HH - A New Friend

1 year, 17 days ago

Chourei was buying a drink from a vending machine at the school grounds. Suddenly, a group of delinquent students surrounded her. However, Reiko saw them and saved Chourei by beating their butts.

RP Log with sanie ( August 25, 2023 )

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Lunchtime had descended upon Hikarimachi High School, casting a serene ambiance over the campus. The sky stretched out with a flawless expanse of clear, cerulean blue, a perfect canvas against which the sakura trees painted their vibrant hues. Petals danced gracefully on the wind, imbuing the surroundings with a delicate, almost ethereal quality, as if nature itself were engaged in a harmonious ballet. The weather, as if handpicked from the realm of dreams, added its gentle touch to this tableau.

Within the school's walls, a dichotomy of scenes unfolded. Some students chose to linger within the confines of their classroom, a cozy sanctuary where they could both savor their meals and engage in animated conversations. Others, compelled by camaraderie and the allure of the outdoors, ventured outside to share their lunches with friends beneath the cerulean sky.

Amidst this backdrop of high school life, the tale of Chourei, a first-year AD student, emerged like a vignette. Her affinity for strawberry milk led her to a familiar vending machine, yet today, an unforeseen obstacle emerged. A cluster of students, seeming almost careless in their demeanor, formed an irregular queue, not unlike the scattered notes of a discordant melody. Patience is a waste of time for Chourei. Her determination to claim what she desired overshadowed any consideration for waiting in line. With a mischievous smile, she wove her way past the half-formed line, her voice chiming with an almost singsong quality, "Excuse me, coming through~" as she slipped her currency into the machine's eager slot.


A decisive clank echoed as the machine yielded her coveted drink, a small triumph won. Yet, the line-cutting had not gone unnoticed, stirring the ire of those who had staked their place earlier. Some among them, burdened by their own financial limitations and perhaps a distaste for numbers, had been in the midst of navigating the intricate dance of coin exchange.

Words, fiery as embers, flew from indignant mouths. "HEY! YOU'RE CUTTING THE LINE, GIRLY!" exclaimed one, frustration and indignation coloring his tone. Another joined in the chorus of protest, asserting their primacy, "YEAH! WE WERE HERE FIRST!"

Undeterred, Chou insert the straw into the starwberry milk box and fixed her gaze upon them, a subtle raise of her brow implying a nonchalant defiance. "I'm sorry..." she began, her voice a mixture of innocence and slyness, "I didn't see any line and it seems you guys weren't even buying drinks... sucks to be poor I guess..." Her words carried a teasing melody, a reminder of the circumstances that had transpired.

The atmosphere, once charged with annoyance, shifted. The delinquents, a collective of imposing figures, rose from their squats, their towering presence casting shadows upon the ground. Circulating around Chourei, they formed a loose circle, a visual representation of tension winding its tendrils through the air. Their challenge, delivered with a growl, hung heavy: "HUHHH??? WHAT DID YOU SAY???"


Reiko wasn't sure if she was fitting in this school.

In this pretty spring day, just like any other day, she always felt like the storm that came by a season earlier. So far, she was a Science nerd. She sucked at baseball. She did have some friends already, but Reiko wasn't so sure if she was worth their time yet.

Well, whatever. It wasn't new to her that Reiko would spend more time reading books and accidentally destroying base balls every day. It was the least she could do if she didn't want her high school life tarnished like it already had been.

After another epic fail with baseball practice, Reiko went to a nearby vending machine for banana milk! She wiped her face with the towel on her shoulders, sighing out of exhaustion. Her eyes were bright green, but they could've been brighter if life was good.

It just so happened that upon Reiko's arrival at the vending machine, there was already a commotion occuring. Her uninterested gaze lit up at the sight.

Unfortunately, she wasn't able to hear the delinquents' facts accusations. One thing's for sure; the sight of a helpless girl surrounded by goons was not good news.

Why weren't the people around them doing anything to help the girl?

Reiko hated violence. She gave up Kendo exactly for that reason. But... She's aware that she's fucked up already, anyway. Might as well keep at it. Just to save that girl.

It just so happened Reiko was carrying her green baseball bat with her. Walking towards the delinquents without any fear. Despite the courage, Reiko started off civil-- kind and sweet, even.

"Excuse me..." Reiko spoke up towards the delinquents. Already grabbing one of the deliquents' arm with a free hand, as if tugging them away from the girl.

"I... Don't really like to start trouble, senpai." Reiko judged their age based on their demeanor and their height. "I think there's other ways to settle this properly... Otherwise, please leave her alone..."



In the vicinity of a nearby vending machine, Reiko, her hair as dark as night, made her way to satisfy her craving for banana milk. In this small corner of the world, where choices were simple and immediate, a chance encounter was about to reshape the course of events.

Amidst the routine transactions, Reiko's observant eyes locked onto a scene that shifted her focus. A girl with vibrant pink hair was ensnared by a circle of delinquents, the tension in the air hinting at an impending clash. The atmosphere crackled with unease, as if an impending storm lingered beneath a deceptively calm exterior.

Yet, fate had bestowed upon Reiko an unexpected companion - a baseball bat, a reflection of her membership in the school's baseball club. Empowered by the mere touch of it, she strode forth with courage, ready to alter the unfolding narrative. Her approach exuded a gentle sincerity that seemed out of place amid the brewing confrontation. Her intention was to bridge the gap, yet the delinquents remained unmoved, their indifference a formidable wall.

Amusement danced in the eyes of their self-proclaimed leader, a figure oozing arrogance and rudeness. A mocking chuckle escaped his lips as he spoke, "HA! IS THIS PINKY A FRIEND OF YOURS?" His words hung in the air, a challenge to her authority over the situation.

The leader's sharp gaze caught sight of the bat nestled in Reiko's grip, sparking a glimmer of intrigue. Beneath his bravado, a curiosity blossomed, struggling to reconcile her unassuming appearance with the potential strength she wielded. With a calculated step, hands buried in his pockets, he closed the gap between them. His voice carried a mixture of challenge and provocation, "YA GONNA FIGHT..? HUH???" He leaned in, a facade of intimidation masking an undercurrent of uncertainty. "HOW ABOUT MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND KEEPING YOUR NOSE OUT OF THIS!"

Meanwhile, the other delinquents continued their harassment of Chourei, a helpless figure caught in their web. With an aggressive fervor, they tugged at her ribbons, symbols of vulnerability and innocence. Her cries of pain, "O-OUCH! STOP THAT! THAT HURTS! QmQ"


Reiko cringed at the close proximity between her and the delinquent- she found it disturbing. Yet, she didn't seem to falter. She was more focused on the sight of the girl already getting harassed.

In an instant, Reiko's innocent demeanor was gone.


That grip on the delinquents' arm. He would feel nails digging deep into his skin, almost like that of a cat's. At the same time, shadows loomed over Reiko's eyes, bright green eyes viciously glowing. Eyes narrowed into a death glare.

"Senpai..." Reiko gently said. "That's too much..."


The man laughed at Reiko's expression, acting all scary and tough. "HAHAHAH LOOK AT HER FELLAS, ACTING SCARY! HOW CUTE!" He said looking at his friends with his hand pointing at her.

Suddenly, Reiko gripped the delinquent's arm which is painful, the nails were digging deep into his skin. The man bit his lower lip, winced in pain. "WHY YOU LITT-" Before he finished his sentence, Reiko whacked his head with her baseball bat.


The man fell down and knocked out easily. 💫

Chou winced and let out a yikes, she watched the black haired girl bonk the man.

"A-ANIKI!!! " The other delinquent shouted. "GRRR YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!" soon, the others rushed towards Reiko, they clenched their first and ready to throw their punches.

"L-Look out!!" Chou shouted at the black haired girl.


Must be the exhaustion, but Reiko's next few moves were rusty. Mostly because she wasn't enjoying this slaughter as of the moment. Reiko snapped from her demeanor the moment she saw the first delinquent knocked out.

"A-AAAA- G-GOMEN- I-I didn't mean to hit too hard-!!"  

The girl panicked in place as the other delinquents charged towards her! "W-wait- I didn't mean to-"

But her instincts sensed danger. No longer in that murderous state of hers, Reiko barely was aware of how she was beating the bats towards the other delinquents.

"S-SORRY!" [STR: 4] 

"SORRY!" [STR: 5]

"SORRYYY!!" [STR: 16]! 

She was FREAKING out as she recklessly swung the bat, now more focused on saving the girl rather than causing any more harm.

"M-miss! W-we should get out of here!" Reiko hoped that at the very least, she could reach to the girl after all her panicky hits--!



The first guy was hit right at the stomach. "Urkkk!!!"


Another one! The second one was hit by the knee. "YAOWWWW!!!!"


The third one was... he got hit right into his nuts. Ouch!!

Chou was just watching Reiko how she beats them up as she drinks her strawberry milk. How amusing...

The men were now on the ground, groaning in pain.



"WAAA!!!! "

The delinquents stood up and ran away, some helped their friend and some carried them in a princess style.

Good thing that they're gone and will never harm an innocent student again!

" O. M. G."

"You were amazing!! You were like... WHACK! and then BONK!" Chourei said happily as she was copying her swinging around like she was holding a bat.

"You're so fearless and strong to face those meanies~ Thank you!" she said with a chuckle and she was dusting off the dirt from Reiko's shirt.



Reiko took deep breaths, relaxing herself for a moment. Looking down at her bat, as if she couldn't believe what she just did. Then, she looked towards the groaning delinquents, that suddenly stood up and flee. The black haired girl was quiet, loosening her grip on her bat.

Were... They going to tell on her? But then again, they were harassing the poor girl, right?

Seems like it, anyway. Still, there could've been better ways on how to deal with it but...

"E-eh...?" Reiko turned to the pink haired lass, watching her movements and the compliments she threw at her. Taken aback as the girl dusted her off, even.

"Uhm, they were hurting you- what was their deal?" Reiko asked, glancing at the path to where the delinquents ran, then turning towards the 1st year student.

"W-wait, are you okay, miss...!? Did they hurt you a lot!? Do you need to go to the clinic??"  Reiko placed her hands onto Chourei's shoulders, checking for any wounds that the girl might've obtained.


Amidst the unfolding events, Chourei responded to Reiko's questions with a gentle smile. Her appreciation for Reiko's help shone through as she held Reiko's hand and nodded in gratitude.

"I'm okay, thanks for stepping in!" she reassured, her voice reflecting both relief and resilience as she acknowledged the support she had received.

Changing the subject, she shared her perspective on the troublesome group. "You know those 'delinquent' types... they're troublemakers who seem to enjoy targeting those who are innocent and helpless." she remarked, a touch of weariness and understanding in her tone. Her eye roll and sigh emphasized the frustration she felt towards their behavior.

Addressing her own appearance, Chourei waved off any concern. "Oh, my hair's a mess, but I'm perfectly fine~" she chuckled, patting her disheveled pink hair with a grin. But it's not that messy, it was just her natural wavy hair.

Returning to the topic of Reiko's actions, Chourei expressed her gratitude once again. "And seriously, you were a-ma-zing!" she complimented sincerely.

To show her appreciation, she made a kind offer. "As a thank-you, let me buy you a drink~" she proposed, turning towards the vending machine with a friendly gesture, solidifying their newfound connection through this small act of gratitude.


"I see..." Reiko stared at Chou for a good while, as if making sure that the 1st year was truly alright. The STEM student took note of the place they're at though, as well of Chou's words; Reiko will let the disciplinary club know about this.

Resting her baseball bat over her shoulders, Reiko leaned to the side as Chou threw compliments at her way, tilting her head. "...It's no big deal, I... Really could've handled it better next time..." She admitted. Handled it better, in a more civil manner. Reiko didn't like the feeling stirring inside her after what she just did.

Nevertheless, she smiled a little at Chou. "I'm just glad you're safe..! You don't have to repay me anything-" Reiko chuckled nervously. "I could get you something myself... Uhm... May I ask for your name?"


Chourei didn't listen to her, even she said she doesn't have to. She bought a banana milk drink for her from the vending machine.
"Oh please, take it as a reward~" Chou said as she gave her the drink.

"I'm Fujimoto, Chourei~ But you can just call me Chou~" She said happily, her blue eyes watching the black haired one.

"How about you? I would like to know my hero's name~ " she asked, leaning closer at Reiko with her hands clasped together.


Reiko's cheeks turned pink at Chou's gesture, completely taken aback and flustered. Along with the words of praise that Chou kept on telling her. Reiko was not used to it. To this.

Reiko couldn't turn down Chourei's banana milk, staring at it as if it was weird. Then back at the girl. "Thanks..." Was all she managed.

Her blush only deepened when Chou called her a hero, alongside the close proximity with hands clasped together. Reiko dropped the milk as her hands were took.

"A-ah... It's nice to meet you, Chourei-san!" Reiko managed, too nervous to even use Chou despite being told to do so anyway. "I'm Takahashi, Reiko. It's nice to meet you, too!"


"Oh? That is such a cute name, nice to meet you too, Reiko-chan! Hihi~"  Chourei giggled, Chourei doesn't use people surnames, she straightforward calls them by their first name. A bit rude but she is such a friendly person.

"Oh I just wanna say LOVE your hair!" She said with a soft gasp, her one hand on her(Chourei's) chest and the other motioned up then down.

"So tell me more about yourself? I can see you play baseball, but what year are you from? First? " Chou looked at her from head to toe.

A she also picked up the dropped banana milk.


Reiko was taken aback by how Chou called her. Even more flustered by it. She's already had some people here in school refer to her that way... She just didn't think there would be more.

When Chou pointed out her hair, Reiko twirled a strand of her green highlights, looking down at them. They felt quite dry around her finger. Her naturally choppy, black locks were still not used to being this way. Then she looked at Chou, with pink, short hair. So Reiko made the right hairstyle for herself. This was the trendy one...

"Thank you..." Was all she could muster to say, still smiling nervously.

"I'm- uh, I'm from the baseball club, yeah..!" Reiko replied, as she picked up her banana milk from the ground. She opened the cap and took a swig, realizing how thirsty she was. "I'm from 2nd year. STEM. How about you?" Reiko said STEM, still a little shy admitting that one. She wouldn't admit it at all hadn't Kouei-senpai kept chasing her for it one time.


Chou nodded as she crossed her arms. "Oh.. I see... " she said in a soft tone.

"You must be smart then? Both the brain and the brawn? You, Reiko-chan, are interesting. " she said as she placed her hands on her hips. "Oh I'm from AD track!"  she chuckled as she brushed her hair behind her ear.


"Oh jeez, what time is it..?" Chou grabbed her phone from her pocket and checked what time it is, oh she'll be late for her next subject!

Actually... she's already late. But it's not that surprising for Chou, she's always fashionably late.

"Woops! I better get going now! See ya, bestie~! " Chourei winked at the ebony haired girl and went back to her classroom.

And this is how their friendship start and bloom...