Shadow Obsidian

9 months, 15 days ago

Character belongs to Seraphrius!
Approved August 23, 2023.

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Shadow Obsidian


16918905_v62ViZLcacSlx8v.png Gem Name
Shadow Obsidian
Gender Pronouns

Social Status

A colony ruled by White Diamond.
Creation Purpose
Obsidians are made to be soldiers to fight for their courts, usually in front lines behind the strongest soldiers. Many tend to be standard warriors, usually more skilled at speed and their reaction time. Their skills help them land more strikes and attacks rather than landing one full blown attack like other stronger Quartz. Some Obsidians are created to be heavy hitters, however lose their speed and reaction time advantage.
- Homeworld (formerly)
- White Diamond (superior) (formerly)
- Homeworld Soldier (formerly)
- Nomad

Weapons and Powers

- Great sword (Alternatively like a Buster Sword)

Enhanced Durability
- High level resistance to damage such as bullets, blades, and other certain weaponry.
- Difficult to gemstate.
- Can only take so much damage before succumbing to the effects.
- His GEMSTONE is not durable and can still be cracked and scratched.
Shadow Manipulation
- Can shape and manipulate darkness and shadows.
- Create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness
- Create constructs and weapons
- Able to see in the dark.
- Able to absorb shadows and utilize them in his attacks.
- Can make himself invisible within his shadows.
- Can render opponents temporary blindness with the darkness.
- Can evoke and increase fear and horror in others.
- Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
- Light Manipulation, Light Generation, and other light based powers are especially effective against this power.
- May be unable to create darkness/shadow, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
- May become affected/corrupted through extended exposure.
- Immune to all darkness/shadow.
Enhanced Abilities
- Quick reaction times and fast reflexes.
- Amazing hand to eye coordination.
- Able to see great distances clearly. 20/20 vision.
- Good with using most hand held weapons.
- Stronger than average gems.
- Relies more on speed than strength.
- Not as fast as super speed.


He has a rather calm demeanor, yet his appearance would be that similar to a monster ready to pounce.
Positive Characteristics
Courageous, Independent, Discreet (Neutral), Observant, Dauntless
Negative Characteristics
Impartial, Scheming, Unnatural, Strange, Meticulous (Neutral), Selfish
Incense, Meditation, Playing a musical instrument, Music Itself, Art, Old structures and Temples, Human History, Nature
Desecration of old structures, the negative development of human growth, particular arrogant or obnoxious gems
- Gamophobia (a fear of commitment or fear of marriage)
- Nostophobia (fear of going back to Homeworld)
- Ergophobia (fear of resuming his designed role)

Brief History

40,000 years ago Shadow Obsidian was formed in White Diamond's Alpha Kindergarten on Homeworld. He is Facet 1A3C, Cut 5XE. He was one of the few first Obsidian's ever created. Shortly after being formed, he was sent to a Nuummite to be trained in the art of fighting to serve as a elite frontline soldier. After thousands of years of training, his brigade was deemed fit to begin colonization for White Diamond Court.

Shadow Obsidian's first planet he was assigned to was Veapone, a planet that contained mostly ice. His first orders were to claim the planet in the name of White Diamond, to which he obliged with no questions asked. After, he was ordered to be a guard at one of the varying posts.

As Veapone's kindergartens flourished, Shadow Obsidian would later be transferred to Zagumia. A planet that was rich for the minerals needed to promote grand quality stones. This planet had a few different kinds of specimens that would have been quickly dealt with by him and the forces he was sent with. Again, after the planet was claimed in the name of White Diamond, he was assigned to patrol and guard.

25,000 years ago a new planet was discovered. This small jungle like planet would be called Rawei. Though Homeworld forces tried for thousands of years to tame this wild planet, it did not serve well for a base. Seeing as the life on it was irrelevant to gemkind, the Obsidians and other forces from Homeworld destroyed the planet. After the planets eradication he would be moved back to Zagumia for new orders. Those orders were to patrol with a flight ship between Zagumia and Veapone.

It was around 15,000 years ago when a war broke out between the intelligent life of Sezuno and the gems. Yellow Diamond called to her fellow Diamonds to send aid to her troops to win the war and Shadow Obsidian was one of the unfortunately to be forced into it. This planet seemed to have almost come out of the blue and he would be told little about it. But he would be quickly sent to the lavender dusted planet. This is where he would enter a grand battle, one he had not quite seen before. Unlike the others, fusion was required in order to defeat the rather large creatures that had plagued the planet. Like others before him he would choose to fuse with his fellow brothers. Only to have something to go wrong thanks to his powers. He ended up corrupting the two Obsidians he had fused with. In shame he fled from them while they turned into something ungodly.

After returning to base, he was captured and transferred back to Zagumia to be detained. He was put under watch for several hundred years before they released him. He was then sent back to Homeworld, dismissed from his colonization duties and assigned to become a guard in White Diamond's court. Being a guard was nothing special, until a certain thunderous gem became rowdy. Shadow Obsidian, and a few others were tasked with his take down but they were not successful in his capture. Afterwards was all the same, guard this and do that. Nothing too important or making much of a difference... until the rebellion began.

News of the Crystal Gem rebellion had Homeworld sending more and more forces to Pink Diamond's planet Earth. Shadow Obsidian joined one of the teams heading to fight for Homeworld. He encountered the thunderous rebel several times again while on Earth soil but each of their battles ended with no victories on the Obsidian's end. He lost one. Their second ended in a draw. And by the time they encountered the third time, they vowed a truce.

Shadow Obsidian had met other impactful and non impactful gems during the rebellion era. He defeated an overly rowdy Ice Quartz. He met a lovely Angelite. And he started to doubt his loyalties. It was 5,000 years ago when he witnessed the capture of the thunderous rebel. In a way, this broke him inside. Though he had no true understanding of the gem, he felt as if there was a small connection. Deciding he had had enough, Sid would leave Homeworlds side from that point on and become a wondering traveler.

During the Grecian era he found a woman who captivated him. She was like a goddess, though he barely knew that that meant. But loved her none-the-less. She had three kids and one on the way, her husband died during a war. They two fell in love and he cared for the children like his own.

After her death and the children had moved on, he would travel towards the roman territories where he would fall for a Roman Soldier. His power what had won him over. The two were brothers in arms, soon to be lovers. But he would be gone all too soon from the world. As, during the fighting, his love would be slain with nothing he could do.

In the Victorian era he settled down and decided to be a musician. He learned various instruments, but none could compare to the voice. It was unique for he could not sing. So he fell in love with the opera house. Soon, a woman cladded with powdered wig and a white dress would come upon the stage and he would fall in love with her voice. He was enraptured and encaptivated by her. They two were quick to fall in love. But she was not faithful to him. She had found plenty of other lovers during the time.

In 1986 Shadow Obsidian saved a fisherman by the name of Alexandre from dying on a fishing boat thanks to a horrible storm. Since that day they became brothers in arms. He was adopted in the family and help raised his children. He has remained with this family for hundreds of years, acting as a family guardian of sorts.

History Breakdown
40,000 years ago - Shadow Obsidian was formed within White Diamond's court, on Homeworld.
35,000 years ago - Shadow Obsidian was sent to Veapone to successfully colonize in White Diamond's name.
31,000 years ago - Shadow Obsidian was sent to Zagumia to successfully colonize in White Diamond's name.
25,000 years ago - Shadow Obsidian was sent to Rawei with plans to colonize but the planet was untameable. So they destroyed it.
18,000 years ago - Shadow Obsidian was transferred back to Zagumia after Rawei's destruction to await further orders.
15,000 years ago - Shadow Obsidian was sent to Sezuno to help Yellow Diamond's troops with their attempts to colonize the planet.
14,500 years ago - Shadow Obsidian attempted fusion for the first time and accidentally corrupted his partners. He was transferred back to Zagumia to be detained.
13,000 years ago - Shadow Obsidian was sent back to Homeworld to become a guard.
12,500 years ago - Shadow Obsidian fought with Benitoite and lost.
5,750 years ago - Earth Rebellion started.
5,500 years ago - Shadow Obsidian was sent to fight on Earth.
5,450 years ago - Shadow Obsidian fought Benitoite again and lost.
5,400 years ago - Shadow Obsidian fought Benitoite again ending with a draw.
5,410 years ago - Shadow Obsidian fought Ice Quartz and won.
5,100 years ago - Shadow Obsidian fought Benitoite again ending with a truce.
5,000 years ago - Shadow Obsidian defected from Homeworld.
4,750 years ago - Earth Rebellion ended.
2,900 years ago - Shadow Obsidian fell in love with his first human and helped raise her children.
2,800 years ago - Shadow Obsidian fell in love with his second human.
650 years ago - Shadow Obsidian fell in love with his third human who was unfaithful to him.
487 years ago - Shadow Obsidian saved some fishermen humans from a storm and became their guardian.