An Unexpected Night

10 months, 8 hours ago
10 months, 8 hours ago
2 1368

Chapter 1
Published 10 months, 8 hours ago

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Work Hard Play Hard

Cyon quietly crept through the mostly quiet town of Silverdenn. Her ears were on a swivel, listening out of any sign of the town guards or any knights passing through. Thankfully she’d been staking this place out for a while and she knew that most of the town’s residents would be inside for the night. Her heart was pounding in both excitement and a bit of fear. The last thing she wanted was to be on the receiving end of a move from either of the members of the town guard.

Thankfully though she managed to stay out of sight even as she heard the soft rustling of wings that meant one of the two guards were flying overhead. Soon enough she was at her destination. Unfortunately this town was largely built out of non flammable materials, darn dragon types and their stupid stone buildings, but some of the buildings down in the valley were constructed out of things that certainly were flammable. She carefully lifted the bag of fireworks she'd brought along off her back. She’d have to be careful about this if she wanted to both make sure she didn’t set herself on fire and could slip away without being spotted.

As she began to set up the fireworks she kept an ear and eye out for any of the residents. She didn’t know exactly if anyone was staying in the buildings down in the valley right now. As far as she could tell all of the residents lived up somewhere on the canyon walls, but she would rather be safe about this. Did she need to be doing this in the first place? No, but she figured with all the firework festivities going on why couldn’t she have a bit of fun for herself? Honestly her choice of target was not the greatest place she could have picked, but it was the first town she came across. She’d sunk too much time into information gathering to just move on now.

Finally everything was set up, and by some miracle not a single soul had seen her do it. While this shouldn’t do too much damage it should still be fun to watch. Maybe if she was as careful as she thought the ignorant townsfolk wouldn’t even know it was done intentionally. Another reason she’d chosen this area to set up her own fireworks was because this is where she’s seen the town storing their own fireworks in preparation. It was entirely possible many of them would write this off as an odd accident.

Well no more stalling. She eyed the fuse she’d set that would set off all the fireworks in quick succession and took a deep breath. Once she was ready she shot off a burning jealousy and the fuse was lit. She dashed back to what she felt was a safe enough alcove to watch the literal fireworks. A wide grin made its way onto her face as they started to go off. Now this was a show! None of all that safe stuff that the towns of the frontier had been doing lately. This was where it was at. Predictably the more flammable buildings did catch on fire. She took a moment to admire the flames before her ears twitched at the sounds of pokemon approaching. As much as she’d like to keep watching the fruits of her labors, that was her cue to leave.

With what felt like a couple close calls she managed to slip out of town in the confusion. More fireworks were going off. Guess the fire had reached the firework storage. She enjoyed what she could see of the chaos from a safe distance and smirked to herself. Maybe it would be fun to mess more with this town in the future.