Ouggh Batim gay people

9 months, 17 days ago

Chu takes a trip to Mika’s office to deliver some papers.

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Every day is the same old grind. Mikaela let out a hefty groan as he finally put his pen down and leaned backwards in his chair, staring at his finished idea pitch. It was garbage, just like all of the crumpled up papers in the trash can, but Mika had a feeling this was the best it was going to get. He had no idea how he was even still employed. 

The creaking of the door followed by a cheery hum let Mika know that Chu had walked in, tapping their fingers on the stack of papers before unceremoniously dropping them down on Mika’s desk. They had a certain spring in their step today, he noted.

Before Mika had the chance to grumble and complain about the noise, Chu reached around his shoulders and propped themselves up so that they were leaning just over his head. Mika could smell their cologne. Sweet and mild.

With a small squeak of unamusement, he picked up his finished papers and gave them a light smack on the face. “Give these to Mr. Drew.”

He snatched the stack from his hand with a playful smirk. “a please might be nice.”

Mika rolled his eyes, before dramatically leaning his head back until it was practically resting on Chu’s shoulder. “Please, Chu. Just take it. I need a brain break.” 

They took a glance around the office, thankfully empty at the moment. “I told you, you can call me Jiahao when we’re alone.”

His first name. Mika swallowed and wordlessly rolled their pretty name around his mouth. “J-Jiahao, then…” he mumbled awkwardly.

Jiahao rested his cheek on Mika’s head, letting his hands wander lazily onto his companion’s shoulders, tracing tiny circles onto his collarbone. Mika closed his eyes as well, letting the gentle motion calm his racing thoughts. He felt careful fingers trace tiny hearts on his shoulders and fiddle with the lace on his dress shirt’s collar. 

Mika’s eyes found the small stack of documents that they had come in with. “What are these?”

“Story pitches from the other writers. Mr. Drew wanted you to have a look at them before any of them hit storyboarding.” 

“Of course it’s me,” he muttered. “When will they remember I'm not an editor? I have my own things to do.” he glanced at the scattered papers on his desk that still had to be viewed.

“Why don’t we walk down to his office together,” Jiahao mumbled into his ear. Mika groaned, exhaustedly leading his head back to rest on their chest. They smiled. “You could use the brain break. Plus we haven’t seen each other all day. I missed you.”

He took one last inhale of their cologne before straightening his back out and organizing the mess of papers into one neat stack. Jiahao smiled watching him work, the erratic motions of his partner’s nimble fingers reminding him of the way Mika’s hands glided over piano keys.

Grabbing his cane as he rose from his seat, Mika caught a glimpse of Jiahao’s eyes glittering with adoration. In one fluid motion he gently cradled Jiahao’s face for a split second before delivering a peck on the lips and shrinking back away, bright red in the face.

He tried not to let his flustered grip wrinkle the papers as he turned away from Jiahao’s amused chuckle.

“I knew you missed me—“ They started before Mika cut them off with a shush.

“Not. On. The. Clock.” He muttered, refusing to make eye contact lest they were to see his bright red flush. 

Jiahao only smiled at him, bringing him close to give another quick peck on the forehead. Then, ignoring their partner’s flustered squeak, they took his hand to lead him through the doorway. After all, they still had work to do.