Adventure of the Staves

9 months, 16 days ago
9 months, 15 days ago
7 11339

Chapter 1
Published 9 months, 16 days ago

Mila and Navi go on adventures along with Simon! Let's go! <3

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Author's Notes

Heyo!! Welcome to this crazy adventure! I would like to note that some parts may sound crazy and weird-- and that is because IT IS CRAZY AND WEIRD HAHAH XD Ai-Dungeons is a huge experience I must say and in this story I'll just edit some mistakes here and there.

Staff of Zalos acquired!

Our story begins with two adventurers living in the medieval kingdom of Larion. The kingdom is filled with small villages and thatched cottages and has been relatively peaceful since the undead war ended. The adventurers are on a quest to find the magical staff of Zalos. They walk through the forest and notice a band of mountain dwarves. The dwarves are friendly and offer them food and drink. Then one of the dwarves turns to them and asks "Have you come to help us fight the wolves?" 

The two look at each other, Navi hesitates and opens her mouth "We're actually searching for the staff of Zalos, but we'd love to help!" Without another word the dwarves assign some of their people to help the adventurers. Navi smiles at Mila cause they found help. The dwarves lead the adventurers through the woods. They come across occasional hobgoblins lurking in the bushes, but mostly just wildlife. After a long while they arrive at a cave and go inside. Mila starts to sniff the surroundings to make sure it's safe and she senses a small furry animal scurry off into the darkness. She turns to the rest of them and states: "We should probably stick together in here." They agree and hold their weapons tightly. Navi stays close to Mila cause she trusts her the most. 

After a few minutes of checking every corner of the cave, they all agree that there are no living creatures lurking. "What are we doing here though?" Navi said and Mila points to a cloth bundle with a gold handle: "I bet that's the staff" she remarked but soon got distracted as she finds a cute little squirrel companion to keep them all company on their long journey. Mila chooses to name the squirrel "Neb" and spends time playing with it, which slightly annoys Navi since she wanted to get out of this cave as soon as possible. Navi inspects the staff cautiously, "This seems kinda fishy?" she says, too scared to touch the object. The dwarves appear a bit disappointed that the adventurers don't want the staff at all, and begin arguing among themselves. Mila also thinks this could be a sham and shakes her head.

The dwarves start to argue more and more, a few of them seem to be holding back on their talkative nature to the girls. It appears they are getting ready to attack each other and whatever seems to be getting in their way! Navi gulps "Uh oh" she uttered and looked at Mila alarmingly staff in hand "Mimi take the squirrel let's run!!" She screams and leaves the cave in a rush. Mila just stands in awe as the dwarves start attacking each other with great ferocity. Mila couldn't get herself to move and watched the spectacle in front of her. The dwarves fight with great prowess and agility. One dwarf grabs a dagger from one of his fallen allies and uses it to stab another in the neck. Navi looks from the cave entrance in confusion "Oh my godesses.." she sighs and facepalms. The chaos that erupts from this unexpected turn of events is amazing to behold. A dwarf picks up a large rock and smashes one of his opponent's hands. Mila covers neb's eyes and then tries to cover hers as well. The dwarf screams in agony, holding his mangled hand and drops the rock. "We're dead." mused Mila. The dwarf walks up to her and gives her a nod. Navi signs at Mila that they should probably get going before everything gets worse. The dwarves are still arguing and fighting each other, some of them take the opportunity to escape. Mila nods at Navi and she gets up "So much for having some suspicion" she says through her teeth.

Mila suddenly finds a horse in a bush next to the cave and names it Sparkles. She hops on the horse's back and says a few words to him. He appears to understand her, he kicks up its hooves and nods its head. "What now?" asks Mila. Navi thinks and then suggested: "We should probably go to a nearby village to figure out if the staff is real?"
"Sounds like a good idea, which should we visit?"
"I know of a village not too far from here. I used to live there before I became an adventurer."
Mila gestures for Navi to climb on the horse as well and puts Neb in her pocket. After some time of riding, they approach the village. Navi points to a house and says "That's where I used to live!". The house represents a flower since the village was filled with a lot of nymphs and flowers. Navi hops down and says a few words, the flower starts to disappear slowly until it's gone completely.

The door opens and a young girl appears. Mila wonders if Navi knows who the girl is. The nymph shrugged a little and then turned to the little girl. "Shield..........yes dear." says the girl. Navi tilts her head questioningly and looks at Mila "I think they don't understand us? Since we speak a different language heh" she informed. She asks in her native tongue who the girl is so they could understand the situation more. Mila asks if there is any way to translate what they are saying. "I have no idea, it's a language barrier to me too hehe" replies Navi, "I think she likes you. Might be because of your wings" The nymph says with a big smile, pointing at Mila's self-made wings. She then asks the little girl if there are any translation stones for Mila. She in fact pulls out a few stones and gives them to the blonde girl. "We're sad that we don't speak the same language as you, so I will try to explain it in the best way I can." Says the little girl.

Mila then spoke up in relief " Do you know anything about the staff of Zalos?"
"Oh yes! I do. It is said to have the power to make the dead not die anymore" The girl explains. Navi shows the staff they got from the dwarves to her and proceeded: "Well we got this staff, but we're not sure if it's the staff of Zalos.. could you maybe check it for us?" The girl takes the staff from Navi and says a few words. She holds out the staff and moves it in a small circle while looking at it. She looks up from the staff and smiles at them both. Mila was watching in excitement "So is it real?? Or is it just a sham??" The girl gives the staff back to Navi and looks with excitement written on her face. "I can't thank you enough! I knew it!" cries the girl. Navi lights up at the remark and jumps on the spot in giddiness "Mimi we found it!! We finally found it!!"
"Well of course we found it, we're the best adventurers in the land!" says Mila:"What now though? We got like a quest or something?" The nymph looks at you and says "Well, I think it would be a better idea for you both to rest up a bit first."
Mila didn't even hesitate and hops on Sparkles. Navi quickly followed and so they rode off into the distance.
"What do you think the quest will be about?" asks Mila from atop of Sparkles. While Mila is asking that, Navi inspects the staff "I think we could use this to help people in need, eveywhere!" She says optimistically.
"Really? That's great!" replies Mila, "Though I don't think we should go rushing off on some crazy quest right away. We should probably save up our coin first".
"Of course"
The blond girl suggests that they could maybe finish a little task first and asks Navi asks what their first new quest should be. Navi looks at her and then to the staff "How about we go kill some goblins?"
"Really? That's what you would wanna do first?" asks Mila sarcastically. Navi crosses her arms playfully and says:"Some tavern would probably give us coin for killing those!"
"Yeah! And then we can drink ourselves drunk! Ha ha ha ha!!" cries Mila excitedly. Navi sighs, laughing while shaking her head.

Mila takes her special fighting gear and prepares herself mentally for this quest. She gets ready and jumps off of Sparkles, running over to her pack, pulling out a large mithril knife and a small leather pouch. Navi hops along, ready to kick some goblin butt for the coin. Sensing that this will be a short fight she turns to Mila and asks "You want to hold the staff?"
"You bet" and saying that she throws the knife at the first goblin she sees. She lets one goblin come at her, and while his back is turned, she pokes him in the back with the knife. He screeches and falls down dead.
Navi is impressed. "Wow that was quick" she says.
"Yeah... it is something you know" grins Mila as she stabs two more goblins and both of them fall to their knees, begging for mercy before they die.
Neb finally decides to take action and bites the goblin's toe, causing him to scream in pain and quickly running away. Sparkles runs after him and kicks him in the face, knocking him out. 

Navi covers her mouth and gasps "I said kill some goblin, I didn't expect this" she laughs "I'm starting to feel bad for them"
"Are you actually starting to have some sympathy for some ugly little creature that might have bitten your finger off?" asks Mila.
Navi says "Oki so no sympathy I'll take note of that" Mila takes out a leather pouch and puts some of the coins in her pocket and gives most of it to Navi. The two of them start to walk along the path to the next village.  Mila suddenly suggests that they all celebrate their victory with a fancy meal. "I'll cook tonight!" she beams.
"Really?" asks Navi.
"Yeah! I'll make a special meal just for the two of us!"
"You don't have to do that!" Navi smiles at Mila "I wanna help!" She says.
"Great!" beams Mila, "I'll go get the ingredients now!" Navi starts to walk alongside Sparkles.

After a while, Mila found all of the ingredients they needed for the meal and starts preparing the meal with Navi while singing a song. Navi nods in appreciation as Sparkles snuffles about until he bumps his head on the edge of the shelf and it falls over, revealing a hidden door. "Huh" Navi lets out quite confused, she blinks at the hidden door "Uh.. Mimi?" She says hesitantly pointing the now obvious doorway out to her friend. Mila turns around and just stares at the door in amazement.

"What do you make of this?" asks Navi.
"I don't know" says Mila.

Author's Notes

Yes at the end it looks like Sparkles became a dog, but no--- The house is big enough to fit a horse in it apparently ^^ THAT'S MY HEADCANON