Other Short Stories

10 months, 6 days ago
8 months, 20 days ago
2 1813

Entry 2
Published 8 months, 20 days ago

Other Short stories revolving around my 'mons within Tectonic Crusade, most if not all entries will include Gabriel - though each chapter will state who's in which one.

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Gabriel finds an egg all lost and alone in an alley.
Characters: Gabriel
Word count: 400

An Egg

Gabriel pauses, tapping his toes slightly as he stands in the alley, glancing around to see if there’s anyone else near him. His eyes then drawn in and he stares back down at the egg that is sitting on the floor, it’s on a cushion clearly to stop it from getting damaged, but it’s not being kept warm enough and he knows there’s a biting chill to the air. He’s not sure how long he should wait for, see if someone has just had to run off and leave it behind with no other choice, he doesn’t want to just kidnap someone’s egg. However, he also doesn’t want to just wait here for ages and it turns out they have been left, he doesn’t really know what to do.
Taking a breath, he heads forward and curls around it, warming the egg up with his fur and flopping his tail over the top of it to try and chase off the chill. He’ll wait for a bit; he didn’t see anyone leave this alley but there are too ends of it so they could have gone the other way. When it feels like he’s been here too long, he’ll go to the guild, and drop it off there, that seems to be the most sensible idea, at the very least they’ll know where it needs to be moved to.
It does feel odd, Gabriel doesn’t plan on having any children, didn’t before he arrived in Coldour and still doesn’t really want them; but there is something odd and strangely comforting about trying to keep this egg warm. He wouldn’t really call it a nurturing instinct, sure he also took in Good Boy but he had little choice for it, like he does now. He doesn’t know what’s in this egg, he doesn’t know why it’s here but what it does need is someone who can give it the best chance so slowly he stands.
Glad his bag is currently empty, he scoops it up and slides it in, it’s a snug fit but that’s ideal. It’s not too far to the guild, the other reason he’s decided it’s the best place to go. It has to keep his pace slow to not upset it, he feels like he’s made a small bond with this egg, and he hopes it has the best life it could possibly have from now on.