, specially under stress. His face is full of tears, still, but he tries to mutter as much as he can, but all he can do is try his best.

- I'm sorry, I-I really am! He tries to apologize, moving his arms a bit but still, covering his head with his sleeves... What's up with that?


He thinks to himself. Why is the kid apologizing? He's the one who tripped on him, was it because he was on the front? Probably, still this kid was a well mannered one to be apologizing like that. If it were some kid from the netherworld, he would've picked a fight.Still, it's not his place to ask questions, he's a stranger.

- It's ok - He keeps his words limited.

- B-but...

He looks side to side and uncovers one of the sides of his head, revealing a tiny horn. However it seems like the little one didn't intend for this to happen, hidding once again said horn with his sleeve

- Ah! - Placing himself in that dangerous position, he seemed to be scared once again preparing himself to run, he had no idea how the other one would react to that, however he couldn't risk it, he already had a lot on his plate. He was already very overwhelmed, trying to not cry again.

He caught a glimpse of that before it was hidden again. At first, it was nothing that caught his attention.

  • A horn, huh... Yeah, silly thing... Oh.

Then it hit. This was no ordinary child, this was a Spooky descendant, and for the looks of it one of the ruler's children, if he recalled correctly. He tried to walk towards him but retreated right after, wasn't it dangerous? No, he couldn't judge, it was just a little kidThen it made sense, why he was scared and running -Uhh... I'm not harmful?

The boy quietly stopped his tracks, still not trusting, however seemingly more calm about the situation stepped a bit closer. After all, he was and still is curious. What if he was one of them? Would he pick on him? Would he harm him? His parents weren't there to defend him this time, nor his bigger siblings, he felt almost defenseless in that state, he didn't even have a small grasp on his powers yet


He uncovered his horns slowly, covering now half of his face with his sleeves. The tip of these seemed to be frozen due to stress.

He took a better glance now at the uncovered horns. No doubt, this kid was one of them, but... What was he doing here? On the floor?He reached his hand towards him, signaling for him to steady using him as a support. His face... Still looked null however, as much as it was an interesting situation, his feelings didn't change yet.

Taking his hand, he got up now looking directly at him, a bit more surprised. He didn't point at his horns, he didn't point at anything about him, wich in turn made him feel a bit safer

.- It doesn't... Bother u? - He said with his still childish voice, trying his best to keep it short

At first, dumbfounded by the question, he made a strange face, however then he thought about it a little more. This kid was probably being picked because of his family line, his horns spoke for him

Maybe that's why he was covering them in the first place.

- Uh... no, it doesn't bother me - He wasn't the best at keeping it friendly, but he wasn't a monster to be mean to a kid, even if he himself was around his age, maybe a couple years older.

- You don't have to apologize either, it's ok.

His train of thought jumped immediately at the conclusion that the person standing in front of him didn't knew his background, so he felt a bit relieved. Letting out a sigh he stared a bit at him again.He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could mutter any words, he was interrupted.

-I know you're one of their kids, don't worry i don't have anything agaisnt you

.He walked closer to the boy, ruffling his hair... Maybe a bit to comfort him, who knows, this kid was probably in need of some comfort, he seemed alone at the moment. -I should know myself things are changed there. Your bloodline doesn't make you any different than the others, you're good.

Oh... He knew. He covered his mouth, but didn't made any less of what he said, if anything he felt a bit more relieved. Without his siblings or parents he was a bit helpless, so having someone that actually wasn't a bit of a menace to him was good.

- Netherworld?- He asked. Probably didn't made any sense, but he hated to speak more than he should.

He nodded his head, walking and sitting on a nearby bench, signaling for the kid to sit at his side. The kid seemed to be opening himself a little bit, so he wasn't anyone to just turn and say no, despite him still being a blank for him 

-If you're asking, i'm from the netherworld, yes

His face was still emotionless, but his tone seemed a bit friendly.

-And i'm guessing you are too.

He knew, so it wasn't worth to keep -at least most- of his identity hidden, and he didn't seem like a bad guy at all, at least for him. He was still hesitant to discuss the Spooky side of things with people, struggling with things, and he didn't like the big profile of being a ruler's children either, he liked the peace of being a normal kid.

-Yes... My name is Seirios

Seirios... Seirios... That name sounded somewhat familiar...Then it kicked again.He had heard that name from greed, after all he was pretty involved with the sins... He grasped before he was one of the Spooky members however now it made more sense. He was the kid of one of the rulers, too. Their youngest, to be exact. Suddenly, it felt almost as if his face unblurred, a now recognizable person on his mind, someone who he would remember. Seirios.}

 - Seirios... 

-My name is...Silence filled the scene, the only thing that you could possibly see was him doing gestures with his hands. Why didn't he say his name out loud? A Namesign, if you will.

With his hand, he repeated the gesture, making sure he got it right. Smiling softly at his new companion. He did it a bit wonky, however he got it for the most part right. He repeated the gesture once more, as a reminder to not forget it.

-...Got it

His legs swinging front to back on the bench, he had made a new friend.