Rasha and friends's poetry book

5 years, 2 months ago
5 years, 7 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 2 months ago

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Poem 1 A land down under

Behold the land down under,

a place most don't dare to tread.

A land of deadly creatures,

that may rest with you upon your bed.

Deadly animals all around,

in the water and on the ground.

Snakes and spiders on the ground,

may end up in shoes unfound.

Welcome to the land down under,

where animals are likely to track you down.

But where are you truly safest?

In a house, that has been clear of pests.

Steve Irwin was the best we had,

till the day things wet went dry.

A sorrow arose from the land below,

a brave fellow whose tale unfolds.

Now he rests in clouds above,

watching as his passion grows.

A land down under with passion strong,

don't mind the snapping jaws.

A world of amazing creatures,

deadly as they seem.

Only misunderstood as fangs gleam,

survival's truest heart of glee.

what thy grasp in a land so grand,

animals only fear is man.

The only true fear is fear itself,

don't let it control life's adventure.

Take a step in the land down under,

and believe me it's a world of wonder.

Take a risk, take a chance,

in a land of things so grand.

Explore a land, of wonder.

Here in the land down under.

- Rasha