Emery's journal (#2)

9 months, 16 days ago
8 months, 5 days ago
26 9595 1

Entry 1
Published 9 months, 16 days ago

Explicit Violence

Entries of the journal Emery keeps after she ends up stranded in Knox, with no clue of what to do next and hostiles inbound left and right. Might as well count the days, you've only got so much time left.

[ This is based off a RP server I was partaking in and written from an IC perspective, therefore some of the events that happen or are talked about are not of my own making - simply spoken on from the perspective of my character. ]

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Author's Notes

The page has a 1/3 writing 2/3 drawing ratio - a small sketch of a horse, a barn and some childish house shapes. A stick figure of an undead with an axe embedded in it's head sits on the right, meanwhile on the bottom margin rests a moon, some stars, and a doodle of a mask. A small annotation can be read next to the mask reading; "Weird mask, kinda cool though."

Page 1 | Alive.

I miss home.

Hope everyone else is doing good back at home.. or wherever they are now. I can't keep going like this, gonna settle somewhere a bit since there's communities around here apparently...

Spring and summer are gonna hit soon, I can plant up some crops somewhere and self sustain, get back moving when winter hits. I feel bad stopping the search for Avery and Wesley but, I can't stand being this alone with them freaks anymore. Just.. a short break. For the summer. Yeah.

Found someone -- well. He found me more so. Either way he gave me some supplies to reply what I lost to damage in the crash.. without me even asking. I'll take the help wherever I can get it, it seems safe here, even if he dresses a bit.. oddly. Maybe I'll be able to get some proper rest for once.

See what tomorrow brings.