Virusyte Monthly Prompts

9 months, 25 days ago
7 months, 15 days ago
3 1669

Chapter 1
Published 9 months, 25 days ago

Digital Tales

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Author's Notes

Draw or write about your Virusyte on/coming out of the device that they live on. This device can be anything, as long as it has a screen.

Featured: Bontity


He could always hear the people on the outside of his boxed in home. The noise always sounded so fun, but he could barely see around the cover they'd placed over the screen, with its bold words stating 'Out Of Order' on it. They hadn't even bothered to call anyone to fix it, they just left it to sit and rot. He wasn't too fond of that. However, thanks to their lack of attention, he could at least he could continue to munch on the contents of the code for much longer.

It'd once been some horror game but he made quick work of the codes and characters contained in the cabinet's system, as he started consuming all the textures and models and other various bits and bobs within the game. He knew some of the AI models still wandered around, but he felt more and more reluctant to consume them, and his eating had slowed quite a bit now. He didn't really know where he'd go after everything was gone, or if he'd sit in an empty box and rot away afterwards.

Perhaps watching the AI go about its routine, perform its demo programming even in such a broken world, gave Bontity a smidge of comfort. Though he often wondered what the game would've been like when it was active, he supposed he'd never find out now. So instead, he decided to turn away from the screen, only to see his tail trying to swallow a brick whole. Of course it would be, it was never the brightest of the duo. It did manage it though, like a pelican might eat a fish. He could only stare with annoyance, as it looked over at him once the brick had completely dissolved into code to be consumed. It just sat there, blepping happily after the meal.

Bontity finally hopped off the wall, and wandered through the nibbled and chewed up ruins, the box rattling slightly as a kid runs by outside. He frowned, even with a lack of a mouth that much was obvious. He wouldn't be able to finish his task, not like this. not much else to do though, besides consume what's left and wonder if there were others who were stuck like he was. He could definitely try to find a way out, that's not out of the question, but there's of course the issue of where he would go. He can't hop between the arcade cabinets forever, something bad would happen to him eventually if he did that. He didn't have many options here, so he chose to slow down and observe things, rather than make impulsive choices that truly strand him within the digital void he'd create.

Though he'd have to leave one day, for now he chose to "tolerate" the companionship of the AI that ran past from time to time. After all, it's not like he'd be getting out just yet. Someday, but he will bide his time. He won't be trapped forever. He won't allow it.